Did you ever just feel like you KNOW the sex of the baby?

I knew 100% with my daughter. I bought pink at about 12 weeks, when the scan wasn't until 20 weeks, I kept saying 'she' I had her name picked out at 6 weeks, and never could decide on a boys name.

This time - I feel boy. This pregnancy is the polar opposite to my daughter - but my daughter keeps saying it's a girl! I don't know who to trust! My instinct, which was right with DD - or DD's, since kids seem to have that creepy sixth sense about this sort of stuff! She was telling me a little sister was coming about 3 months before we started trying, and we fell the first month, so maybe she's right!
I was right that my son was a boy.
This preg. I felt baby is a girl - 20 and 24wk u/s confirm this!
So my mother's intuition was right for both :)
i have had a feeling since day 1 that its a boy - even referring to the baby as 'he'.. at my NT scan last week the tech said its most likely a boy and i wasnt surprised at all .. will confirm at 16 weeks i think!
Yup! I always knew my LO was a girl. Have a strong feeling for #2 as well.
yes! with my son, i always knew he was a boy! and this time i was sure it was a girl, and ultrasound confirmed it! just a gut feeling both times!
My intuition sucks. With my son, I wasn't sure either way but my mom wanted a girl and kept saying 'it will be a girl!' And I just could never agree with her. I didn't know boy but I was uncomfortable with saying girl.

So this time, I've thought boy, been pretty confident. My ultrasound guess at 12 weeks was girl from the doctor and tech separately, and 99% of my guesses on here are girl (one boy guess). So I find out in a week but I am not confident in my boy guess any more.
I just KNEW this baby was a boy.............. Its a girl. :D
Ever since day 1 I've felt like im having a boy. When I talk about the baby I say "him" and "he". I've had a dream that i went in for my gender scan an it was a boy, and dreams that I had a son. Anyone ever go through anything like this and be right? I'm just curious! I'm so anxious to find out in a few weeks!I will be happy either way as long as it's healthy obviously, but I will say this is driving me crazy!

I was the same, and it wasnt wishful thinking because I REALLY wanted a girl...but I was wrong lol. We found out we are having a baby girl :)
my insticts in my first pregnancy told me I was having a girl, infact i just couldn't bring myself round to even think it could be a boy, everyone else thought it was a boy though which was annoying as in my head they were calling my daughter a 'he' lol I was that sure I was having a girl I could have put a bet on it with everyone. the 20 week scan did confirm a girl as well so I was completely right.

I had no idea with this baby though.
I posted a thread like this when i was at your stage saying could i be right etc and sure as anything at 12 weeks i went out and bought a few blue bits then went on to buy blue everything BEFORE my 20 week scan and sure enough he's a he :cloud9: i had his name and everything picked out so YES your instinct can be right i knew the day i took a test he was a he good luck xx
I told people I was 100% sure I was carrying a boy. My mum stopped me from buying blue at 16 odd weeks, I text my friends pictures of boy outfits and was planning how to do the room. Everyone else also said boy.

Girl! Haha!
I knew 100% with my daughter. I bought pink at about 12 weeks, when the scan wasn't until 20 weeks, I kept saying 'she' I had her name picked out at 6 weeks, and never could decide on a boys name.

This time - I feel boy. This pregnancy is the polar opposite to my daughter - but my daughter keeps saying it's a girl! I don't know who to trust! My instinct, which was right with DD - or DD's, since kids seem to have that creepy sixth sense about this sort of stuff! She was telling me a little sister was coming about 3 months before we started trying, and we fell the first month, so maybe she's right!

My mum had 2 girls and my sisters pregnancy was the complete opposite to mine. Needless to say we're polar opposites from day one to now! I'm a tom boy, she's a girly girl. So that might be why.

I feel like i just KNOW. Chinese gender says it'll be a boy as well. Hopefully I find out sooner rather than later! I don't know how you strong moms stay team yellow!!! There is NO way I am that patient! Thank you for all your replys though!!!!!

My Chinese genders were wrong with DS and this one. I think I must be in the 10% it doesn't like or something :/
Yes, i did this time. I was convinced I was having a boy, i've had the easiest pregnancy so far and i've had 5 pregnancies in total. I went for my private gender scan last weekend and he IS a boy!! :)
This sounds just like me...but I really only had a strong feeling it was a boy from around 12 weeks. I was calling baby him and making up funny boy names for him and had about 3 baby gender dreams of me carrying around a boy. I didn't even want a boy at the start as I have a dd who wanted a little sister so badly and even thought the chinese gender chart said it would be a girl I knew still it was a boy. We just had our 20 week scan yesterday and was blown away that my instinct was right. :happydance:

When I had DD i knew with her also but we did not find out her gender until she was born and I really only had a feeling with her from about 30 weeks.
with my DS I knew he was gonna be a boy

now I have had moments of boy and girl

today I have strong girl vibes ... roll on Saturday so that I can find out
I knew the sex of both my kiddos before I found out. With my first we found out at birth and with the second we found out at our 20week scan. I usually get a strong sense of one or the other at around 14 weeks and the thought won't leave me. Also it changed with both - I was sure my first was a girl when we got our BFP, but at 14 weeks I got that crazy sense it was a boy. So I've been right both times with my intuition. We'll see about this time. I thought this one was a girl from the start but again at 14 weeks I started getting the boy vibe :haha:
I feel like i just KNOW. Chinese gender says it'll be a boy as well. Hopefully I find out sooner rather than later! I don't know how you strong moms stay team yellow!!! There is NO way I am that patient! Thank you for all your replys though!!!!!

My chinese gender charts were wrong for both mine, and if I'm right with my intuition for this one it will be wrong again lol :haha:
With Jamie I didn't have any feeling it was or wasn't a boy. This time around I was calling him he from my 12 week scan, I just knew it. Even though I had a dream the night before scan that it was a girl :haha: He is definatly a boy :thumbup:
well you've a 50% chance of being right! I knew DS1 was a boy, but was convinced I was team pink this time - going by old wives tales/chinese gender predictions/nub theory, but nope team blue again!! <3
I 'knew' with all of my kids. When it was confirmed either through birth or scan, it was no surprise whatsoever. This one I feel is a girl. Remains to be seen if I will be right the 4th time.

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