I am 38 and DH is 40 - I have half an ovary (total), low AMH and ovulate sporadically. DH has a low count and XYY syndrome. We were not ready to start trying until last year as I had a lot of weight to lose, I lost over 35kg (around 75lb) and there is still plenty more where that came from but we knew we needed to start trying.
I had 2 tracking blood test cycles and went at it alone for another 3 months and then had 1st IUI on Feb 1st. I was on 25units of FSH injected daily from CD2 until day of procedure. I went for bloods several times a week and had an ultrasound on CD7 where they saw 6 follicles with 3 being over 14mm. They were 14,15 and 16. On CD10 I got a rushed call at work to say it looked likei was surging on my own so hubby needed to dash to fertility clinic and got there just after 1pm, I was told to go home and trigger (which would boost what my body was doing already) I triggered with 10 000 units of pregnyl and then had Valium (which I was told to take for procedure) and then I went down and had procedure done around 2:30pm.
I was told to use ovidrel hcg shots on 5, 8 and 11th Feb and my pregnancy blood test was 18th.
Within about 4 days of procedure, I felt weird cramps, was tired and hungry and figured it was just the hormones, by 14th I knew something was going on. I did a test in the evening and got a
but felt it could still be the hcg in my system. I kept testing over next 4 days and the line got darker so by Monday 18th I was a nervous wreck. 18th the fertility clinic told me I was definitely pregnant.
Anyway there is my story so far