Dillan Maurice 31.10.08


mum of 3 +1 mc
Oct 27, 2007
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Well it all started last Sunday when I started to get contractions, but nothing regular or too painful so just ignored them.Along with a bloody show. I carried on til Thursday, when they started to get more regular and was starting to hurt alittle. Then whoosh, my waters broke, 7.00 Thursday night. So we went off to the hospital, the contractions were really starting to hurt now, but just breathed through them. Got monitored and Dillan was fine, so they then moved us to the delivery suite, still gushing with my waters everywhere. They told my OH he should stop the night as it could happen anytime, so he tried to sleep on the chair while i was on the bed, we got about 2 hours sleep that night. Then the contractions stopped being regular, and Dillan was sleepy and his heartrate was steady he wasn't really moving. So was monitored alot. Doctor came in 9.00 next morning and said they don't like to induce labour before 37 weeks so they should just send us home because the risk of him needing to go into special care is higher. But because my waters had gone there was a risk of infection. So I asked to be induced and they finally agreed, so I got put on the drip which got turned up every now and again. Then he still wasn't moving much and the doc came in and said you have 20 mins and you will have to have a c-section they got me in a gown and put stockings on, the consent forms were signed. This was the doctor that wanted to send me home a few hours before. All the time I am thinking I am not having one. The midwife thought this too and got a consultant to see me, he said no hes ok he will be delivered soon. About this time I was 6 cms. Then within about 4 contractions I could feel him and omg the pain it was the worst ever. So I pushed and out poped his head, but as I found out after he had his fist up by his cheek. Then I didn't have a contraction for abit, but then it came and I pushed him out. I remember keep saying I can't do it. I was only on gas and air and it hurt so much. With his arm there I now have a great big tear that I needed stitches in. Its really sore. Thats about what happened but the pain gosh never again lol. Epidural if I have any more LOL. I had to have it numbed to be stitched and that hurt loads too, I felt like I couldn't cope with any more pain and wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. I have never sucked on anything so hard LOl the gas and air was good but not brilliant, I found it makes you more distant from it all but it still hurts like mad.
But Little Dillan is so good, he doesn't cry much at all not even for a feed, only when you change his nappy or he is sick or has wind. I have to set my alarm to get up in the night, he has started to winge alittle when he wants feeding but not much, I have found if I leave him 3 and a half hours he has more milk and is more awake to have it. Other wise he just wants to sleep.
He was born at 2.09 on the 31st October my little halloween baby. He needs feeding every 3 hours so still very tired I feel like a Zombie LOL. By the time I get back to bed I only have about 2 hours before the next feed. He is really lazy and takes forever. Oh had 3 needle things in the back of my hand (forgot the name LOL) and she didn't put it in properly so I am all bruised there too.
Sorry its so long.
Luv Cheryl xxx

here are some pictures of my little man. i will post more soon. He seems to be changing by the hour. His hair is really blonde now, we think it was stained from the blood, everytime we wash it, it seems to get lighter.

Just born


A few hours old


Back home





Oh bless....I've just got all teary looking at his pictures, he is absolutely adorable!!

Congratulations hun xxxxxxx
Thank you ladies, I can't stop looking at him, he is just perfect.
Luv Cheryl xxx
huge congratulations and well done honey, he's just so perfect and gorgeous x x x
he is absolutely gorgeous, congratulations x
he is lovely congratulations

awwww well done you.
he's a little blondie isnt he?. just scrummy.
luv helen
He's perfect hun, you must be so proud.
Did he come on your due date?

He looks so comfy in his fluffy cardigans xxxx
Congratulations cheryl xx

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