Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

Hoping, are you sure that they are testing for CF? This is something my OH was tested for as a child. I don't want to go into any further detail, so below is a link for you.


Thanks Dazed. I'm sure it was CF... I was confused but the nurse said the FS ordered it:shrug: I don't have any reason to believe that I have it.

Megg I hope you get good results. Being stuck at home Thanksgiving week would suck!

Staying home isn't even in the cards! I'll make sure I get to go! No way I'm staying!!!

Vicky, oh my god, that is such sad news. I’m so sorry for your loss. It is things like these that make absolutely no sense to me. A young father dying in his prime makes no sense whatsoever. My heart goes out to you and everyone that he was close to. I know this will be an incredibly difficult time.

Sugar, you are getting hit with some heavy news as well. The liver function issue doesn’t sound like one to take lightly. Please honey, if you do nothing else, please try to find the money to get that addressed. The sooner you catch something, the better. In my mind, this trumps the progesterone and SA issues right now. I know how badly you want to get pregnant, but your overall health needs to be addressed before your fertility can be. I hope this doesn’t sound harsh, I’m saying it with love in my heart for you.

Dawny, I definitely see the line hon. I hope it is your BFP! Please post another as soon as you take one. You know how much we all like looking at lines!

Mone, I completely support your decision. I don’t think I could let a mature follicle pass me by if it was waving itself in my face. I’m rooting for you. BTW, I’m not a better woman than you for seeing Tim’s cousins this week for Thanksgiving. We are hosting it at our house and we invited them long before either of them were pregnant. Thanksgiving may be a bigger US holiday than Christmas because everyone celebrates it. It isn’t something I can cancel a few days before simply because of their news. Believe me, if I could, I probably would!

Yay Jenny! So pleased that you are working on getting some answers.

:hi: Hi Mel, good to see you back here!

Yogi, I doubt hot yoga is going to do anything. But to be safe, why not stick to regular yoga from now on?

Lucy, you sound like you are doing well. I’m glad to hear your body is treating you better. And you are getting out into the world. Look at you go. I hope your bloods are in tomorrow.

Amber, I’m not sure why you would get a CF test now. I know that they will do it when you are pregnant. I don’t know that being a carrier increases your mc rate. But I do know it is an awful disease and they want people to be informed about being carriers. Hmmm…And yes, you could have some endo. The only way to truly diagnose is with a laproscopy. Some FS’s don’t believe in doing that anymore, but personally, I think if you can easily take it out, why not do it?

:hi: Hi Dazed!

Megg, what is this business all about??? Why on earth would you going out of town make any difference? You levels are going to be what they are. Huh?? I don’t get it.

Hey Allie, I still had a high on my CBFM and no positive OPK yet. I usually have a fade in pattern to my opks and currently there isn’t any line. It is bumming me out. But, Tim and I are BD’ing every other day and I used pre-seed and soft cups last night, so I guess I have as good a chance as any. How are you?

So, I composed and sent the email to Tim’s cousins. I think it was very well written and could not possibly put either of them on the defensive. I’m feeling very relieved that I wrote it. I’ll let you know how it goes.

I’ll ask again, where’s Nato???

No clue! All I can think is if they want me to get it re-tested every day? But, I'll do that down there if I have to. I will NOT stay home!

I'm glad you got the letter sent... and that you feel good about it. I feel good about you getting it done! :hugs:

GoodMorning girls..

i had a rough day and night...We spent the day with our friend's wife and in the evening with his parents. It was so tragic i cant even begin to describe it. Today is the funeral but Alex called doc last night and he said no way should i go. Alex was against me going to see his parents as well but really i could not stay away.
Hope everyone is doing well..

It sounds really rough, honey! I'm glad you're skipping the funeral. But, I totally get why you couldn't stay away from his parents. I'm proud of you for going. But, be kind to yourself and you lil princess! :hugs:

AFM... Bubble and squeak was an utter failure! I don't like failure. It tasted fine, but they never set up. It was like crispy mashed potatoes instead of potato pancake type things. Not right at all. Maybe in a couple of months I'll give it another go. Too BLAH about it to do it any sooner!
Hey ladies..
sorry i havent read through the posts yet, i will very soon and i hope to see some good news from all you ok?
Im feeling a bit calmer today, i have decided to take a long walk in our national park at the time of the funeral. This whole tragic story has made me see that we should enjoy every minute of our life, not stress over every little shitty thing that happens and to be better human beings. I seriously am going to rethink alot of my life in the near future....
Vicky, I often think that they way we keep going in life after something so senseless like this happens is to find some sort of meaning in it. It sounds like you are already doing just that. You are right, this puts things into perspective. It can shift your whole life view. I think it is a wonderful idea that you will take a walk and reflect on this. There are many ways to honor someone aside from a funeral. Be gentle with yourself.
Hey Vicky, :hugs:. I think your philosophical walk sounds like a good thing. I am so heartbroken for you guys and his family. :cry: What you said is true, isn't it? We really should enjoy every minute and stress less. Life is precious. I know I'm working on that. :hug:
Hearty, Mone, Megg and any other ladies who offered me advice thanks :hugs:

Been back to Docs today and actually saw someone who's really on the ball for a change. She is arranging a liver scan for me on the NHS and more blood tests. She talked in terms of weeks, rather than months! My Consultant who I paid to see the other day is going to send a letter to her to request exactly what he thinks I need testing and on what day of the month. Mone, you're right, they seemed to take a lot more interest in me when I mentioned what the Consultant had advised! :happydance:

I'm going to have to wait to see the NHS Gynae on the 7th Dec to see if she will refer me for a lap and dye. I looked into the cost for paying for it privately and it was 3500 GBP at Leeds Nuffield. I nearly died! :growlmad: We just don't have that sort of money! At least my appt is soon, and I'm going to really push to get it done quickly.

Hearty, pleased that you sent that email. Let us know the response. Hope you get a peak and a positive OPK soon :thumbup:

Mone, best of luck catching the egg this month. I reckon if I was in your situation, I wouldn't be able to resist a go too!:thumbup:

Megg, hope you're ok hun and don't have to stay put :hugs: Crispy mashed potatoes sounds nice!

Vicky, hope you're feeling ok. :hugs:

My god it's cold today! Think we might be getting snow in York this week. It certainly feels cold enough! Allie, did you say you have snow?

https://s2.bbstatic.com/images/smilies/hi.gif to all the other disco ladies out there x
Aww! That's a great way to pay your respects... and it really does put things into perspective. Its always good to get a new, better perspective on how short and precious life can be! :hugs:

AFM... Good news! I got the green light to start my stims Saturday! This is really happening!!!

And, thought you girls might find this interesting! My FS and clinic were on the news! You can watch here: https://centralillinoisproud.com/fulltext?nxd_id=149477
My FS is the older guy with white hair (Dr. Gary Horowitz) and it was shot inside the clinic I go to. Those are the people I work with on a weekly basis! I'd love to be as lucky as the couple they were talking to!
Heart tree- I've never heard of CF being a cause for miscarriage so I'm not sure why I am being tested either:shrug: I will ask the FS the next time I see him and also about having a laproscopy done. From my understanding endo can cause issues when trying to concieve but does it increase the odds of having a miscarriage? I have no problems getting pregnant just keeping them.

Dawny- Did you test again? I'm sure you will get a nice dark line soon:thumbup:

Vicky :hugs:

Sugarlove- good luck with your testing. Its nice you finally got to see someone who is ready to hit the ground running.

Megg- WOOHOO for starting on Saturday:happydance: Just think... you are that much closer to your forever baby!!! I am keeping everything crossed for
Hey girls,

I haven't read back yet but will do have got my blood results back and they have said they are all normal dont really understand half of it all numbers to me and dont think my vit d is back or if it is cant see which one it is so here they are:

Plasma Viscosity: 1.50 mPa.s
Serum sodium: 145 mmnl/L
Serum potassium level: 4.2 mmol/L
Serum creatinine level: 56 umol/L

Immunoglobulin A level: 1.79 g/L
Immunoglobulin G level: 9.9 g/L
Immunoglobulin M level: 0.71 g/L

Serum vitamin B12 level: 716 ng/L
Serum folate level: 18.9 ug/L (it says on my print out above range)

Serum ferritin level: 49 ug/L
Serum fsh level: 3.5 iu/L
Serum LH level: 2.3 iu/L
Serum prolactin level: 398 mu/L
Serum testosterone level: 0.5 nmol/L

Clotting screening test:

INR: 1.0
APTR: 1.01
Fibrinogen level: 3.5 g/L
One stage prothrombin time: 11 sec
Prothrombin time - reference: 12 sec

Theres a whole load of others from the full blood count which I havnt included in this long list the only one I was unsure of was Neutrophil count the result says 1.62 10*9/L and it says below range on the print out I've been given!

Sorry for such a long post I thought they were doing a test for chromosomal abnormalities but not sure its on there or its back like the vit d the receptionist said they were all back.
Amber, endo is the same as my diagnosis, adenomyosis, they are just located in different places. Endo is much easier to remove. You are right, there is evidence that both can cause infertility. The jury is out whether either increases your chances of miscarriage. I'm not sure you'll find any concrete evidence about it if you start looking. Given all you've been through, I don't think a lap is a bad idea.
Lucy, your numbers mean nothing to me as they are measured in different units than mine were. I wish I could be of more help.
I don't know much about any of those, Luce! Your measurements are so much different than ours! :dohh:
Thanks for looking I feel abit odd about it all I mean I'm happy that the dr has said they are all normal but I guess part of me wanted them to say there was a reason something simple that could be easily fixed if that makes sense. I know we will have more done next wed at the hospital and get a bit more information. I am scared about the chromosomal testing.

I think as the appointment gets closer I start to feel more and more nervous.
That's understandable, Luce. :hugs: I know I always get nervous about my appointments. I keep thinking about the one with my gyno a week from today to go over my bloods. I have no idea about any of those you had (except FSH which looks really good if it's in the same measurements as here), but it looks like they've tested alot and that's a good thing! They were very thorough.

I'm just looking forward to the work day ending and the holiday weekend to begin. There's a blizzard watch now for tomorrow so we may not make it to my aunt's for Thanksgiving tomorrow....I guess we'll see.
I'm happy that the dr has said they are all normal but I guess part of me wanted them to say there was a reason something simple that could be easily fixed if that makes sense.

That makes perfect sense to me Lucy. That's exactly how I was feeling. And then they finally told me what was wrong and I wanted them to take it back. I wanted to be back in the unknown. Grass is always greener I guess. But I hope for you there is a quick and easy fix that they find. Don't forget, it could just be chromosomal and the next one will be just fine.

Do you know what the chromosome test you are having is? Is it karyotype? Tim and I both had that one. The doctor said it is extremely rare to have both parents have abnormalities. Even if one does, it doesn't necessarily mean you won't be able to have a healthy baby. I know how nerve wracking it is though.
I dont know exactly what chromosome tests they are doing but I do know we are both having blood tests done. They sent the baby of to bristol for testing so those results should be back.

Ok this is going to sound stupid if there was chromosome abnormalities does that mean we could still have a healthy baby I thought that if there were chromosome abnormalities then we wouldnt be able too.
So sorry Lucy I wish I had some advice but those numbers mean nothing to me! Have you both already had the chromosone testing done?? xxx
Oh I only asked because our results took 8 weeks to come back!! Apparently the chances of there being chromosone defects are next to none.xxx
Yeah I saw online that it said they can take 6 - 8 weeks which I'm sorry but that sucks. I just think I got myself into a bit of a tizz over it all just had a long chat with my mum and she has reassured my and put it into prespective. There is a strong chance there wont be a reason I remember now we were told there is a 90% chance that nothing is wrong and it has just been bad luck (I hate that term).

I'm not sure whether we should start trying again this month they initially said that we could start trying after the bloods have been taken I was so certain we would start trying and now I'm wondering whether we should ahhh!! Guess I can ask their opinion on wed maybe NTNP is the way to go.

Thanks for letting me onload love you guys.
I would carry on trying Lucy, like you said they chances are so slim so I don't see no point in waiting for the results. I HATE the "just bad luck" and I think we all search for reasons when sometimes theres just none to be found! I no it's hard to believe right now and proberly the thought of TTC again is a pretty scary one but trust me it will all be worth it in the end hunny and I'll be holding your hand every step of the way.xxxxxx

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