Disco Derail! - TTCAL/PAL Discussion and Support!

It's confirmed. Tim's other cousin is also pregnant. Now I'm going to have 2 women who are pregnant with their second babies at my Thanksgiving. I'll be the only woman not pregnant or not a mother. :cry:

Bollocks, honey! :hugs: That's so hard! :cry: My heart breaks for you!

Sorry to hear that Hearty :hugs:

I've just come back from my FS appt. Didn't get very good news. My progesterone is far too low, I need to lose some weight to get my BMI down and he's concerned about the pain and spotting and wants to do a lap and dye. He thinks my thyroid levels are ok.He also wants Mal to do another SA, and if that comes back at the same low level for morphology, we would be looking at IVF.
Just feel like crying and jacking it all in! The only positive thing he said, was that I managed to get pg before fairly quickly. He also advised not to bother temping any more.

:hugs: That's hard to hear! Dammit! Its a bad day for the Disco girls! :( Would your IVF be covered if that's what it come to? I hope it won't be necessary, honey! But, it does sound like he's wanting to do all he can to help! I'm here if you need to talk it through. I know what its like to get that shock.

Thanks Lucy. I'm so upset right now. I'm having a pity party for myself. It just doesn't seem fair. I was pregnant with my first 2 Thanksgivings ago and announced it to these very people on Thanksgiving. Now look at me. I should have 2 babies and another due in March. And these girls, who are sisters by the way, already have babies. Why do they get their second ones and I don't even have one? I'm hoping to he in the tww for Thanksgiving but I got a negative Opk today so I doubt I will be. You are right, it is right around the corner, but I still can't help thinking about all the pregnancy talk that will be happening that day.

I was thinking about emailing both of them and telling them how happy I am for them but how hard it is for me. They don't know about my diagnosis so I would tell them about that as well. Is that awful of me to do? I don't want to take away from their joy but I do want them to be sensitive to my feelings. I don't know what to do. Should I just try and deal with it?


I would definitely email them and come 100% clean about everything. Let them know that you ARE happy for them, but you are REALLY struggling with it right now... especially because you don't know exactly what your diagnosis will be in the end. Tell them all you can or feel comfortable with. We've talked many times about not hiding in the shadows and making others aware of the pain of loss and infertility. This is your chance to take the first step toward stepping into the sunlight where you can be honest about your situation and get proper support... instead of having people unknowingly making things worse. I imagine that they would totally understand if you said that hearing loads about the pregnancies might be difficult for you. Just speak your mind in a respectful way... If they're good people, they'll understand. As for me... I definitely understand and will ALWAYS be here for you if you need me. Don't ever hesitate to use me as a sounding board! And, if you're ever can't get online and need me, you can reach me at 309-712-4503. (That goes for all of you!) Just make sure to tell me who you are so I don't ignore it! :hugs:

AFM... I feel silly even posting this... Its been such a bad day in here... But, I got confirmation from my clinic that I could call yesterday CD1, and I can start my stims Saturday as long as my E2 level comes back okay. She said no news was good news, so don't expect to hear from them. Also, I found my mushrooms and have my roast in. Its not going to be done until 9:30pm! OOPS! I think we might have to snack! Luckily we stay up late, so 9:30 isn't right before bed. Still... I feel silly... but the damn mushrooms were in hiding!

There it is! The 1st one is my veggies in the bottom of my pan (potatoes, onions, and porcinis)... I reconstituted the porcinis and then mixed the "au jus" gravy mix into the mushroom stock and mixed onion soup mix into it too. Then, we put in the potatoes and stacked the onions and mushrooms on top of them. The 2nd one is the roast after I put salt, pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder on it and seared each side. The 3rd one is the seared roast wrapped in bacon on top of the veggies and ready to cook! *drool* I expect this to be the best food on the face of the planet! LOL Yorkshire pudding is getting a 2nd chance tonight too! I got a really good recipe with excellent instructions! So, I'm anxious to give it a go!


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Thanks Megg, I really will tell them. I don't have a problem with full disclosure, I mean they do know about the miscarriages. I hate talking about my diagnosis as it makes me so sad to think about. But, I will email them and be very honest. It's my right to save myself from unnecessary comments and pain. I WILL call you if I have to. Be prepared. I might have to sneak into the bathroom on turkey day and call you! Thanks babe!

If I was a meat eater, I'd eat that meal in a second! I hope it turns out well.

And, I love your good news by the way! I want to hear good news in here. It makes me feel better. Yay for you and CD1!!! Come on Saturday. Let's bring Mama Megg a Christmas Baby!!!
Well, I dug myself out from 1 foot of snow after work today and made it home in triple the time it usually takes. Phew! The kids are giddy as it's a short holiday week and combined with a sudden snowstorm it was quite the day at work. I promised Nato I'd take a photo of our next snow storm so I'll go see if I can get a pic even thought it's dark now...

Sugar, I'm so sorry your FS appointment didn't go well. :hugs: Why did the doctor ask you to stop temping? Also, I've heard more than once on BnB about SA results that come back way better the second time, so FX you won't even have to worry about that. Did he ask you to lose weight to help with the progesterone? Hopefully that will sort out some things as well.I know after my appointment I was so down about not hearing good news. But after a bit, I accepted that there's shit wrong with me and it made me feel empowered to know and think about how I was going to do something about it. So, hopefully you'll feel better in a while but it's still so crap when you don't hear what you want to.

Hearty, :hugs:. I agree with everyone that emailing them will be the best thing. It should definitely help with the atmosphere and conversation on Thursday, and give you less to feel nervous about. As it will be right around ovluation time, Tim has the right idea that you will be almost pregnant by then! :hugs: Your time is coming, and with speaking to the angels and a hug from Amma (I'm feeling very spiritual this week for some reason) combined with some modern medicine, things are going in your favor this cycle, I'm feeling optimistic for you. :hugs:

Megg, wooo for CD1! I can't believe how fast this is all going. It's going to be your Christmas BFP super soon. I hope more of us can join you with Christmas BFPs. :)

Yogi and Luce, you've got the right idea I think! Stress is so hard on the body, and we're putting our bodies and minds under pressure to make something happen that is negatively impacted by stress. Kinda counterintuitive! I'm going to do the monitor and temp but I'm avoiding Google and questioning every little thing. I'm also done with symptom spotting during the 2ww; the two cycles I've allowed myself to do it, it drove me nuts!
Thanks Megg, I really will tell them. I don't have a problem with full disclosure, I mean they do know about the miscarriages. I hate talking about my diagnosis as it makes me so sad to think about. But, I will email them and be very honest. It's my right to save myself from unnecessary comments and pain. I WILL call you if I have to. Be prepared. I might have to sneak into the bathroom on turkey day and call you! Thanks babe!

If I was a meat eater, I'd eat that meal in a second! I hope it turns out well.

And, I love your good news by the way! I want to hear good news in here. It makes me feel better. Yay for you and CD1!!! Come on Saturday. Let's bring Mama Megg a Christmas Baby!!!

I'm totally prepared for that call! Anytime... day or night! :hugs: Thank you, btw! :flower:

Well, I dug myself out from 1 foot of snow after work today and made it home in triple the time it usually takes. Phew! The kids are giddy as it's a short holiday week and combined with a sudden snowstorm it was quite the day at work. I promised Nato I'd take a photo of our next snow storm so I'll go see if I can get a pic even thought it's dark now...

Sugar, I'm so sorry your FS appointment didn't go well. :hugs: Why did the doctor ask you to stop temping? Also, I've heard more than once on BnB about SA results that come back way better the second time, so FX you won't even have to worry about that. Did he ask you to lose weight to help with the progesterone? Hopefully that will sort out some things as well.I know after my appointment I was so down about not hearing good news. But after a bit, I accepted that there's shit wrong with me and it made me feel empowered to know and think about how I was going to do something about it. So, hopefully you'll feel better in a while but it's still so crap when you don't hear what you want to.

Hearty, :hugs:. I agree with everyone that emailing them will be the best thing. It should definitely help with the atmosphere and conversation on Thursday, and give you less to feel nervous about. As it will be right around ovluation time, Tim has the right idea that you will be almost pregnant by then! :hugs: Your time is coming, and with speaking to the angels and a hug from Amma (I'm feeling very spiritual this week for some reason) combined with some modern medicine, things are going in your favor this cycle, I'm feeling optimistic for you. :hugs:

Megg, wooo for CD1! I can't believe how fast this is all going. It's going to be your Christmas BFP super soon. I hope more of us can join you with Christmas BFPs. :)

Yogi and Luce, you've got the right idea I think! Stress is so hard on the body, and we're putting our bodies and minds under pressure to make something happen that is negatively impacted by stress. Kinda counterintuitive! I'm going to do the monitor and temp but I'm avoiding Google and questioning every little thing. I'm also done with symptom spotting during the 2ww; the two cycles I've allowed myself to do it, it drove me nuts!

A foot of snow?!?! Eek! No thanks! You can keep it! :wacko:

I hope to take you all with me to the Xmas BFP Club!
So very pleased with myself tonight... OMG!



I totally forgot to make the Yorkshire pudding! :blush: Oops! We had way too much food as it was already though! Oh well!
Megg that looks very tasty. Well done. Hopefully you'll be baking other things in the oven soon. ;-P
Thanks for the support girls. I'm lying here wide awake at 5.30 worrying about everything. I think the problem was the Consultant was so matter of fact and we both came out feeling so dejected.

He advised not to temp as he thinks it's too stressful, and in my case it might show I'm ov, but the levels are way too low. I think the Nhs in England all say that now, as my friend was told the same last week.

Allie, he advised me to lose weight as my bmi was too high, and he said it may affect ttc and make mc more of a risk.

My liver function test came back abnormal for the 3rd time this yr, and he advised a scan. I paid for this consolation as a private appt, but I'm not sure if I can afford all he's recommending. He advised the liver scan, more blood tests, a lap and dye and more detailed SA. If things didn't improve, he would recommend IVF and where I live in England, I wouldn't be entitled to a free cycle.
So sorry about the long post, just feel better writing it all down.

Megg, your dinner looks lovely! Fab news on the IVF front :)
Thanks for the support girls. I'm lying here wide awake at 5.30 worrying about everything. I think the problem was the Consultant was so matter of fact and we both came out feeling so dejected.

He advised not to temp as he thinks it's too stressful, and in my case it might show I'm ov, but the levels are way too low. I think the Nhs in England all say that now, as my friend was told the same last week.

Allie, he advised me to lose weight as my bmi was too high, and he said it may affect ttc and make mc more of a risk.

My liver function test came back abnormal for the 3rd time this yr, and he advised a scan. I paid for this consolation as a private appt, but I'm not sure if I can afford all he's recommending. He advised the liver scan, more blood tests, a lap and dye and more detailed SA. If things didn't improve, he would recommend IVF and where I live in England, I wouldn't be entitled to a free cycle.
So sorry about the long post, just feel better writing it all down.

Megg, your dinner looks lovely! Fab news on the IVF front :)

That's definitely a lot to think about. I wish I had advice. There's no way to get any of it taken care of on the NHS? Not even the tests? And, why on earth aren't you eligible for a free IVF cycle? :( I'm not liking the NHS at all right now!
Thanks Megg. I still have my appt with the gynaecologist on the nhs in 2 weeks time. If she agrees, I may be able to get the lap and dye done, but don't know how long I'll have to wait. Given there has been a 19 week gap between appts, I don't hold out much hope.
In England, it's a bit of a postcode lottery re IVF. My friend lives 40 mins away and is entitled to 1 free, I get nothing! It's ridiculous and I hate the NHS!
All I can hope, is that Mal's SA improves for next time. He's been advised to cut his alcohol units right down. Consultant didn't think vitamins would make much difference, but I've heard otherwise so going to continent with them and lots of seeds.
I'm also going to push for a liver scan on the NHS. They can't keep just advising me to redo the blood test.
Agreed! Push for whatever you can! I hope the vitamins and lowered alcohol intake are enough to do the trick on his next SA! You'll get it all sorted... I'm sure of it!
Hey guys... I havent read the latest posts but just popped in to share some really bad news. One of our best friends died of a heart attack yesterday....He was 35 with a wife and two toddlers, i just cant believe it...
OMG! :hugs: I'm so sorry, Vicky! My thoughts are with his family and all of you who were close to him! :(
ooo vicky im so sorry hun my thoughts are with you and his family xxx
My god allie a foot of snow, I would be freaking out!!!! You should see the 'snow' we have here in Southern England (where it never snows) and my reaction to trying to drive in it when it's nothing compared to yours!

Hearty - I'm so sorry, I bet it's just like a full kick in the teeth. I'd email them and explain if you want to but it may make the whole day uncomfortable for everyone. I'm usually the one who keeps it all in and just sits there miserable whilst my pregnant friends go through baby cataloguesand I cry in the toilet...but I don't think that's a better way of dealing with things either.

Oooh Megg CD1 - not long now chick :hug:

Sugar - Sorry the drs didn't go well. And fuck the NHS postcode lottery, I hate that bloody thing.

Vicky - what sad,sad news. I hope you're ok and can give the support his wife & kids will need.
Here ladies look at this out of time limit but I see light pink colour






Hubby says he doesnt see anything but it is clearer IRL and I defo see some pink xxxx
hi everyone,

Dawny - congratulations, a see a line on the first pic, my laptop is too crap to pick up the others.

Sugar - I'm sorry you feel down re the FS news. My advice would be to now take the information you have got to your GP. Has your GP not offered to refer you to the FS specialist on the NHS, is that due to your age or because he doesn't think there is a problem because you have got pregnant? If not then anything unrelated ie the liver scan he should then refer you directly for that. I would of thought the lap and dye would be considered too. I know how expensive it all gets, so sorry hun.

Hearty - I totally agree with the others that I would send an e-mail explaining the situation, and Meggs e-mail touched a chord, at the end of the day it is up to us to make others more aware, the more we get the message out there that this is happening, that it's not something we should hide away just to protect others from feeling awkward. You are a better woman than me tho' hun, OH's two neices are due to give birth just before christmas and I've said I'm not spending anytime over xmas at his family as I just couldn't bear it (one of my due dates is the 24/12). I'm having to be selfish to protect myself even though i can't bear the thought of spending so much time apart (his folks live about a 7 hour drive from where i'll be), but it has to be done.

Vicky - so sorry about your sad news.

AFM - well we had a follow up scan on Monday and I've had a complete mc, the sonographer also said I had a dominant follicle on my left ovary and that if we wanted to try again to get busy within the next 48 hours.... so that's what we've been doing. excitement and terror in equal measures (at the thought of getting pregnant again, not the BD'ing!!)

It's been very quiet in here, where is everyone?!

hey guys just back from the doctors so as it stands ive got the paper work for my bloods to be done for cd1-5 testing and cd 21 yay the refferal for the fertility clinic has also been done too so now i need to go back in on friday to pick up the forms for the fertility clinic i dont know if i have to call them or not but its through a service i think for the choose and book not too sure anyway gotta pick those up on friday :D xxx

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