Dazed- Keep us updated! It would be so awesome if your sister could go through it with you. What are the what ifs that are getting to you? I went through it (all but the egg retrieval and money part) this time and would be more than happy to answer any questions you have.
Jen- what a mess! Im glad you could replace your stove asap. Too bad about people not being excited about the pregnancy. If you and Paul are happy it doesnt matter what those other people think
its your life. Live it how you want.
Amanda- my next appointment is tomorrow but Im pretty sure I wont get a scan. We will have the big scan on the 17th of January. The guys and my sister are all coming to CO for that one. I told my work at 12 weeks and everyone is very excited and supportive. I told my supervisor when I started my meds and she has been very interested and loves hearing all of my updates. Im pleased with how everyone has responded.
Allie- sassy is what keeps it interesting

Penny is always surprising us.
Raz- I really hope 3rd times the charm!
Today I am 16 weeks and think I will finally announce on FB. Ive been hesitant this time about announcing and Im not sure why. Im confident that I will be handing the guys their baby in May/June and I am very happy to be doing so I dont know why I keep putting the announcement off. Maybe its because its not my baby?

I'm also a little more private about this topic since it involves other people. I originally planned to post a picture of the 12 week ultrasound but thought it would be insensitive of me to post a picture of a baby that isn't mine. Any way... I wrote Due in June on a heart cut out and had Tim take a picture of me holding the heart by my belly (the picture is just of my midsection) so I plan to use that as my FB announcement.