Somthing that does confuse me (and I honestly dont mean to offend by this) is people that say they will raise their child as an athiest untill they can make their own mind up.
By raising them as a athiest you are already implanting ideas onto them of what they should and shouldnt believe in.
In terms of a athiest the general belief is there is no god so how does raising your child as a athiest help them to make their own minds up.
Isnt there little differance between a family that raise their child in a religious home with the intention of letting them make their own minds up later and a family that raise their child in a athiest home with the same intention, both are still intilling preconceptions and believe and influancing beliefs wether they mean to or not.
Maybe a agnostic upbringing would be better, "there could be a god or there may not, no one can prove either way" that way any future belief (or lack of beliefe) then truely comes from their own heart and mind rather then influance