do you believe?

Absolutely believe in God. Imo, there is no question that there is a god, it is evident in everything we see around us. The complexity and harmony of nature, our planet, the universe ,our bodies, could not have come about by chance. It points to great wisdom and design. All the simple material things we have around us have a designer and a maker, how could we not logically conclude that the above had to be designed and created also?

Atrocities in the name of religion are man made and nothing to do with the bible or God.

Do not murder is one of the ten commandments remember, Unfortunately organised religion that kill in the name of thier religion or God are not in agreement with the bible,Gods word, and that inturn puts people off religion all together.

Sad really, but its nothing to do with God or the bible and its teachings

Its not what is intended for humans in general.

Gods original purpose, is for humans to live forever, on the perfect earth he created for us. The garden of Eden is not a parable. Jesus spoke of Adam and Eve as real people.

The bible speaks of 144,000 going to heaven , These ones will be part of a government (Gods Kingdom) that will rule over a paradise earth from heaven, along with Jesus and Jehovah God. This government will replace any earthly governments. A global paradise, where obidient humans will live forever, what we were originally purposed to do. ( may seem like wishful thinking but when you think about, our brains have the capacity to learn forever, our cells seem like they were designed to go on renewing forever, this is why scientists have such a hard time trying to understand or explain why we grow old and die)

When you look at the world around us, you can see its not how it was meant to be. We and all the things in it were designed with a purpose. Human government and rulership has clearly failed and demonstrated how humans are incapable of ruling themselves without gods guidance, this is why it has been allowed to go for so long. We have gotten to a point where we are destroying the very earth we live on! It needed to be proven that we cant govern ourselves and time was needed to prove this, Gods right to rule was challenged right back in the garden of Eden.The bible says Gods kingdom (rulership from heaven , over a cleansed earth)Is mankinds only hope for the future.

Adam and Eves blatant disobideince even tho they had everything they wanted and more raised some serious questions.... would and can humans remain faithful even when tempted, even under trial? It challenged Gods right to rule, and this couldnt be resolved just by wiping out Adam and eve and starting again, remember thousdands of angels would have been watching, as well as the instigator, Satan. How would that have made God look, like he thought they were right?

The bible explains in detail the world events, attitudes of society in general and the moral breakdown that would occur in the last days of this system. Matthew 24:6-14, 2 Timothy 3:1 - 5.

This is the whole message and basis of the bible

Science agrees with the bible in many ways. Sir Isaac Newton (well known scientist) himself said 'there is no better science that that is attested to in the bible'.

That all living things bear an unmistakable evidence of design by intelligence far greater than our own.

Science actually agrees with the order of creation as stated in Genesis, science has discovered that our rib, has an unusual capacity to heal. Unlike other bones, it can grow back if its membrane of connective tissues in left intact, as the bible says that Eve was made from Adams rib. The bible says God made Adam from dust, and that when we die we return to has discovered that our bodies are composed of various elements...hydrogen, oxygen and carbon for example, all of which are found in the earths crust

All living things are very complex, even a mircoscopic single celled organisim are incredibly complex. There is no proof that life has ever arisen by chance or ever could.

The scientific magazine 'discover' said about Evolution "evolution is not only under attack by christains but is also being questioned by reputable scientists.

Exactly how evolution happened is anow a great contoversy among biologists

A London time writer Christopher Booker said that Darwin himself was aware, that his theory was full of colossal holes....regarding Darwins Origin of species "we have here the supreme irony that a book which has become famous for explaining the origin of species in fact does nothing of the kind

Regarding the clear cut question of how of how life originated Astronomer Robert Jastrow said "Scientits have no real answer, because chemistshave never succeeded in reproducing natures experiments on the creation of life from non living matter, scientists do not know how that happened. Scientists have no proof that life was not the result of an act of creation".

Even consider such human organs as the brain, ear and the eye... A problem for evolutionists has been the fact that such organs have to work together for sight, hearing and thinking to take place. Could the undirected element of chance which is the driving force of evolution have brought all these parts together, completed at the right time to produce such amazing mechanisims?

Darwin acknowledged this, he wrote " To suppose that the eye, could have formed by evolution seems i freely confess, absurd in the highest degree"

Think with all our technology even the best cameras are no match for the human eye, just as computers are no match for the human brain

Science writer Morgan Hunt wrote" our active memories hold several billion times more information than any computer"

Our brains also have the capability of learning endlessly, forever.

Why would they have been designed to take in information forever if we were not designed to live forever?

Neurosurgeon Dr Robert J White stated" to say that the human brain evolved from that of any animal, defies reason and the facts. Far more logical is this conclusion,: i am left with no other choice but to acknowledge the existence of a superior intellect, responsible for the design and development of the incredible brain - mind relationship Its something far beyond mans capacity to understand.
I have to believe that all this had an intelliegent beginning, that someone made it happen"
wow thats long lol sorry!!

But explains why i believe in God, and why things are bad in the world, this is not Gods fault, but mans and the bible promises he will step in and why he has allowed things to get to where they are.

Time has proven that we are well and truly incapable of ruling ourselves, independent of our creator
Except there are a few glaring errors. I'm on my phone so can't really pick everything out but a couple of points that stick in my mind. The first is that using Darwin and Newton as examples of scientists practicing religion is not really relevant given that they lived in times when religion was all pervasive. Second point is that scientists are understanding the mechanisms than kill us (through old age) better and better all the time. It's called apoptosis or programmed cell death. The evidence is that our cells have a finite life span. Most animals basically begin to die once they are done being fertile. In fact there are a great many that die in the process of reproduction, it's called semelparity. There is also significant evidence that our hearts have a finite lifespan irrespective of other environmental factors that put pressure on the heart.

I already posted in this thread that I don't believe spirituality and science are in any way mutually exclusive. However when religion starts trying to claim science as its own it consistently falls down.

I personally take particular umbridge with Christianity's notion that peope are superior to all other animals. It's simply egocentrism and allows people to do what the hell they like with animals and disgusts me. There are many long lived and highly intelligent animals. Elephants and cetaceans in general are particularly so. Intelligence correlates with long life and there are a fair few species that live a lot longer than us.

I'm glad Adam and Eve stuffed up (sorry of course I just mean Eve) for an eternal life as an obedient human ruled by a heavenly government doesn't sound much like paradise to me.

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