Do you look older or younger than your real age?

I think I look my age, 30. Starting to get some grays so definitely can't pass for younger anymore, lol!
I've always looked younger, being petite hasn't helped either! I dread the day that ds will be taller than me :rofl:
People tend to think I'm older, they say it's because I act more mature. There have been a couple times where people thought my little brother was my son, he's only 9 years younger than me :wacko:
Younger. I always get told eighteen (I am twenty-eight) and as my son is nine, you can see people trying to figure it out in their heads :haha:
This is me with my son (14) this morning at A&E waiting for his foot to be cast he broke it goofing around at school! The dr couldn't believe he was mine, he's at least a foot taller than me!!

NO WAY Athena you look SO young! Not in a rude way just you look really fresh faced and youthful! Wow would never think you had a 14 year old.
This is me with my son (14) this morning at A&E waiting for his foot to be cast he broke it goofing around at school! The dr couldn't believe he was mine, he's at least a foot taller than me!!

NO WAY Athena you look SO young! Not in a rude way just you look really fresh faced and youthful! Wow would never think you had a 14 year old.

Awww thanks. Sometimes I wonder if I'm kidding myself lol I'm 33 but feel waaaay younger and I like it now when ppl are shocked I have older kids!!
I always get told I look about 24-25. I'm coming up to 31, so pretty happy about that! My mum looks young for her age as well, people think she's about 45 when she's 58!
I just asked OH and he said i look my age, which is helpful. :haha:
I haven't been id-ed lately. Not sure if thats good or bad! :rofl:

Edit: I'm 23.
Yes all the time, I remember when my LO was quite young this lady in Marks & Spencer's asked if he was mine and told me I looked too young to be a mum and about 16, she was in complete shock. I'm 22 now so still kinda young I guess x
I'm forever getting ID'd, I even got asked for ID when I was buying calpol the other month
I think I must look younger. I am 36 but have been id'd buying alcohol within the last year or so (embarrassing for the check out assistant). I have no problem with looking younger. I'd rather that than people thinking I was in my forties ;)
I'm 31 and get told I look anything between 18 and 24. I seem to be looking younger, maybe the vegan diet? ;) Because when I had my youngest I had more hospital and midwifery staff asking if he is my first baby than I even experienced with my first baby-when I said he is number five, they nearly fell over! I also don't smoke, don't drink, eat mostly natural foods (though I love the occasional coke and cake), always stayed out of direct sunlight, only use pure olive oil soap on my face and coconut oil for moisturiser and then only if my skin is really dry. I think a lot of it is genes too, my mum's side of the family have really young looking skin and features, there is a photo of her great grandmother who was 52 at the time and in 1918 when the photo was taken that would be getting into elderly territory, yet she looks about 30 in the pic. My mum looks late 40s and is mid-60s as well. My husband though people think he is in his 30s or even 40s :haha: I don't think he really looks old but he looks a bit serious and always had a mature looking face, he is actually nearly 3 years younger than I am :haha:xx
I'm 31 and get told I look anything between 18 and 24. I seem to be looking younger, maybe the vegan diet? ;) Because when I had my youngest I had more hospital and midwifery staff asking if he is my first baby than I even experienced with my first baby-when I said he is number five, they nearly fell over! I also don't smoke, don't drink, eat mostly natural foods (though I love the occasional coke and cake), always stayed out of direct sunlight, only use pure olive oil soap on my face and coconut oil for moisturiser and then only if my skin is really dry. I think a lot of it is genes too, my mum's side of the family have really young looking skin and features, there is a photo of her great grandmother who was 52 at the time and in 1918 when the photo was taken that would be getting into elderly territory, yet she looks about 30 in the pic. My mum looks late 40s and is mid-60s as well. My husband though people think he is in his 30s or even 40s :haha: I don't think he really looks old but he looks a bit serious and always had a mature looking face, he is actually nearly 3 years younger than I am :haha:xx

Definitely agree, I don't smoke or drink alcohol and eat well. Drink loads of water and exercise. I never wear heavy face make up either, only a tinted moisturiser and cleanse and moisturise religiously I think that really helps with keeping skin fresh and not wrinkly.
I feel old and i feel like i look haggered! Im 26 and people are shockef i have a 8 and 10yr old but i dont think i look young! I dont drink or smoke and i even have a wrinkle :(
I think I must look quite young. All I know is that people don't take me very seriously a lot of the time. I'm 27 and I'm a nursing student. People on placements (who I don't know) often ask questions about whether I live off my mum and dad's money, or when I was pregnant a few were quite open and rude about it 'clearly not being planned' because I was so young and a student. Someone who I'd never even seen before came over when I was sat watching an operation the other day and told me, "If you continue sitting like that you'll look like a 90 year old man soon". Not that I think it's acceptable to speak to any 18 year old like that, but I just know that the way people speak to me is related to the age they think I am. I just don't think they'd ask someone 'older' about their financial situation the first time they met. It makes me feel a bit stupid. They tend to be extremely surprised when I say I'm married with a family and had full time jobs etc before, and I do get treated differently afterwards.

Mainly it just makes me very sure that I won't speak to 18 year old students in that way after I've qualified, because I know how daft and young/naive it feels to be on the receiving end. We've all got to start somewhere, were they never young trainees or something?!
I think I must look quite young. All I know is that people don't take me very seriously a lot of the time. I'm 27 and I'm a nursing student. People on placements (who I don't know) often ask questions about whether I live off my mum and dad's money, or when I was pregnant a few were quite open and rude about it 'clearly not being planned' because I was so young and a student. Someone who I'd never even seen before came over when I was sat watching an operation the other day and told me, "If you continue sitting like that you'll look like a 90 year old man soon". Not that I think it's acceptable to speak to any 18 year old like that, but I just know that the way people speak to me is related to the age they think I am. I just don't think they'd ask someone 'older' about their financial situation the first time they met. It makes me feel a bit stupid. They tend to be extremely surprised when I say I'm married with a family and had full time jobs etc before, and I do get treated differently afterwards.

Mainly it just makes me very sure that I won't speak to 18 year old students in that way after I've qualified, because I know how daft and young/naive it feels to be on the receiving end. We've all got to start somewhere, were they never young trainees or something?!

I found this for a long time I had a real thing about it and used to get paranoid ppl were talking down to me. I still get it a lot at my older kid's school because they're teenagers and I look a lot younger than all the other parents I know they make assumptions about whether or not I am/was a teenage single mum. It really annoys me, at my son's parents eve the other day, one of his teachers asked me if I live in a flat which I thought was a weird question. I was like um no I live in a house and I'm married not that it would be any of her business if I did live in a flat, wtf!
I think I must look quite young. All I know is that people don't take me very seriously a lot of the time. I'm 27 and I'm a nursing student. People on placements (who I don't know) often ask questions about whether I live off my mum and dad's money, or when I was pregnant a few were quite open and rude about it 'clearly not being planned' because I was so young and a student. Someone who I'd never even seen before came over when I was sat watching an operation the other day and told me, "If you continue sitting like that you'll look like a 90 year old man soon". Not that I think it's acceptable to speak to any 18 year old like that, but I just know that the way people speak to me is related to the age they think I am. I just don't think they'd ask someone 'older' about their financial situation the first time they met. It makes me feel a bit stupid. They tend to be extremely surprised when I say I'm married with a family and had full time jobs etc before, and I do get treated differently afterwards.

Mainly it just makes me very sure that I won't speak to 18 year old students in that way after I've qualified, because I know how daft and young/naive it feels to be on the receiving end. We've all got to start somewhere, were they never young trainees or something?!

I found this for a long time I had a real thing about it and used to get paranoid ppl were talking down to me. I still get it a lot at my older kid's school because they're teenagers and I look a lot younger than all the other parents I know they make assumptions about whether or not I am/was a teenage single mum. It really annoys me, at my son's parents eve the other day, one of his teachers asked me if I live in a flat which I thought was a weird question. I was like um no I live in a house and I'm married not that it would be any of her business if I did live in a flat, wtf!

People ask the weirdest stuff! Why would she ask about the flat?! It's hard to think of any context for asking that question without it being to make a judgement on your lifestyle/finances etc.

In a strange way, I think it makes me more confident. I know that sounds weird, but when people say stuff to me like, "So was your baby an accident then?" (I get that a lot from staff on placements, probably related to being a student as well as looking young, but then again a more 'mature' student could easily plan a family and take a year out, who knows what someone else's circumstances are) I take that person a bit less seriously and their opinions matter a little less.

It makes me feel self-conscious because I think I give an impression of being silly/naive/daft/very young and inexperienced to people and I don't want to do that, but it also makes me more relaxed around people who ask that sort of thing (especially at placements where I probably am a bit nervous and shy anyway) because it makes me realise they haven't got everything worked out either and maybe they don't know everything they think they know.
I think I must look quite young. All I know is that people don't take me very seriously a lot of the time. I'm 27 and I'm a nursing student. People on placements (who I don't know) often ask questions about whether I live off my mum and dad's money, or when I was pregnant a few were quite open and rude about it 'clearly not being planned' because I was so young and a student. Someone who I'd never even seen before came over when I was sat watching an operation the other day and told me, "If you continue sitting like that you'll look like a 90 year old man soon". Not that I think it's acceptable to speak to any 18 year old like that, but I just know that the way people speak to me is related to the age they think I am. I just don't think they'd ask someone 'older' about their financial situation the first time they met. It makes me feel a bit stupid. They tend to be extremely surprised when I say I'm married with a family and had full time jobs etc before, and I do get treated differently afterwards.

Mainly it just makes me very sure that I won't speak to 18 year old students in that way after I've qualified, because I know how daft and young/naive it feels to be on the receiving end. We've all got to start somewhere, were they never young trainees or something?!

I found this for a long time I had a real thing about it and used to get paranoid ppl were talking down to me. I still get it a lot at my older kid's school because they're teenagers and I look a lot younger than all the other parents I know they make assumptions about whether or not I am/was a teenage single mum. It really annoys me, at my son's parents eve the other day, one of his teachers asked me if I live in a flat which I thought was a weird question. I was like um no I live in a house and I'm married not that it would be any of her business if I did live in a flat, wtf!

People ask the weirdest stuff! Why would she ask about the flat?! It's hard to think of any context for asking that question without it being to make a judgement on your lifestyle/finances etc.

In a strange way, I think it makes me more confident. I know that sounds weird, but when people say stuff to me like, "So was your baby an accident then?" (I get that a lot from staff on placements, probably related to being a student as well as looking young, but then again a more 'mature' student could easily plan a family and take a year out, who knows what someone else's circumstances are) I take that person a bit less seriously and their opinions matter a little less.

It makes me feel self-conscious because I think I give an impression of being silly/naive/daft/very young and inexperienced to people and I don't want to do that, but it also makes me more relaxed around people who ask that sort of thing (especially at placements where I probably am a bit nervous and shy anyway) because it makes me realise they haven't got everything worked out either and maybe they don't know everything they think they know.

Exactly! She was just being noisy. I have felt for a long time that I have something to prove to ppl like this, when my older children were little I put myself through uni and became an accountant and now I have my own business, house, married etc. I felt like saying this to her as I know she was just judging me on what she thinks someone who had a kid at 18 and another one a year later!

I really don't think you need to feel self-conscious at all, although I totally understand why you must do sometimes. Let others make their silly assumptions and be proud that you look young! I have learnt to take it as a massive compliment now. You have achieved a family and now doing your nurse training, that is awesome and I wish you the very best of luck and success for you x
Athena you don't look old enough to have a 14 year old! You are gorgeous :)
I always used to get mistaken for being a lot younger than I was (which I hated). But since having my 2nd LO I look so hagard, I could sign up for over 50s insurance and probably not get asked for proof of age :cry: :haha:.
I went out last night though and got chatting to a few different groups of people, each time I mentioned being married/a mum they were sooo shocked because they thought I was too young- I was so happy :haha:

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