What a shock to see this thread has descended into the BF v FF debate again...and resulted in completely irrelevant points being brought up. Dull dull dull.
In answer to the OPs question - I knew I had to bring in my own nappies, wipes etc for LO when going into hospital. If I knew I had to take formula as that wasn't provided I would have been equally happy to do so. I planned to BF so wouldn't have taken any in with me (as it was LO didn't feed for nearly three days and got jaundiced, so I FF for bit in hospital and then combi fed (by expressing) at home, before switching to full FF from about 8/9 weeks. I hate that I have to explain this every time...but I feel like I do.). But I would have sent DH out for some if need be - just as he would have had to go out if we had not brought nappies etc. As it is our hospital provides free formula. Gosh, I had lactation specialists (a labour ward sister was a BF-ing consultant for UNICEF), made use of free formula and combi-fed...I'm an outcast on all sides
If you breast feed for however long - it's free. If you FF, it costs you money. I don't see what the difference is because you are in hospital. If you have a home birth the MW doesn't pull out a free tub of SMA. If you had to pay for it in hospital or bring your own - why is that such a big shock? It's just how life is going be while your LO is FF-ing. And the majority (not everyone - I know) of people are in for a day or two, with three or four days considered quite a long stay.
So the small amounts of formula you would need would be pretty negligible to one person in terms of cost, yet to a maternity unit, supplying hundreds of these every week, it would be immense.
One more thing - in regard to points like I would rather formula be provided than methadone (just one that stuck out), that is neither relevant, nor helpful.
Exactly! The NHS are already about to have their doors shut, and don't have enough money for what they DO need to buy,
Would you rather those extra millions of ££ to supply formula to all the hospitals all over the UK, go to formula, or beds and nurses/Drs?
Sorry, but I find it extremely selfish to expect that it will just be handed to you free if thats the CHOICE you've made. Otherwise where does it stop?
Oh, I'd like you to supply me with cloth nappies please because you also have disposables in stock and its only fair??
Get a grip,. If you CHOOSE to use formula from birth, then you CHOOSE to accept the additional costs that go along with that,
from birth.
Having formula availble for use when medically needed however is a different situation,