Do you want to know?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2008
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For those who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant:

Do you want to know if its a boy or girl?

Which gender are you secretly hoping for?
I'll go first.

I do not want to know! I'm going to try and stay Team Yellow/Green when I am pregnant.

I'm secretly hoping for a girl.
I definitely want to know the sex.

Whatever God sends me is enough for me - as long as he/she is happy and healthy.
i seriousley dont care wot term im on as long as im on one and asap :) think gary wud be more worried if we had a girl more for the whole overproting thing,not 4nothing eles...i just want a :bfp: felt the same when i was pg (sadley mc) just want2be safe,healthy and happy :)
When I said I was hoping for a girl... I just want to make it clear that all I want is a healthy baby, after that. I hope I have a girl. lol

I don't want anyone thinking all I care about is the gender....because like I said I don't even want to know. lol
Hmmm...well what I want is obvious from the graphics on my siggy.:blush: But as with everyone else, as long as its(she or he!) healthy and happy that's the most important thing! Just bring on that BFP QUICK!!!
But my heart desires a baby girl!:blush:
I have one son and would love a little girl, but of course all I care about really is that he/she is healthy :)
I would def want to know if its a boy or girl, I change my mind alot sometimes i want a boy so I can have a little man and sometimes I think a girl would be fab...
Do you want to know if its a boy or girl? Yes I want to know!

Which gender are you secretly hoping for? I'd like a girl!

Here's the explaination why?

I'd like to be able to be ready for the baby. If I have a boy I have everyhing, but need to wash the stuff. If I have a girl I need to go shopping right away. I have all boys, 4 of them! Need I say more!? lol
being my first i did not care what sex my baby was, and hell yeah! I always wanted to know.. there was something about dressing baby all in neutrals that did not appeal to me, so pink it is! :D xx
I wouldn't want to know the gender...just want that point when the midwife says, 'its a girl/boy'!

I think I'd secretly like a little boy first but honestly I dont mind, as like everyone esle has said as long as they're healthy!
We definitely won't find out (there are just too few really good surprises in life)!

I would be happy with either, but by the time we are done having kids, I would like at least one of each:)
I really would want to keep it a suprise until the birth but my OH would like to know. Think I will prob end up caving and finding out, either a boy or girl would be such a blessing xxx
i'm easy...don't mind either way but oh wants to keep it a surprise so i'm gonna go with that...unless its a little boy who happens to have his willy in full view during a scan! avoiding finding out then! it happened to someone i know!

my friend is due baby early next year and said he didn't understand why people wanted a surprise cos 'it's not like you could get anything from a puppy to a giraffe' he said since its only gonna be a boy or a girl whats the point in not finding out...thats where everyone differs i guess!

i have no preference of boy or girl (or giraffe or puppy! lol!) as long as it's healthy
I always said I didn't want to know. Knowing wouldn't change anything, I'd be just as happy =) ... it just doesn't seem natural to know what sex your child will be before it's born.
That said, since we've started ttc I've changed my mind and want to know. Just to be more focused when buying things, and it seems great knowing =D But my OH is still very set on the 'no', so that's what we're sticking with. Once I do get my BFP it will be a 9 month wait to find out.

I'm hoping my first one will be a little girl. I don't really know why to be honest, I just prefer the clothes you can get for little girls ... plus it seems more familiar, as being a woman myself it seems easier. I worry about how to clean a little boy, how to help them potty train and that kind of stuff. But I'm sure you get used to it soon enough =) I'd be just as happy with either. Or both ;)
i want to know but no one else in my family want to know although trying to work on DH lol

i think i will find out even if he doesnt want to know as we hope to have cream nursery and teddy border so quite unisex

we have a name for both so really dont mind although if you had asked me a few weeks ago i would of said boy but since going into next and seeing the girls clothes i would a girl, eventually i would like a boy and a girl lol
I have a lil girl and I would be very happy with another girl. In fact I would be happy with all girls (We plan to have a few kids) But I think DH would like a boy at some point! I may end up having 6 girls and a boy lol. We didn't find out she was a girl until she was born and it was a nice suprise cos I was so huge we all thought it was a boy. I didn't evan look to see when she was born the midwife had to ask me lol xxx
I've always said I wouldn't want to know what sex it is, but I think when it comes down to it i'll be too impatient and curious to wait to find out.

Would be overjoyed at either (but secretly hoping a girl).
...I actually had an idea. I would ask the nurse at the scan to write the sex of it down and put it in an envelope. Then that way I could decide if I wanted to resist temptation and open it!

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