Does anyone else get really annoyed with some peoples attitude of the rich should pay


Three boys!
Jan 15, 2009
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I have come across loads of people who seem to have the attitude that those who are rich, are therefore selfish, and should be taxed more?:wacko:

Im by no far rich, the whole attitude of people annoys me though.

I really feel people should take responsilibity for themselves. Not say, well they earn loads so why should i pay this?

Esp people talking about increasing tax or NI for the wealthy. I have no idea what people consider wealthy, but the even if tax were 22% across the board then those who earnt more would pay more. Which to me makes sense, and I dont see anything wrong with that.

But, those earning over £35,000 have to pay 40% tax, i cant imagine anything thinking £35,000 is rich, yet they contribute a lot more, then those who earn over £100,000 (or is it 150,000?) pay 50%, thats shocking to me. 50%!

But anyway, why the heck do people think people should pay more than that?

If your earning more then generally your spending more, I mean if your lucky enough to be able to buy a £1,000,000 property then you will pay £50,000! Thats massive, I am sure there are people who have homes worth less than that.

When you spend you pay VAT, so those spending more are contributing to society.

Those super rich people, most of them, will contrubute huge amounts to charities etc. Charities that couldnt exisit without those people funding them.

But I basically but dont understand the argument for extra taxes on the rich. The more you earn, the more you pay anyway.

It just feels like a cop out to me, people think "let tax the rich" and then we dont have to work, or whatever.

It just makes me feel like, why should I get a good paying job? why should my husband work hard for what he gets? Why should Joe Bloggs spend thousands training as a doctor, to work in a stressful, long hours job, where your always covering your back, and spend years as a resident, intern whatever to then have it taken away?

Its like people feel everyone should earn the same. If that was the case, there would be lots of jobs no one would ever take. You get paid for your skills, responsilbilties, intelliegnce, etc. I know there are loads of people who arnt paid what they are worth, but im happy for people to earn good money for having skills and spending years studying, not everyone could do everything.

Anyway, long rant over, what do you feel? tax the rich and give to the poor? (If thats the argument, please tell me who the poor are).
By the way, I am not rich at all. Far from it!
I don't see why a person who earns more should pay any more tax (as a %) than a person who earns less. We all use the same things that the tax goes to fund. Those that earn more do not suddenly use up more resources etc... in fact are more likely to use less given that they're more likely to have private healthcare etc. It's typically those that earn less who use more resources and require more support - In the way of benefits etc. It really bugs me.

Yes,there are some who earn more who are selfish, money grabbing & will step on whoever they need to just to fill their greed for "more more more" however they are few and far between. Most work and have worked EXTREMELY hard to get where they are and earn more. Why should they be penalised for pushing themselves further?

I completely agree with recent changes in that HR tax payers shouldn't recieve CB etc. All benefits should be means tested and only go where they are truly needed. Tax increases? No!

Income tax increases are just the tip of the iceberg too. Those with more money are more likely to save and invest. With the exception of ISAs and Pensions (which has tax relief to prevent double taxaton) most investments have taxes applied. There's IHT and tax charges on those with pre-existing monies in certain investments over a set limit. It goes on and on.

I don't blame or "hate on" those that pay less tax or those that use more of the "tax-payer's money". It's the government and previous governments. It does really bug me though. I REALLY hope that the current government bring back married person's tax allowances to help take the heat off those that earn more and are hit hard for one partner deciding to be a SAHM or SAHD.

I don't see why a person who earns more should pay any more tax (as a %) than a person who earns less. We all use the same things that the tax goes to fund. Those that earn more do not suddenly use up more resources etc... in fact are more likely to use less given that they're more likely to have private healthcare etc. It's typically those that earn less who use more resources and require more support - In the way of benefits etc. It really bugs me.

Yes,there are some who earn more who are selfish, money grabbing & will step on whoever they need to just to fill their greed for "more more more" however they are few and far between. Most work and have worked EXTREMELY hard to get where they are and earn more. Why should they be penalised for pushing themselves further?

I completely agree with recent changes in that HR tax payers shouldn't recieve CB etc. All benefits should be means tested and only go where they are truly needed. Tax increases? No!

Income tax increases are just the tip of the iceberg too. Those with more money are more likely to save and invest. With the exception of ISAs and Pensions (which has tax relief to prevent double taxaton) most investments have taxes applied. There's IHT and tax charges on those with pre-existing monies in certain investments over a set limit. It goes on and on.

I don't blame or "hate on" those that pay less tax or those that use more of the "tax-payer's money". It's the government and previous governments. It does really bug me though. I REALLY hope that the current government bring back married person's tax allowances to help take the heat off those that earn more and are hit hard for one partner deciding to be a SAHM or SAHD.


Totally agree 100% on what your saying. Yeah i think those who earn more shouldnt claim any benefits. Benefits should only be avalible to those why are struggling. I dont claim anything.

I actually didnt claim my sons £250 investment thing, i just figured we didnt need it and I could invest that sort of money for him. but they opened an account for him. I guess its his money so wrong of me not to of. but i fugure the less we take out the better.
Same. We didn't. We already have our own savings plans in place for the children and thought it would be irresponsible to claim money we didn't feel we needed... when the UK's finances are in such a mess. xx
Even as a Low income household I 100% agree, Even on my oh's small pay rise by the time the extra tax etc comes off we are about £20 amonth "better off" in his wages. His next payrise will put him in the next tax bracket but right on the line so we will proberly be worse off from him earning more witch is no incentive for him to climb the ladder
I agree to some extent. You shouldnt be penalized purely because you earn more. I know many who are rich and had to work their tails off to get there. Its unfair, after all that hard work to then be forced to look after others who are less inclined to work as hard. x
I think it's right that everyone should contribute in tax what they can afford to do, relative to their salary, I don't see how else it could work. But I don't agree with going completely crazy taxing the highest earners because the skilled people will not want to work here ultimately. Nor do I agree that higher earners 'should' fund anyone being lazy and choosing not to work when it would mean they could be less or non reliant on benefits. But low earners also fund these types, which if anything hits them harder, very few workers don't pay any tax.

On a simplistic level though, if they would only tax me less I would be able to carry on working because I would then have some damned money left after childcare and commuting!

I don't however sympathise with higher earners on the basis that they have higher costs. That's a choice (apart from possibly commuting costs).
I think it's right that everyone should contribute in tax what they can afford to do, relative to their salary, I don't see how else it could work. But I don't agree with going completely crazy taxing the highest earners because the skilled people will not want to work here ultimately. Nor do I agree that higher earners 'should' fund anyone being lazy and choosing not to work when it would mean they could be less or non reliant on benefits. But low earners also fund these types, which if anything hits them harder, very few workers don't pay any tax.

On a simplistic level though, if they would only tax me less I would be able to carry on working because I would then have some damned money left after childcare and commuting!

I don't however sympathise with higher earners on the basis that they have higher costs. That's a choice (apart from possibly commuting costs).

I dont agree with the bit in bold, Alot of high earners live in richer parts of the country where everything is over priced Ive seen 1bed flats in london having higher rent than my 2bed house so some of the richer peoples costs cannot be helped they may bring home say 2/3k a month after tax but could be paying 1k in rent alone to live in a house/flat that is the right size because of where they live and work, and thats without council tax which is no doubt very high in say london again.. So although they may have 3grand you will proberly find almost 2grand straight away goes onto bills..

Just like my oh's wages its almost half of his wages just on our rent withouth the gas/electric/council tax/water rates etc
I agree it doesn't seem fair that higher earners should have to pay a higher percentage of tax, but unfortunately it's the only way it can work without radical changes in government spending. If higher earners paid the same percentage as lower earners, then the tax rate would have to be raised across the board to cover the costs of running the country, which would leave millions of low earners in poverty.
Even as a Low income household I 100% agree, Even on my oh's small pay rise by the time the extra tax etc comes off we are about £20 amonth "better off" in his wages. His next payrise will put him in the next tax bracket but right on the line so we will proberly be worse off from him earning more witch is no incentive for him to climb the ladder

You only get taxed 40% on that over the £35,000, so he will be better off, but not hugley so. plus is your classed as low income now, you wont be then, so you will lose out on any benefits you get. so i guess it will just even out. which isnt really right either.
I think it's right that everyone should contribute in tax what they can afford to do, relative to their salary, I don't see how else it could work. But I don't agree with going completely crazy taxing the highest earners because the skilled people will not want to work here ultimately. Nor do I agree that higher earners 'should' fund anyone being lazy and choosing not to work when it would mean they could be less or non reliant on benefits. But low earners also fund these types, which if anything hits them harder, very few workers don't pay any tax.

On a simplistic level though, if they would only tax me less I would be able to carry on working because I would then have some damned money left after childcare and commuting!

I don't however sympathise with higher earners on the basis that they have higher costs. That's a choice (apart from possibly commuting costs).

I agree, everyone should contribute what they can, and although i dont 100% agree with the tax brackets as they are now, it works. I dont think it should be increased, because its not like council tax where yoru banded and everyone in that band pays that amount, even if someone is earning £19,000 and the neightbor earning £59,000, because income tax its a percentage, so those earning more will ALWAYS pay a lot more. Thats fair isnt it? but by making them pay even higher percentages of their wages, i personally dont see the fairness.
Even as a Low income household I 100% agree, Even on my oh's small pay rise by the time the extra tax etc comes off we are about £20 amonth "better off" in his wages. His next payrise will put him in the next tax bracket but right on the line so we will proberly be worse off from him earning more witch is no incentive for him to climb the ladder

You only get taxed 40% on that over the £35,000, so he will be better off, but not hugley so. plus is your classed as low income now, you wont be then, so you will lose out on any benefits you get. so i guess it will just even out. which isnt really right either.

Yeah i was looking at the wrong thing online :dohh: His next pay rise will keep him in the 20% bracket but if he gets promoted again he will be in the 40% bracket..

Not our house but my friends Oh is on 16k a year shes a stay at home mum and her oh has just had to turn down a payrise since the boss was going to up her Oh to 21/22k but by the time they lost their benefits they where worse off for her Oh getting higher in his job its stupid. I think it was something like they would be £200/£300 a month worse off!!
I agree it doesn't seem fair that higher earners should have to pay a higher percentage of tax, but unfortunately it's the only way it can work without radical changes in government spending. If higher earners paid the same percentage as lower earners, then the tax rate would have to be raised across the board to cover the costs of running the country, which would leave millions of low earners in poverty.

I do agree, and thats what i said to someone else, that i dont really agree but it has to work the way it is. But i dont agree with some poeple saying it should be raised still. Or NI raised for higher earners, like someone else said they dont use up more of the services because they are wealthier infact they are more likely to have their kids priavtely school educated, have private health care etc.

But i also thought that this government had proposed radical spending cuts. Certainly a lot of people seem to be in fear of their jobs in the public sector. :wacko:
I think it's right that everyone should contribute in tax what they can afford to do, relative to their salary, I don't see how else it could work. But I don't agree with going completely crazy taxing the highest earners because the skilled people will not want to work here ultimately. Nor do I agree that higher earners 'should' fund anyone being lazy and choosing not to work when it would mean they could be less or non reliant on benefits. But low earners also fund these types, which if anything hits them harder, very few workers don't pay any tax.

On a simplistic level though, if they would only tax me less I would be able to carry on working because I would then have some damned money left after childcare and commuting!

I don't however sympathise with higher earners on the basis that they have higher costs. That's a choice (apart from possibly commuting costs).

I dont agree with the bit in bold, Alot of high earners live in richer parts of the country where everything is over priced Ive seen 1bed flats in london having higher rent than my 2bed house so some of the richer peoples costs cannot be helped they may bring home say 2/3k a month after tax but could be paying 1k in rent alone to live in a house/flat that is the right size because of where they live and work, and thats without council tax which is no doubt very high in say london again.. So although they may have 3grand you will proberly find almost 2grand straight away goes onto bills..

Just like my oh's wages its almost half of his wages just on our rent withouth the gas/electric/council tax/water rates etc

Oh believe me I can relate to living in London with high costs! We had a one bed ex LA flat in Stepney and paid £1000 a month for the priviledge. :wacko: and we'd actually jumped at it because it was so much cheaper than anything else we looked at! We weren't high earners though, just a shade above the national average. If we'd earned more and decided to live in a bigger place, and paid more, that would have been a choice. That was my point.
I don't see why a person who earns more should pay any more tax (as a %) than a person who earns less.
We all use the same things that the tax goes to fund. Those that earn more do not suddenly use up more resources etc... in fact are more likely to use less given that they're more likely to have private healthcare etc. It's typically those that earn less who use more resources and require more support - In the way of benefits etc. It really bugs me.

Yes,there are some who earn more who are selfish, money grabbing & will step on whoever they need to just to fill their greed for "more more more" however they are few and far between. Most work and have worked EXTREMELY hard to get where they are and earn more. Why should they be penalised for pushing themselves further?

I completely agree with recent changes in that HR tax payers shouldn't recieve CB etc. All benefits should be means tested and only go where they are truly needed. Tax increases? No!

Income tax increases are just the tip of the iceberg too. Those with more money are more likely to save and invest. With the exception of ISAs and Pensions (which has tax relief to prevent double taxaton) most investments have taxes applied. There's IHT and tax charges on those with pre-existing monies in certain investments over a set limit. It goes on and on.

I don't blame or "hate on" those that pay less tax or those that use more of the "tax-payer's money". It's the government and previous governments. It does really bug me though. I REALLY hope that the current government bring back married person's tax allowances to help take the heat off those that earn more and are hit hard for one partner deciding to be a SAHM or SAHD.


Totally agree 100% on what your saying. Yeah i think those who earn more shouldnt claim any benefits. Benefits should only be avalible to those why are struggling. I dont claim anything.

I actually didnt claim my sons £250 investment thing, i just figured we didnt need it and I could invest that sort of money for him. but they opened an account for him. I guess its his money so wrong of me not to of. but i fugure the less we take out the better.

I agree with this to :thumbup:
My husband puts it well. "I don't work as hard as I do for us to use cheap toilet roll". We don't have expensive tastes but we do live to a standard that his earning can afford. So to some with a smaller income might look at ours and think "Heck, they have loads to spare" but actually we don't because we live according to our means. I don't means we have lots of holidays, wear designer clothes and have a boat. We have a bigger house, a bigger mortgage, like to have one big holiday a year, have hobbies that cost money and treat ourselves where we can. If we didn't live to a standard to suit our incomes... then why bother working at all. Surely everyone works harder to better their situation... but if you only got to live the same regardless then how is that really a better situation... and where's your incentive to work hard?

So on the surface it might seem that those earning more can afford to pay more in tax... but they can't without losing the incentive to work in the first place xx
I don't know, I think if the government really needs to take extra tax from somewhere, better that it comes off someone's disposable income (e.g money for holidays etc) than someone's budget for essentials. Some people only have money for essentials. but, I totally agree with and accept that someone working really hard and being paid well really ought to be seeing that money in their own pockets. I guess there's never a perfect solution, it's about the least detremental, as I said, I don't know how else things could work.
Even as a Low income household I 100% agree, Even on my oh's small pay rise by the time the extra tax etc comes off we are about £20 amonth "better off" in his wages. His next payrise will put him in the next tax bracket but right on the line so we will proberly be worse off from him earning more witch is no incentive for him to climb the ladder

You only get taxed 40% on that over the £35,000, so he will be better off, but not hugley so. plus is your classed as low income now, you wont be then, so you will lose out on any benefits you get. so i guess it will just even out. which isnt really right either.

Yeah i was looking at the wrong thing online :dohh: His next pay rise will keep him in the 20% bracket but if he gets promoted again he will be in the 40% bracket..

Not our house but my friends Oh is on 16k a year shes a stay at home mum and her oh has just had to turn down a payrise since the boss was going to up her Oh to 21/22k but by the time they lost their benefits they where worse off for her Oh getting higher in his job its stupid. I think it was something like they would be £200/£300 a month worse off!!

Its crazy isnt it! imagine having to turn down a pay raise?

My husband had to use another engineers van recently and he had left his end of year statement open on the seat. so you had a nose lol! he earns more than kevin as he works all the over time he can as he got married a few weeks back, so before tax his income was near £10,000 more than my husbands but after tax and deduction was just £4,000. granted that includes NI, pension and company shares etc but still, he worked every avalaible extra shift he could, his boss already had him down for extra shifts and he was taking anybodies shifts they didnt want, as well as nights etc. As well as working on his days off doing servicing.

My husband never ever works more than he has too, the company are always looking for the engineers to do a bit extra, and the incentives are great (before tax) but he always would rather spend his time with us! Thats why i love him. But looking at what the other engineer actually brought home for all the extra work, we are even more glad, would be gutted if after all that the totally in pocket was only £4k!! Yes its a lot and would be lovely, but not for the amount of extra work he did.

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