YAY!!! So nice to have you joing us Lotus!! SO excited for you!! You totally deserve it
Did you do anything different to get your
The only symptom I had with mine was that my bbs were really sore from after ovulation until AF was due, actually, they stayed sore for a helluva long time!!!
Panda, sorry you had such a crappy appointment with your midwife, she sounds like she could use a kick up the bum!! Any progress yet? Are you officially overdue now? Have they booked your induction?
Iow, sounds like you had an exhausting weekend!! Exciting about the family photos though! Hope they turn out awesome
We also went to a baby show on the weekend, and bought our pram/travel system. We bought the Graco Quattro Deluxe Tour system, which includes a car seat, pram/stroller and moses basket. I've read lots of great reviews about it and played with it at the expo, super user-friendly! Only thing is it's a bit bulky, and the car seat is a bit heavy, but luckily DH and I both have really big cars so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Plus we got a great deal on it!! Our friends who have a nearly 2 month old baby bought exactly the same system, and they love it, so hopefully it'll work for us too
(picture attached)
Other than that I'm starting to get serious withdrawel from not riding my horse, I need new pants, I've been getting this hectic period-like cramp (just one) every other day and then it passes (weird) and I have got some proper round ligament pain specifically on my right lower abdomen, but on both sides really. Also, my tail bone hurts if I sit on my office chair for too long, seems to get better when I bring a little pillow to work though
Also, according to the scale this morning, I have officially picked up 3kg!!
Hope you ladies are all well!! Look forward to some news or gossip or just general chatter