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Does "we need to see you urgently"... ULTRASOUND DONE. UPDATE POST 109

will be watching your thread like a hawk!

Good luck, I hope everything is fine, i have my fingers completely crossed for you:thumbup:
Thanks everyone. Doing my best to stay positive.
My symptoms have all faded off which I know can happen but it's still slightly worrying and last night I had a dream that I woke up soak in blood from bleeding :(
Think my mind is in worry mode.
Thanks everyone. Doing my best to stay positive.
My symptoms have all faded off which I know can happen but it's still slightly worrying and last night I had a dream that I woke up soak in blood from bleeding :(
Think my mind is in worry mode.

I'm so shocked they are leaving you this long, is there no way you can get scanned quicker?

Symptoms come and go, some days I can't eat a thing, other days I can eat quite a lot. Some days I bleed then others I've fine. Some days my boobs are killing and others they are fine, so try not to worry, but seems to cruel to have said something could be wrong and then leave you wait so long. :hugs:
Thanks everyone. Doing my best to stay positive.
My symptoms have all faded off which I know can happen but it's still slightly worrying and last night I had a dream that I woke up soak in blood from bleeding :(
Think my mind is in worry mode.

I'm so shocked they are leaving you this long, is there no way you can get scanned quicker?

Symptoms come and go, some days I can't eat a thing, other days I can eat quite a lot. Some days I bleed then others I've fine. Some days my boobs are killing and others they are fine, so try not to worry, but seems to cruel to have said something could be wrong and then leave you wait so long. :hugs:

I wish they could get me in faster. We only have one ultrasound place for my town and surrounding area. Just the hospital and they are booked solid so I have to wait. I'm actually surprised they can see me as soon as they can. I haven't had very my symptoms for the start. The odd nauseated day sore boobs and acne but they have all disappeared recently. My boobs still hurt to the touch but no where near what they were.

My OH is great though. Just keeps reassuring me that we will be ok and a yolk sac is a good sign.
Thanks everyone. Doing my best to stay positive.
My symptoms have all faded off which I know can happen but it's still slightly worrying and last night I had a dream that I woke up soak in blood from bleeding :(
Think my mind is in worry mode.

I'm so shocked they are leaving you this long, is there no way you can get scanned quicker?

Symptoms come and go, some days I can't eat a thing, other days I can eat quite a lot. Some days I bleed then others I've fine. Some days my boobs are killing and others they are fine, so try not to worry, but seems to cruel to have said something could be wrong and then leave you wait so long. :hugs:

I wish they could get me in faster. We only have one ultrasound place for my town and surrounding area. Just the hospital and they are booked solid so I have to wait. I'm actually surprised they can see me as soon as they can. I haven't had very my symptoms for the start. The odd nauseated day sore boobs and acne but they have all disappeared recently. My boobs still hurt to the touch but no where near what they were.

My OH is great though. Just keeps reassuring me that we will be ok and a yolk sac is a good sign.

:hugs: glad OH is being supportive and reassuring. Hope the time flies by and all is well xxxx
I can't believe that they're doing this to you - that is a really long time to wait between scans (just to state the obvious).

Try to stay positive and keep sending your little bean good vibes, I know it's hard but nothing good can come from worrying.

Try not to place too much emphasis on your symptoms coming and going, some nights I have wacky dreams, some nights I don't dream at all, most days I feel fine other days I feel crappy, my only consistent sign is how my boobs look :p - symptoms do come and go, there are so so many threads on here of people saying that they're symptoms have disappeared only for them to come back full force the next day.

Keeping my FX for you (not that I really need to because everything is going to be fine :) ) xx
You were asking what you should see at your nine week scan...
I had a scan at 7 wks 2 days and another one at 10 wks 1 day.

The 7 week scan showed tiny baby. You could see it's head and body shape, the yolk sac and even the umbilical cord. You could also see a flicker of its little body that was the heartbeat, which was 152 bpm at the time.

The 10 week scan showed so much more. You could see it's little legs, arms and even its NOSE, which I thought was crazy. The heartbeat was at 166bpm. The baby even lifted up its head and arm and moved them around.

Hope this helps a little, since 9 weeks will be right in between when I had mine. Good luck! Lots of baby dust to you! <3
Could you get your hands on a doppler? If you can pick up the heartbeat on it that will reassure you x
I just had a scan at 9+1 today. There's a thread in first tri with pictures.

Saw head and heart beating and limb buds moving kicking and moving arms and like jumping about. Also saw the chord. It was insanely awesome.

Hope you get good news at your scan.

I had scan at 7+1 and baby was literally a splodge with a heartbeat.

Our ultrasound machine isn't great quality for close up, heavy zoom though as it's an IVF one and used for counting follicles and lining thickness.
Could you get your hands on a doppler? If you can pick up the heartbeat on it that will reassure you x

It would be very rare to pick up the HB before your scan... Most docs and midwives won't try til 14 weeks... I picked our bubs up at 12+2. So I personally wouldn't try it'll probably make you more nervous if you can't find it, which again is expected!
I have a Doppler but won't even try it until 9 weeks probably as that's when it worked with my youngest. I'll have my scan the same day so ill probably just wait for that.
Hoping the best for you!!! Sounds like it could be to early for them to see anything right now- Usually you cant see anything until about 6 wks. at 5 wks they normally only can see the yolk sac- in fact I dont believe that they can even pic up the HB at that point, but after 6 wks they can with the U.S. I had a blighted ovum twice and It looks the same as pregancy minus the yolk sac and baby. I ended up naturally miscarrying at almost 12 wks. But honestly-they didnt see anything at all. So the fact that they see the yolk sac is great!! the baby to what I understand is smaller than the yolk sac. no worries Mommy- don't stress yourself, I understand your worry- I really do -but you got this!!! Im sending positive thoughts your way!!!!! XOXO
Just a small update on us for those following.

Ultrasound is in 1 week. :)
2 days ago at 7 weeks 5 days we found a heartbeat :) yay. So no more worry of blighted ovum :) I've added the link to the video. Take a look. I know it's not mine as it's 170 beats a min. SHOULD STATE THIS WAS CONFIRMED AT MY APPOINTMENT THIS MORNING :) :)


Also here is my 8 week bump :) starting to form something :) :)


Thank you all so much for all the support and I will keep updating :)
seems kinda early to hear on doppler...TBH. But I hope it is HB! good luck
seems kinda early to hear on doppler...TBH. But I hope it is HB! good luck

Did you listen to it? It is clearly baby and confirmed at my appointment this morning. My uterus is just at my pubic bone and doctor is happy he just wants me to get the ultrasound still to confirm :)
Sounds like a HB! But I agree it's pretty early, are you sure of your dates? Either way all good news!

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