Dog Walking

I agree with all the above, its extremely rude of him and totally out of order ... My due date is tomorrow and I went for a nice walk with my 2 dogs today ... admittedly it was a bit shorter and slower than they are used to :)
Argh! What a complete prick! With my hormones and mood swings atm I pity the fool that says something like that to me when I am out with my dog!

I completely agree with everyone saying he's a total idiot, what the heck has it got to do with him anyway??:growlmad: However, I'm seriously thinking of stopping walking my dog on my own, as she often pulls on her lead when she sees another dog ar a cat and a few months ago when a dog came running over having a go at her, I got pulled over and fell quite hard trying to keep them apart (the other dogs owner was a total idiot and didn't care). Obviously don't want that happening again now I'm pregnant, so DH or my mum will probably come with me now. But if your dog is well behaved on their lead(unlike mine!) and you can manage them, then why the hell shouldn't you walk them? stupid man.....
That was so rude of him, its got nothing to do with him. I carried on walking my dog until i was about 15 weeks pregnant and then my dad started doing it as he a pain when he on lead and i dont want to risk being pulled over/pulled about but if your dog fine when they on lead and just walks by your side then there no problem is there.
Cheeky beggar!

You continue walking till you feel you can't any longer!
What does he know about being pregnant? lol stupid busybody. Ignore him, I walk my doggie twice a day and I work to and from work as well, I am not going to stop any of this unless I am too tired to do so. Exercise is supposed to be good for you and can make your pregnancy easier, that's what I read anyway. It's one of those situations where you are caught off guard and then later REALLY want to tell him off. xxx
What a tosser!! I hope you told him to mind his own business!!!
i cant walk my dog anymore have been barred by oh as he a really strong breed(staffie)and pulled me over a few weeks ago i think nosey beggars should shut the f@~k up if ya dog walks nicely theres no probs i wouldve lost my rag.
hi everyone just thought id say saw that man agsin today when i was out with the dog, OH and his mate and surprise surprise he kept quiet but that didnt stop my OH saying to him that he has no right to tell me how to live my life or comment on my unborn child to this the man said back he had my childs best intrest at heart but next timewont bother

all i can say is good im fed up of busybodies telling me what i can and cant do just because im pregnant
What a plonker, he has no right to comment on anyone. Its none of his business if u walk ur dog or not, i cant see why u wouldnt? Its good exercise as ur walking about and getting fresh air. I would have told him to **** off!
Some people are just strange. He probably has no knowledge about dogs and belongs in the "I hate all dogs" - group.

I would just ignore it if i were you.

And tbh if something should happen, i would feel alot safer with my dog with me. The risk of feinting is alot bigger then your dog knocking you over( assuming you have a dog that doesn't pull ofc)
What an a-hole!!! I would have told him to F off!!!!! Walking is GREAT for us!!!
Forget him his not worth it.
I will be walking my dog rifght up until my due date
I'm glad your OH had the chance to confront him about it! I dream of those moments.
What a prick. Well done for staying calm because i know i wouldn't have been able to.

I walk 2 dog 1)an Akita who's mental on the lead and i'm sure he wants to kill other dogs and the other is a lab/collie cross. Again she doesn't like other dogs.

Both go mad when they see dogs but just because im pregnant it doesn't mean im going to stop taking them out. There not going to do any damage to my child.

some people are stupid!!
Oh im still walking my dog but obviously some one has to come with me to pick up his mess as the midwife said not to touch dog poo as theres a risk of toxoplasmosis?? and it can cause birth defects in babies.
Im still walking my 2 at 9 days overdue ... you never know it might manage to persuade LO to make an appearance :)
Ignore him, he sounds a total wally! Walking is excellent in pregnancy as it encourages your baby to get in the head down position.
If you have a well-behaved dog, there is no reason you shouldnt walk her.
I dont walk my dog on a lead, as he is very boisterous, pulls really badly, and has pulled me over a few times now (even though he's only a Jack Russell, he is VERY strong). If he is just going round the park, my hubby takes him, whereas I take him in the car up Loch Fitty, where there are hardly ever any other dogs, and I let him have a damn good run, while I walk at my own pace after him!
Dont be reidiculous, some people are just still of the opinion the if you are in 'that condition' you shouldnt be out of the house!

I would have told them where to shove their comment.
I was never able to walk my Dane before I got pregnant just because even at a 'slow' walk he was too fast for me to keep up with him. I think my husband measured once and one of his single strides was equivalent to about almost 3 of my normal steps.

Aside from that though he has grown very protective of the bump and checks to make sure it is still there when I come home from work every day. I'm also pretty convinced he can tell when the baby is up and moving because there have been times where he'll come running from a totally different part of the house and press his nose against the bump just as it's starting to get active in there.

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