Don't even feel pregnant :-( oh is a misery!


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2010
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I'm having a whinge! I havnt bought ANYTHING for baby n I need EVERYTHING!

I want to buy stuff and oh says just wait, we rnt doin the nursery until baby here as we team yellow but would be nice to get paintwork done so alls that would need to be done is wallpaper In pink or blue!

Im ment to be Gettin a 4d scan this week n he's told me to cancel as he dusnt want it thinks it's pointless n will want to no gender (I had to force him at 20 week scan!)

I feel like goin out now and Gettin loads so I at least feel pregnant as the excitement of buying baby stuff is surely part of pregnancy??? x
I would just start buying stuff-your going to need it.
I left shopping quite late and it got me stressed.
Think its part of our nesting instinct(and common sense)to want to get organised.
I have been buying stuff since before I was pregnant and almost done now except for nursery etc because I really wanted to enjoy it rather than rushing around last minute.. go shopping! Stuff him! :) xx
Haha thanks ladies! See I don't wana leave everythin til last minute as I have a 1 year old who has started walkin so Is hard wrk n Im shattered already so can imagine wha il be like closer to the time! x
Girl! Go shopping. Get anything your heart fancies:)

And go for the scan!
Aw don't let him make demands like that! Go shopping and enjoy!!! Also have ur scan if he doesn't want to go fine I don't see why u should cancel it when use been looking forward to it just cos he's changed his mind!
When does he want u to wait untill to buy stuff?? I have almost everything & went into town yesterday to get some things for hospital back and I could gave cried it was such hard work lol so busy and tiring! Also getting closer to Xmas ur not gonna wanna have to deal with that so late on in ur pregnancy!
Him being at the scan isn't the be all and end all... unless it was going to be him paying, please still go!!!! And go shopping too, sod him... you need to start doing stuff. And if you want to do the paint work in the nursery, DO IT as it will be a nuisance once LO is there and it would get rid of the paint smell before LO arrives too.
I would get buying stuff as soon as u can, we've spaced it out cos of the cost and we've still been very stretched. Good luck and I bet your nursery will look beautiful whatever colour it is :) x
It's much easier to buy things spaced over time, u won't wanna be rushing about later on!! Especially in the Xmas rush!! That makes no sense at all. I have been buying since about 20 weeks just a little each week and now we are just about done... Last few bits for my hospital bag and and a playmat to get. I am exhausted now and hurting all over and have been for last month or so and would hate to be having to run about like a headless chicken... Also babies come when they are ready nt when ur ready so prob wise to be ready a little bit early to be safe!! Bless u, feel sad for u that it seems u can't get excited... Tell him to stop being a misery!!! Enjoy the scan, it's not like it's something u get to do every day!! X
aw hun, i know what you're going through, i have only bought a few bibs and hats for LO, as we have loads of baby bits from previous babies but...
even if i didn't i am sticking to my guns and waiting for the january sales.
this baby is due too close to xmas, i am sure people will buy bump xmas presents hun...

and you can concerntrate on xmas have a lovely last xmas just the two of you.

you don't need everything that they put in all of the glossy catalogues, just buy the basics and then add to it as you go, spreading the cost makes it more fun and more affordable especially on a budget.

even when payday comes, i am still having to go xmas shopping when i want to go baby bits shopping! :cry: its just that time of the year hun.
i suspect your OH is also worried about being able to afford xmas on top of baby bits.

you will get soooo much more for your money if you hold out till january.
Thanks ladies! i went for a little shopping trip to Asda just to get out the house and got a nappy wrapper and some breast pads (i no il need loads!) haha they didnt have much so gona go the end of the week n get moses basket n stuff! i also bought the gloss and stuff and gona start 2nite!

i no what u mean about the xmas rush! i went shopping on saturday for xmas presents for dd n it was so stressful i couldnt wait to leave! so i think everything is gona be ordered online haha x
I'm doing most of my buying and decorating the nursery now because I feel good and have the energy to do it. I have no idea how I'm going to feel near the end, so I'd rather not put it off till later. After the Christmas rush, I'll be 33 weeks along; who knows if you'll still feel like you do know, or if you'll get a wave of 3rd trimester exhaustion?

We're team yellow too, but I started buying stuff a couple of weeks ago. Everything I've gotten so far is neutral. For the nursery, the crib, furniture and curtains are white and the walls were painted a dark beige. It actually looks really nice as it is, but once we know if its a boy or a girl we'll add some colour in there with pictures, rugs and pillows. I probably won't feel like running out and buying stuff once the baby is born, so at least as it is now, the nursery is complete and can evolve over time.

You'll want to do any painting/papering/carpet cleaning well in advance of baby coming for the fumes to disappear...maybe bring that up to hubby? Good luck!
I don't think your OH realises that the further in pregnancy you get the harder is it to do simple thing's like a little bit of shopping!! Never mind decorating a nursery! Does he intend to do i all by himself, because at this rate he might not have a choice! You'll find that in 3rd tri your bump will really pop out and you feel tried and achey just walkin in town for a few hours. We painted our first son's bedroom at 34week's, and I wish we'd done it earlier as it was exhausting and uncomfortable! Put your foot down, this is your baby too after all! Tell him you want to go shopping for baby thing's such and such day and that's that!! If he feel's your being unreasonable, GOOD! Your pregnant, your aloud to be unreasonable, and being the loving OH he should comply with your every wish and command! (Sorry if I'm a little OTT, feeling rather miserable myself with being so overdue :blush:)
ive only just got th last of the things i need, but im glad i didnt start buying things sooner, because as soon as youve got everything it becomes even more exciting and time seems to go even slower! but if you leave it too late you could be in trouble if you go into early labour for any reason! :flow:
yeah thats what im worried about! with dd i sailed thru pregnancy and was 9 days over but this time i feel so much different and i no thats no sign il go early but u never no!

2nite hes come in from work and stripped one wall of the room so its a start n id done the rest so only a bit to do then i can do the paintwork this weekend! x
I did most of my baby shopping quite early and i'm glad I did as we're having work done on our flat at the moment (great timing I know, definitely not my choice but my dad is my landlord and everything in his life is done at the last minute :wacko:) and all I want to do is tidy, clean, rearrange etc! We have everything ready for baby though (apart from a kitchen, so she'd best stay put until at least the end of this week *lol*) so that's one thing off my mind :)
It's nice to go out early and buy stuff, it's part of pregnancy. Besides, there are always good offers on so you can stock up on things.
I have been shopping for my baby since I was 5 weeks, I order everything I see that I think is adorable and my OH has to like it or get my huffy side (hormones I blame lol) and go for the scan, take your mum and enjoy yourself, your OH is maybe in shock that there is another baby on the way but he will come round, your the woman (and us women all wear the trousers) :flower:
aw hun, i know what you're going through, i have only bought a few bibs and hats for LO, as we have loads of baby bits from previous babies but...
even if i didn't i am sticking to my guns and waiting for the january sales.
this baby is due too close to xmas, i am sure people will buy bump xmas presents hun...

and you can concerntrate on xmas have a lovely last xmas just the two of you.

you don't need everything that they put in all of the glossy catalogues, just buy the basics and then add to it as you go, spreading the cost makes it more fun and more affordable especially on a budget.

even when payday comes, i am still having to go xmas shopping when i want to go baby bits shopping! :cry: its just that time of the year hun.
i suspect your OH is also worried about being able to afford xmas on top of baby bits.

you will get soooo much more for your money if you hold out till january.

I agree with this. Might he be worried about money? Maybe he thinks you still have what you need with you having a one year old? I would have a chat with him about it xx
Aw don't let him make demands like that! Go shopping and enjoy!!!

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