I'll join in too if you dont mind lol, im due on the 7th march x
Can i join too.. I'm also due 5th march.
Hello and welcome !! Hope you are well xx
Hello and welcome !! Hope you are well xx
Hiya *waves*
I'm not too bad thanks. I have my 20 week scan on Weds and I can't help but feel this sense of impending doom.
It's my first and I'm just super paranoid that something will go wrong - not helped by the fact I can't feel any kicks yet.. at least I don't think I can. Kinda impossible to know really isn't it!?!
Can any of you ladies definitely say you've felt something yet?
trudie I'm sorry to hear of ur missed miscarriage I was told I was ectopic at the beginning of this one pregnancy is a terrifying journey. I'm so happy for u that ur now here xx
Wow so trudie urs is tues, thelionclub urs is wed and mine is Fri !! Trust me to be last !! I will keep my fingers crossed for us all xx
Your not last bubs82 ... mine isn't for 2 weeks on Monday
I know the feeling you're on about, I've had 4 scans up to now and each time the first thing I ask is if baby has a heartbeat ... it's an awful feeling !!
I've had two scares, one at 7weeks when I had brown spotting, then again at 13 weeks when I got rushed to hospital with suspected miscarriage, I had an emergency scan and bubs was fine, I saw the doc and got told I have ligament damage to my lower abdomen from doing too much at work as I'm a beauty therapist so constanmtly on the go, and doing so many massages a day so I've been signed off from massage (wasn't my favorite treatment anyways lol)
I'm looking forward to the 20 week scan as a few people keep saying they think she'll be a big baby, gets me mad that they judge because I have quite a bump already, but at all the scans she's been just a tiny bit smaller than her dates, I haven't gained any weight at all yet, and my appetite is probably half of what it used to be ... my mum only gained a stone with both me and my brother but says she was huge with both.
I have felt some movement bubs82, not kicks, just like my stomach flips lol. Looking forward to kicks though
Any names for your little man bubs82?
... I'll introduce myself ... I'm Cheryl, I'm orginally from Lancashire but moved to South Australia with my husband 13 months ago and this is our first baby !
It's horrible watching people around u loose their babies I started work on a different dept a few weeks ago and one of the girls told me her sister was 6 weeks preg. I was very happy for her but a tiny part of me worried she announced it so soon. We chatted bout preg stuff and literally the next day in work she was crying, her sister had had a scan and the baby had died its all around us, terrifying . I keep thinking am I next ! But I gotta stop thinking that way and be positive !I'll try and update on Weds after mine too.
I'm not exactly a big girl, but I did have a bit of extra winter protection on my tummy before pregnancy, so I'm hoping this is why I haven't felt anything yet. We've had so many friends and family members go through losses on their first times, so it feels more worrying for us than it perhaps should.