dont have a bump buddy :(

It was mental experience, and I did freak out a bit but equally I kept saying thankyou and was never mean to my OH lol - It is hard but your body knows what its doing so you just have to try and stay calm and go with the flow because you cant stop it even if you want to lol. All in it was about a 27 hour labour and I did enjoy the experience as much as possible. I was sick as soon as I they put her on top of me - I freaked out because she looked so huge I had no idea how on earth she came out of me :dohh:
Olivia was due on 5th july and came on the 3rd.
He will come when he is good and ready - it was sods law that Olivia decided to come on the one day I didnt have a shower first thing :blush: but I had a bath in the hospital whilst high on gas and air - was the best bath of my life, I think I used the whole hot water supply for the hospital hehe.
Carl forgot my notes because the midwife left them on our dining room table and my next door neighbour dropped them into the hospital for us and the midwife thought he was my dad lol that was quite amusing. Trying to laugh whilst in pain is a funny experience too. :haha:

Dont get me wrong, Im still nervous this time around, but I also know that its nowhere near as terrible as people often make out, I think people always focus on the bad bits.

That really puts it into perspective for me.. it sounds so real but ... ok. Ur so right, I can't stop it I can only have faith and believe I can do it. Thank u so much for telling me ur story its really uplifted me :D xx
Your more than welcome, believe me if it was that bad Id have been spayed instead of having another lol. Im sure when I go into labour Ill start to question my sanity but as soon as its over its sooooo worth it. If a bit bonkers because you just squidged out a mini person :blush: All tiny little fingers and toes!

This is a photo of her the day after she was born lol


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Your more than welcome, believe me if it was that bad Id have been spayed instead of having another lol. Im sure when I go into labour Ill start to question my sanity but as soon as its over its sooooo worth it. If a bit bonkers because you just squidged out a mini person :blush: All tiny little fingers and toes!

This is a photo of her the day after she was born lol

Oh god my heart just melted. To carry her all that time feel her wriggles and pokes and then to finally see her ! She looks perfect, id cry and not stop lol. Amazing :) I can't believe my mini person is in me now, I hope he comes out as perfect and gorgeous. My oh says she is beautiful :D :D xx
Your more than welcome, believe me if it was that bad Id have been spayed instead of having another lol. Im sure when I go into labour Ill start to question my sanity but as soon as its over its sooooo worth it. If a bit bonkers because you just squidged out a mini person :blush: All tiny little fingers and toes!

This is a photo of her the day after she was born lol

Oh god my heart just melted. To carry her all that time feel her wriggles and pokes and then to finally see her ! She looks perfect, id cry and not stop lol. Amazing :) I can't believe my mini person is in me now, I hope he comes out as perfect and gorgeous. My oh says she is beautiful :D :D xx

Aww that is so kind of you to say! Your little boy will be even more perfect because he will be yours! a 50/50 bundle of love!!! :hugs:

I used to just stare at her and still do sometimes and think 'bloody hell, how on earth did I manage to create you - your an actual person!' lol Its amazing what our bodies can do with just a few cells!

I have a photo of her trying to lick a donkey from when we took her to the farm a few months ago, was a very amusing day! Just think - soon you and your OH will be taking your little man out to explore the world and learn that he cant eat donkeys!!! :wacko::happydance:
Haha u just made me laugh out loud ! I just can't imagine a real live mini person in my house right now - I mean the house is a mess cos we only bought it a few months ago and its soo not ready - maybe when we start the nursery I can picture it more ! God we are so lucky our bodies are able to do this - really blessed :D x
Haha u just made me laugh out loud ! I just can't imagine a real live mini person in my house right now - I mean the house is a mess cos we only bought it a few months ago and its soo not ready - maybe when we start the nursery I can picture it more ! God we are so lucky our bodies are able to do this - really blessed :D x

We moved into our new home a month before Olivia came along, was a NIGHTMARE lol but a good one. Although I did get electrocuted twice and ended up in hospital but little one was not bothered luckily!
As long as you have a moses basket/somewhere for him to sleep, something for him to wear, some nappies and something to feed him if your not planning to then thats all he is going to care about. Eat, sleep and poop. Thats pretty much all you are going to get for a few weeks until he realises he is on the outside of mummy and that the outside is much bigger and more fun! :happydance: He wont care about what colour the walls are or if his room isnt his fav colour lol. We just painted Olive Oils room magnolia until she is old enough to choose her own decor - within reason!!! I must start teaching her her colours else Ill be in trouble when we go to B&Q lol :blush:
Haha Omg that's not funny, electrocuted ?? U poor thing ! But yeah if things aren't ready my little boy will still be fed , clothed pooped and loved ! It's so nice to talk to someone experienced but down to earth :D no one in my family has babies, and my oh has cousins with babies but they intimidate me and make me feel stupid :( x
Haha Omg that's not funny, electrocuted ?? U poor thing ! But yeah if things aren't ready my little boy will still be fed , clothed pooped and loved ! It's so nice to talk to someone experienced but down to earth :D no one in my family has babies, and my oh has cousins with babies but they intimidate me and make me feel stupid :( x

Experienced?!! You think?! Ha! No. I have just learnt a little bit, but actually know sod all, I just make it up as I go along and do whatever feels right at the time :shrug: Plonk someone elses baby in front of me and Im a mess, havent got a clue!
I do know what you mean about people being intimidating though, my sister has 5 children, all under 8 and all have some form of disability and she knows everything... or so she thinks.
I never ask her anything, she drives me mad!!!
Every single baby is different and will like different things, Olivia had GERD gastro-oesophageal reflux disease) from birth so had to be put on prescription milk, and have cocktails of drugs, which were honestly crappy, didnt work, she felt miserable, was always hungry and threw up all the time due to the acid - poor little miss. So I weaned her fully at 4 months and she hasnt had any milk since!
People flip their lid at me about that because she MUST have milk because thats what the world says. lol. Well she has never been sick since, has never had a cold, is exactly the right weight and is happy so stuff the world, Im doing whats best for her :blush: Health visitor is fine with it although ive only met her once (useless) and she has multivitamins along with her varied diet (she just eats what we eat). The only thing she doesn't do yet like some is walk, but its not because she cant, its because shes super lazy and prefers to slide on the floor!!
People will always try to tell you how to bring up your baby and it will always be the best way:)coffee:), and fair enough, some advice will be great, but he is your little baby, and you will know him best (even though you will think you havent got a clue) trust your instincts hun, your not stupid in the slightest, you and your baby have to get to know each other and you will soon get yourselves a routine that works for you all.
Coo blimey I yadder on... :wacko:
U do NOT yadder on !! U made me feel soo much better, why I worry what these judgemental people think I don't know ! I'm hoping like u said, that once its just me and my baby it will come to me, that I won't feel awkward. I won't always get it right but I will give everything I have to him. I love him so much already :) oh ur poor little girl she didn't have an easy beginning did she ?? Oh and how dare people judge u for whether she has milk or not - ur her mum u love her and know what's best grr ! xx
I had never changed a nappy until I had Olivia... :blush:
You will soon learn everything you need to. I was scared to pick her up or do anything with her, but then I realised that actually I wont break her and she wont mind if I take too long ages to put her babygro on inside out :dohh: I soon got my confidence.
It is hard with so much peer pressure and in some ways sites like this make things harder rather than easier.
Your going to be a great mum because you care and because you want to do whats best for your son, not what your next door neighbour or the person round the corner wants. :thumbup:
My sister in law bought a book on how to bring up your child from birth to 2 and followed it to the letter, her kid now is a nightmare that wont eat right, wont sleep right and cannot be away from her without screaming...
Ive never read a book (on parenting at least) and so far my little bundle goes to sleep by herself as soon as you put her in bed, eats whatever is in front of her and I can leave her with anyone and she will just wave and say bye! :cry:
Im glad I didnt bother getting a book now lol
Wow, really ??? I haven't got any books on parenting and felt stressed.learning it all to the letter, and half of them contradict themselves ! Do this, don't ever do this, sometimes do that, AAAARGH! U made me laugh by saying about putting a babygro on inside out ! And like u said, she didn't mind ! I went to a mothercare event the other day, I didn't know what sheets are to go on a cot and why. I was too ashamed to ask, my sister did in the end ! :haha:
Wow, really ??? I haven't got any books on parenting and felt stressed.learning it all to the letter, and half of them contradict themselves ! Do this, don't ever do this, sometimes do that, AAAARGH! U made me laugh by saying about putting a babygro on inside out ! And like u said, she didn't mind ! I went to a mothercare event the other day, I didn't know what sheets are to go on a cot and why. I was too ashamed to ask, my sister did in the end ! :haha:

lol I always just bung fitted sheets on everything because then you dont have to faff around with the sheets, just ping and go lol They never come off or get all tangled up (and they iron themselves when you stretch them out! Bonus!)
Olivia sleeps in the baby sleeping bag things, they are great as she doesnt wriggle out, she always sleeps on her front too but dont tell anyone because she isnt meant to... :dohh:
Anyway I must dash for now as Im cooking dinner, hubby will be in any minute hungry. He is a head chef so works 50 anti social annoying hours a week lol.
Take care, will PM you tomorrow :hugs: :thumbup: xxx
Wow, really ??? I haven't got any books on parenting and felt stressed.learning it all to the letter, and half of them contradict themselves ! Do this, don't ever do this, sometimes do that, AAAARGH! U made me laugh by saying about putting a babygro on inside out ! And like u said, she didn't mind ! I went to a mothercare event the other day, I didn't know what sheets are to go on a cot and why. I was too ashamed to ask, my sister did in the end ! :haha:

lol I always just bung fitted sheets on everything because then you dont have to faff around with the sheets, just ping and go lol They never come off or get all tangled up (and they iron themselves when you stretch them out! Bonus!)
Olivia sleeps in the baby sleeping bag things, they are great as she doesnt wriggle out, she always sleeps on her front too but dont tell anyone because she isnt meant to... :dohh:
Anyway I must dash for now as Im cooking dinner, hubby will be in any minute hungry. He is a head chef so works 50 anti social annoying hours a week lol.
Take care, will PM you tomorrow :hugs: :thumbup: xxx
Aww have nice evening, bet he will be shattered ! Enjoyed our chat , been lovely :D Speak soon then , nite :D xxx
So when is ur 20 week scan ?? Do u know blue or pink yet :D x

My 20 week scan is on the 7th november... bah - ages away!
No idea if pink or blue yet, but this preg is completely different to my previous one, dont know if that means its blue this time or that im just carrying the devil child lol :dohh:

So is yours a little past your 20 weeks? I'm 17 weeks 1 day and I'm having my scan on Halloween. I'll be 19 weeks 4 days then....I'm due March 22nd! :)
Wow ladies, I go to sleep and wake up to about new pages lol. Your all chatting while I'm sleeping ... bloody 9.5 hours time difference !!

Well I am an emotional wreck today, crying at anything and everything. And I just have to tell you about my dream last night ... I dreamt our baby girl was here :cloud9: she was sleeping in her moses basket and woke up, so I breast fed her, then winded her and hubby had a cuddle with her then we put her back to sleep with her dummy, she was beautiful, she had dark hair and olive skin. I woke up with a smile and told hubby about my lovely dream, now I feel like I'm desperate to have her here, after having that feeling of having her here in my dream and waking up and her not here in person (if you know what I mean?) I have this desperate feeling to have her in my arms !

carlandjane - your display pic is amazing ! And your story about delivering your baby girl made me soooo excited ! I haven't put much thought into giving birth yet and although we'll go to the classes I don't think I'm going to stress myself out with panicing before hand. I've applied for a water birth in one of the birthing centres here, I should here by 20 weeks ! I think I'm a day behind you.

Rhian - When did you say you were taking your maternity leave? Don't people tend to leave 6-8 weeks before baby is due?? I'm not sure when I'll leave, I plan on the beginning of Feb - so 7 weeks before Isla is due but with it being our summer here and it reaching 45 degrees + I'm not 100%, we've just said it depends how I cope in the heat. And my salon has no aircon :nope: I'm def going to try and stay til after Christmas. I think we will have another 4D scan about 32 weeks, but I am sad to think I'm not going to see her for weeks :sad1: Also I know what you mean about wishing we could know if bubs is going to be on time, early or late ... I have my mum, dad and little brother coming over from the UK for 4 weeks (they don't live here yet, they're still waiting for their visa to be granted) I've always wanted my mum with me at the birth and of course I want them all her to greet the little monkey and get the first cuddles :winkwink: So Isla is due 20th and my family will be with us from the 15th March - 12th April. So hoping it all works out lol.

ssuchianlo - our scans are on the scan day ! I already know we're having a baby girl though. And I'll be 19w5d. I'm due on the 20th March.

Have you bought any big items yet? We bought the pram early on as it was down from $1700 to $1200 we bought the Bugaboo Cameleon. We've also bought all her Nursery furniture - cot, cot mattress, drawers, change table & mattress, nursing chair and digital monitors. I've just picked the theme for her nursery and will be purchasing that soon ... :blush::blush: I liek to be organised :haha:


Oh I thought I'd upload a photo of my bump - any bump photo's to share ladies? Please ignore the face & hair I'm sick at the mo with a terrible cold. :blush:



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I would say morning Cheryl but with 9.5 hours difference is it around 6pm for u ? Lol !
What a dream,the detail !!! If I had a dream like that about my little boy I think I would have woken up crying, I'm so emotional these days ! Absolutely amazing :D
I LOVE ur bump.its so cute !! If I can get hold of a computer I will try and upload one of mine - I use my mobile to get on here .
Yeah I'm really confused bout maternity,what to do !!! I could go off week before Xmas if I wanted, and miss the xmas peak rush as I work in retail and it can get ugly! But I'd be sick if I went then and he arrived late ,my maternity would be spent waiting ! But ican take a year off ... Aargh decisions !!
I got an engagement party to go to tonight had to buy a maternity dress as my regular clothes looked ridiculous. I put fake tan on last nite and it went wrong - I put it on my legs face arms and chest and it stops abruptly at my thighs like Orange stockings, my bells a giant white globe and I slept awkward so its smeared onto my palms and smudge my face ! Better go try and repair it ... wish me luck !! :dohh:
It was indeed about 6 when you messaged.
The dream I had was amazing :)
Thank you, a few people say I'm big for how many weeks I am but like I said I've no weight gain yet just a belly lol. Be great to see others bumps too.
I know what you mean about Christmas in retail, I worked in retail while I was studying , I think you're very brave lol, just take it easy hun !!
Did you manAge to fix the tan?? Have a fab time tonight.
10.20pm here and nearly ready for bed, I'm exhausted tonight.

Just emailed my mother in law the photo I posted on here ... Her reply 'what a bump, must be a big baby' :growlmad:

Do you think I look too big ??

Just emailed my mother in law the photo I posted on here ... Her reply 'what a bump, must be a big baby' :growlmad:

Do you think I look too big ??


Grr that's exactly what people hav said to me , so bloody ignorant ! It's a FAB bump she is being stupid and should be happy baby is growing strong ! Ah I'm sure she didn't mean it in a bad way ... but I'm getting fed up of the same comments. Be proud of the bump! :) tan is fixed, hair is done lol taking a break to eat some banana icecream Mmmmm lol. Nite ! Xx
So when is ur 20 week scan ?? Do u know blue or pink yet :D x

My 20 week scan is on the 7th november... bah - ages away!
No idea if pink or blue yet, but this preg is completely different to my previous one, dont know if that means its blue this time or that im just carrying the devil child lol :dohh:

So is yours a little past your 20 weeks? I'm 17 weeks 1 day and I'm having my scan on Halloween. I'll be 19 weeks 4 days then....I'm due March 22nd! :)

Im actually due march 22nd too according to my scan but march 19th according to lmp so time will tell lol - yeah my scan will be at 20+4. hehe you might find that you are having a pumpkin if you have a scan on halloween :blush:

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