I'm currently 5+4 in this pregnancy. Last cycle was a early loss at 5 weeks. In january we had a mmc, medical miscarriage about 10 wks.
I obviously can't help but be nervous about this one but I truly feel like it's not going well. My tests were getting way darker than they did with my early loss. But for about 4-5 days they have stalled and haven't gotten any darker. I estimate I am between 23-25 dpo. Last week I has significant nausea for a few days and then it completely disappeared. So I kept testing and unfortunately the test have pretty much stalled in darkness and have not gotten darker than the control line.
I'd figure this far along that my level would double up so high after 48 hours that their should be some sort of change in the darkness. One or two may have been a tad lighter but I'll attribute that to dilution.
I know they say stop testing but unfortunately with my mmc the only way I had an idea something was wrong was my symptoms got better and my when I retested it was lighter.
The only symptoms I am having right now are some twinge and possible ligament pain. I just don't know if I will be able to go through this all again if this one is anot her loss and I'm terrified to think of it.
I obviously can't help but be nervous about this one but I truly feel like it's not going well. My tests were getting way darker than they did with my early loss. But for about 4-5 days they have stalled and haven't gotten any darker. I estimate I am between 23-25 dpo. Last week I has significant nausea for a few days and then it completely disappeared. So I kept testing and unfortunately the test have pretty much stalled in darkness and have not gotten darker than the control line.
I'd figure this far along that my level would double up so high after 48 hours that their should be some sort of change in the darkness. One or two may have been a tad lighter but I'll attribute that to dilution.
I know they say stop testing but unfortunately with my mmc the only way I had an idea something was wrong was my symptoms got better and my when I retested it was lighter.
The only symptoms I am having right now are some twinge and possible ligament pain. I just don't know if I will be able to go through this all again if this one is anot her loss and I'm terrified to think of it.