Not putting a name on a birth certificate doesn't equal lying! It doesn't mean mothers aren't going to be honest and open about paternity, its just that there are that few that do not deserve to be on there, because they neither deserve or want the rights that brings.
In an ideal world there would be no need for any of this, we would share responsibility for our children equally and so an equal share of the upbringing but reality isn't like that at all. My DD's father isn't on her birth certificate because he was in prison at the time she was registered, which i believe wasn't my choice, then made zero effort to see here after so the discussion of being added never happened but i would have expected him to prove his commitment to her and pay his way before i'd have ever considered it. I don't believe he should have the same rights i do, if he isn't doing the same job i do, if he isn't raising her and paying for her, sharing the responsibility then why should he share the rights?
Yes he's her dad, and i'll never be dishonest to her about that ever but he doesn't deserve to have rights to a child that he effectively abandoned and has made no effort to connect with, if i had abandoned her i'd have one hell of a fight on my hands to get back those rights i gave away, it shouldn't be any different for fathers who abandon their children!
Then there are the fathers who are great and want to share responsibility and take care of their children and yes there are nasty women out there who will block them all the way and thats wrong too i just think the spectrum is way to broad to ever say that 'all fathers' deserve rights, no matter how they treat their children. I think rights need to be earned, i know mothers have automatic rights but that doesn't mean we don't spend all day every day earning those rights.
I do feel quite strongly about that, it should be on a case to case basis not just giving everyone the same! I know my DD would be a million time worse off with her father in her life, but he'd never get any access no matter how he tried now (and he wouldn't try) and i'm very glad about that, for my childs sake. It used to keep me awake at night, it hurt me deeply, for her, that he wasn't interested, only now i realise that it was for the best. And in some cases it is. It needs to be taken into account that all cases are different and while hopefully the majority are good fathers, there are some who are not. x