Double Trouble! Expectant Twin Mums - Spring 2012

Minivan - We havent' decided names yet... Think we will wait and see what they look like. We should probably start thinking about this more but my dh never takes it seriously (or what I think is serious) as he always gives me names from the characters in his fav tv shows!! how is that serious!!?

We've not had any scan photos since the first couple scans...and now I'm so uncomfortable during the growth scans (every 4 weeks) that I'm just like hurry up I want to not lie down anymore!! and the sonographers always tend to ask me if I am ok or feeling faint so I must look quite miserable!

I hear what you mean Addie about moving around too!! Mine are just constantly stretching out trying to make more room. I'm not sure if they've moved (hope not!!!) the mw last week thought the boy turned around but I'm not necessarily convinced. (she was basing this on a good feel) Our next scan is April 2nd so guess we will find out then! then another meeting with mw that week and at that appt we're scheduling for her to come to the house with the supervisor of community mw's to talk homebirth!! eek! Hope I last that long...dh has started to ask me everyday if I'm in labour!
Hey ladies...well....deary me...what another exciting week! Went to the RVI (Newcastle hospital) last friday for GTT (came back neg) and while I was there I spoke to a midwife as I had been feeling off all week and had been getting BH alot. By the time I had finished the 2 hour waiting period for the next blood test to be taken I was having regular contractions...Was sent around to the maternity assessment unit and I was a finger dilated and still contracting. I got the MW to ring Wayne and tell him to get his butt to the hospital because they thought they were going to be doing my c section if I didn't stop dilating. In the end, I stayed at a finger and got a ambulance (siren and lights blasting) to Sunderland hospital as they didn't have any cots in the nicu at the rvi (just in case we needed them). Before I left the RVI, the doctors gave me the drip again to help with the contractions and so that I wouldn't labour in the ambulance. I finally settled down on the monday and was allowed home tuesday (still no babies). Now, yesterday, I have never been sooooo tired! I slept all day and all night! Today I past a huge glob of plug (sorry bit graphic) and I am getting some tightenings again...I wonder if it is my time? At least I am 34+1 now so the doctors said that all should be fine and they should need any special care especially as they have had their steroid jabs back in feb.

Turns out that I am slightly lacking iron as well so I have been put on three pills a day to help with that. I must admit when I do remember to take them it makes a big difference to my energy levels.

As for names, we still can't get a little lads name but we settled some time ago on Brooke for our little girl.

Oh, on the breech front, RVI won't let me delivery vag as he is breech and she is transverse and they said it is too risky. When I got to Sunderland though, they were trying to convince me to do it vag as they believe that they would still be small enough to come out that way. I personally think it is way to much risk. I could probably do the breech birth but what happens if she doesn't turn???It means I have done all the hard work and would still need a c section so I stuck to my guns and said no thanks, c section for me please. Would have loved a low risk birth but ho hum!

I'm surprised no one else is having any niggles like this yet! I thought it was kind of normal but obviously not! The multiples midwife even turned around to me the other day and said oh you have had a horrible pregnancy! Quite surprised actually but I know I wouldn't do it again, I have enjoyed it that's for sure!

I am finally ready for the little monkeys to come along for their first cuddle so here is to hoping it won't be long now!

It's good they were able to stop the contractions. 34 weeks is fine but keeping them in a little longer is a good idea. Mentally I want to make it to 34 weeks so I can feel relaxed. 36 is my real wish but 34 will be ok as well.
Nicky - wow! That must be so frustrating!! I hope they stay put for just a wee bit longer :D

I have been getting contractions the past few days again so painful I have to stop what I am doing. Last night I as getting them every 7 - 10 minutes for over an hour I took some pain relief and lay down and they went away but they certaintly are not pleasant thats for sure.

Had more again today, I figure my body's just doing its thing, hopefully I dont get too much more of these moments where I start thinking about ringing the hospital!! Cos I was getting close to last night. The laying down thing was my last try to see if they went away.

Then I had a dream my waters broke......Ohhhh I can't wait for the next few weeks to fly by! I hope it does.
I forgot to say yesterday I was thinking about the babies coming when I was in the supermarket carpark and I burst into tears! I couldn't help it. I been crying heaps lately over every little thing.
I had a dream about my waters breaking as well, except I was half awake. I got up to use the bathroom and all of a sudden I thought my waters broke (for no reason bc no gush of anything happened) I was very confused and just sat there for a min then went to bed LOL. That is what happens when you wake up every couple hours, your are so tired you imagine things!!!!!! I am with you, I hope these weeks go fast!!!!!

Went for 3d scan yesterday. It was great. Baby B gave us some great pictures and then decided to put her feet over her head and her hands over her face lol!!!!!! Baby A the entire time was trying to turn away and kept her hands over her face lol so her pictures are a bit blurry but still I got to see their little faces!!!!!!! I can not waittttt. One last week of March and then April and then MAYYYYYYY when they are born!!!!!!!
BOTH BABIES ARE HEAD DOWN!!!!!! STILL HAVE 8 WEEKS SO I HOPE THEY JUST STAY LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance:
Hey Ladies,

As far as recovery from a c-section. 2nd time around was much easier for me. One of the things the dr. told me from the beginning for my 2nd pregnancy was that recovery from a scheduled C-section vs. having an emergency c-section after days of labour are totally different. And I would agree. Easier recover when you haven't gone through days of labour. Try not to be too worried. It's not as bad as you think it will be.
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Not done yet have to decorate the walls put up pictures and shelves to display their things. Couldn't get great pics of the cribs together but you get the idea. :thumbup:
Oops. I keep posting on the wrong page lol. Someone on the other page asked to see the girls nursery.
Having a hard night. The top of my bump hurts a lot. My doctor mentioned I may get pain there. Forgot why she said that would happen?? Zantac isn't working for me for the acid so that stinks. 6-8 more weeks I CAN DO THIS!! Have to keep thinking that. So many people do this, twins are not uncommon anymore and I will eventually forget all the hard days and just look at my beautiful girls and enjoy life. It was funny the night nurse came today to chat with my DH and I about what will happen once babies are born and they come at night to help take care of them and she mentioned that I seem to have a high pain tolerance. DH laughed and I said, well I do have a high pain tolerance. Thennnnnnn I call him at work in tears bc I didn't feel well, my bump hurt, I was dizzy, medicine wasn't working for acid and he goes "oh yea real high pain tolerance." AHHH omg I guess I don't. I am not going to have an easy time giving birth :dohh: Buttt with my stomach disorder I have realllllllllly horrible pain and I deal well with that. So you never know maybe I will be able to do it without causing 2 much of a scene!! :haha:
Addie - OMG I have done that too, woken up and been convinced my waters have broken or that I am in labour and the babies are coming because of I dunno confusion.....from waking up too many times. I lost count how many times I get up now so I'm not getting nearly enough sleep.
Awwwww I love the pictures!! So cute!! You must be over the moon with such a great scan! Love the nursery pictures too :D It looks great!
Don't worry the birth will be fine :D You get an epidural don't you? Or did you have other plans in mind? I can't remember.
It will all be over before you know it and then we all have sleep deprivation and two babies to take care of to look forward to haha

Well these contractions I have been speaking of have been coming every evening now for an hour or so, then they dissappear till the next evening. 1 more week then I wont be so panicky about it. 3 weeks and I will be happy with that! 4 weeks away would be perfect :P
What has ur doc said about the contractions?? I can't even tell if I get them. My stomach gets hard but it stays and my doc says that's not a contraction so I duno. I noticed my belly dropped. Is that normal? Both babies r head down now maybe that's why it dropped bc they changed position??
They have said to drink a glass of water, lay on my left side and take some paracetemol
If they dont stop and get worse or closer together then I ring the delivery suite and make arrangements to go up to the hospital. Have not needed to do that yet!! But have had the phone ready to ring a few times now haha
I mean they probably just really strong BH's cos they have gotten stronger as every week passes but when I go a few days without getting any when they start back up again they are worse than the previous week.

Ooo your belly dropped?! Such a great feeling aye? Well the first few days are anyways :P I had lots of extra space to breathe but then his head down in my pelvis started causing pain when trying to stand or sit.
I think mine dropped about 28 29 weeks. My whole belly shape changed and everything felt different. From what I read it was normal for heaps of people to have it drop then :)
It's good u have a plan ready :) I do have more room and take in air better but the top of the bump hurts now n it's not a great feeling so lost one pain for another lol.
Yeah that's what I found too and I'm not sure which is worse but the first few days relief was the best ever!!
I can't breath when i lay down bc the acid leaving food stuck in my throat :/ now that I can fit more air I still can't lol.
Oh that sounds awful :( I hope it goes away! Or settles down at least. That acid pain is the worst!

I have trouble breathing when I get a BH just cos I'm so full of babies and my uterus is big my lungs have a hard time getting air in when it happens lol

How has everyone been?
My doctor gave me famotidine for the acid reflux. Anyone take this? I hate the idea of being on meds. I feel like I failed the girls . I was up every 30-40 min last night choking on acid so I know I have to take it I just wish I didn't. I can't even nap now bc the second I lay down my throat fills with acid :( I'm waiting till 1 to take meds bc I am going to my high risk doctor and I want his opinion on this medication.

Last night I started getting really bad pressure in my lower stomach and back. Is this normal???

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