Double Trouble! Expectant Twin Mums - Spring 2012

haha i am getting my tubes tied:) We will have 3, and that is perfect for us.

I am horrible about remembering to take pills, so maybe the shot? there is also merena(sp?) that goes inside, and you can keep it in place for up to 5 years, or take it out sooner. I am all about not having to remember something every day :)
I was on birth control but I am nervous to go back on any kind because I have chest pains and such even when not on them. I have to go to a doctor to make sure all is fine in that area. I think it is stress that causes those pains but it makes me nervous that side effects say heart attack you know. I want my DH to get snipped and he said he would and we would bank sperm just in case. I don't know. I wouldn't care if I got pregnant naturally if he and I weren't carriers for cystic fibrosis. Because we are both carriers for that we have a 25% chance of having a sick baby and I can't risk that. We did IVF with genetic testing to make sure our babies are healthy but if we get pregnant naturally who knows u know.Just trying to figure out the best thing to do so we don't have to worry about getting pregnant.
maybe you could get your tubes tied? if you wanted more you would just need to do IVF again (they can do that with tied tubes)
but you wouldnt get pregnant naturally?

I would talk to your RE, I am sure they could point you in the right direction?
I don't want major surgery and I am also only 27 so don't think they actually let u do that till you are in your 30s. My friends doctor said he was not ok with doing that and she is 30.
I dont take it either cos it makes me a moody cow that no one wants to be around.
I have arranged to have my tubes tied if I end up needing a c section.
If the birth goes well and no tubes are tied then OH said he will get the snip, otherwise I may try the mirena or something, have not tried that yet. These will be number 4 and 5 and I keep thinking what if I got pregnant with another set of twins? that would take it up to 7 kids! omg I'm only just 29!
Cos you are having twins and because of your circumstances with the cystic fibrosis they may well do a tubal ligation for you. You could always say that when they cut you open for the c sec (if that is how you end up birthing) then they can do it at the same time.
Might be worth asking about anyways.

I had another rough night :( I woke up really sore again. I just can't seem to shake this backache! Sitting and standing makes it worse :( Laying down is my only option but I can't do that all day long!! and if I do I get sore in other places
Have u tried a prenatal massage for your back??

I think I'm 2 young for my tubes to be tied and I also am the one getting all the physical stuff done. I had the needles I had the procedures. Im in no mood for another one. He said he would get the snip but I still get nervous it wont work. Guess I am being silly. 2 weeks after the snip they have u come in to test to make sure no sperm are there so we would know.
We are pretty lucky when it comes to birth control. My hubby shots blanks, so we don't really need any birth control. I've seen so many people go through hard times with the pill and mirena etc, I just feel lucky that I don't have to make that choice. Doesn't really help any of you though I suppose.

Was feeling pretty poor for the last few days, dizzy, sick etc. But today was a better day, had a bit of energy and cleaned up around the house a bit.

Going for my next u/s tomorrow. Will see if either of the girls has made it past the 5lb mark.
Minivan - how was your scan? I hope it went well!

Who is having their babies first? Theres some c sec dates coming up isn't there? I'm sorry if I got them wrong but I dont wanna go back through the whole thread but wasn't there one on the 12th and one on the 17th?

I am feeling pretty exhausted today. I have my next scan to check on my boys growth in a week and a few days.

How is everyone else doing?
So lucky you have a date. This up in the air not knowing is driving me nuts. I swear one of my girls is trying to get out. She keeps giving me the hardest kicks down low.

Woke up and I am having a tun of contractions :shrug: They told me to expect them but to call if they are on top of each other. They are on top of each other but it is still hard for me to tell if they are contractions or if they are babies hitting something or just my body is hurting.I know they told me they are contractions but still I see contractions as something that makes you bend over in pain. These hurt, but they don't take my breath away. I am in no mood to go to the hospital today, I hope they stop orrr become obvious to me that they are contractions by making me bend over in pain so I know ok must go to the hospital. BUTTT last time they were just like this and I had to get that shot. Confused over here.
This is what I see happening if I go in.
1. They are contractions one on to of each other and I need that shot again.
2. I am not contracting often and they don't need to do anything and I wasted my time.
3.I don't go in and then the baby hitting me low down breaks out and my waters explode LOL!!!!!

I just want to make it till at least the last day of this month. That is all I am asking for. At least 35 weeks. These contractions are such a pain bc I never know what I am supposed to do about it. If it is a week day it is simple to just run over to my doctor but now on a Sat I would have to go to the hospital.
esperanzamama - hah I was close! That's not far away at all :) I hope everything goes smoothly for you guys.

Aww addie I am in the same boat, I get heaps of contractions and they hurt now (weeks ago they wern't so bad) and they have continued to get worse and more uncomfortable as I get nearer the birth date and like you I find it hard to know when to ring someone or go be seen and I worry about all that too.

Contractions dont have to hurt though, especially in the beginning of labour they feel like what I get now the only difference is if you are in labour they build up over a few hours and get more painful. They also get closer together and last longer.
Maybe you could time then when they happen? and write it down then you would see a pattern if it is actual labour.
If you are really unsure though it does pay to get seen, you may feel like your wasting time or whatever but they understand :) Twins is different to having one baby.
Hope that helps!

Also everyone seems to have gone really quiet I wonder if anyone has already had their babies?
If anyone would like to add me on facebook leme know and I'll PM my details :)
When I get the contractions they come every min or 3 min something like that and last an hour or so and then slow down and come on and off. That is not real labor. With that said, they gave me that shot to stop the contractions last time so it makes me nervous not to call even if it is not real labor bc what if I need that shot. I don't know. I feel like I am literally going to just wait for my water to break or have contractions that make me bend over in pain be4 I call since they said to expect contractions at this point.
hey Ladies,

Zephyr I'd love to stay in touch over facebook. :)

I check back to see if people have posted, but when I don't see anything new, I often don't post either.. :)

Had my scan last week, but they didn't do weights. I will find out the weights this week. i am on weekly apt's now. So I go every wednesday. I will be so happy to have these girls out. I wake up at least every hour. Sometimes less than that. Just sore, and I need to turn over.

Emotionally I have been on the edge as well. I feel like I can just break out in tears at any moment. Which is very different for me. Just trying to stay positive and know that this will end eventually. :) Of course I also have a sinus cold on top of all the normal stuff.... ah well.... It's getting closer. 34 weeks tomorrow...

how is everyone else doing? Does everyone have their bags packed yet? I still need to get on that. I haven't packed anything for myself or the babies...
Hii!! Thats awesome you have weekly apts. I know how you feel. The past couple days I have broken down. I can't walk, I can't sit, I can't even stand. Laying down hurts. So basically nothing feels good lol. My body feels like one big black and blue and anyway I try and rest I am in pain. You are 33 weeks which is awesome!! U are almost there. :hugs: What really annoys me now is how people laugh when I try and stand up. I know it must look funny but the reason I can't stand up is bc my knees feel like they are going to break from all the weight and it hurts so badly. So it's like people r laughing at my pain and that is getting on my nerves. I have a lot of support tho. Our families have been amazing and having you girls to chat with really helps. We are almost there and soon will have our beautiful babies. I for one am so excited to exercise after I have them. I was always thin and never liked to exercise but now it is all I can think of. I just want to get in really great shape. I never realized being so heavy makes your body hurt this much. I only gained 40 pounds but that 40 really makes a big difference. I am sure I will pack on some more pounds be4 the girls come as well. It will be a nice feeling to be back to my thin self with my beautiful girls.
Does anyone else feel like their ribs are broken?? On the left side from front to back whenever I move or breathe in I am in a lot of pain as if my ribs are broken?????? I know they aren't so is this a normal feeling to have?? I know the babies move around your ribs to make room, maybe that is it. It is only on that one side and it is really painful.
Minivan - I pm'd you my details :) and no I have not packed my bag yet haha we are so slack! Or maybe its because we are all too sore and tired and there's all this other stuff that has to be done. I have had my babies bag packed for ages now just not mine or my labour bag. I should really get a move on.

Addie - I have never hadbroken ribs before so I don't know but I do know my ribs ache a lot and its my left side where my boy keeps wedging himself against them it is especially worse when I lay on my side and it makes my sides cramp up. The girl does it also when I lay on my side but the boy is especially bad and he does it when I am sitting up and standing too!! I think he is being quite impolite haha

My pain levels have increased the past two days with my bump dropping again. More period type pain and lower backache also it feels heaps lower.
My midwife wrote on my notes on the descent part a 1 with some scribbles so I think he may of started dropping slightly which makes sense with my pains I have been having. Ohhhh I hope this next 3 weeks flies and hopefully they make an appearance at 37 weeks!
If they are dropping so much I am sure they will be here be 37 weeks. That's so exciting!!

My girls kick my ribs a lot but I think they may have moved them and that's why it hurts so much.
HI ladies. Someone I know just had her twins and baby A was a vaginal birth and baby B was a c-section. I am now afraid to try vaginally. She said she regrets it and wishes she just did the c-section. I don't think I will have the option at the end of the day bc baby B is constantly flipping sideways and head up and they wont do vaginal unless both are head down. If I did have the option I don't know what to do I really don't want 2 kinds of births.
Aw That was a fear of mine too and still is! I am just hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.
Usually they can turn them though or at least thats what I was told on Tuesday. I was always leaning towards c section personally for the whole pregnancy, it wasn't until I was seen at the hospital at 30 weeks and told by the docs there that I could have a vaginal birth that I actually considered it.

Maybe your babies will make the decision for you and you'll get a c section? It is a scary thought though!

How is everyone doing? still hangingi n there? I lost small parts of my plug yesterday and had the runs and my bump dropped some more, I thought for sure they would be coming but they are still in there! Have not had many BH's or anything the past day or two though which I have found odd cos usually I get a lot of them! and I have been soooooooo tired I had two naps yesterday. Can't be too much longer!! Surely?!
Baby B made the decision for me today. Baby B is head up so I scheduled a c-section for May 18th with the doctor of my choice which makes me happy. They will do a scan be4 the c-section and if both babies are head down I will discuss a vaginal birth with the doctor. It trust this doctor, he isn't quick to cut so I may attempt a vaginal with him if both babies are head down. No one thinks I will make it to the 18th, and originally I was hoping to deliver at 36 weeks but I really want this doctor to deliver me so I am praying these babies stay in till the 18th!! May 18th is 37 weeks and 6 days.

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