Wait.....you have a good point there, why do they check if its not a sign of things happening? I thought it was :/
Strange lol I have my consultant appointment today and I know that I have one of THOSE exams coming up at 35 weeks.....so I don't know if they will check today or not, god I hope not uggh I hate them and have not needed one yet!
I think the worst was when a midwife gave me a stretch and sweep with my son, that was awkward lol
Addie, I am glad to hear everything is fine and good thing you went in

Will be good for you now though knowing what to look for next time!
I had an afternoon full of contractions and lower back ache yesterday that paracetemol did nothing for. I thought I would try a hot water bottle to see if that helped the backache and thankfully it did and all the BH's stopped and the ache went away.
But now my backache is back again this morning

and again paracetemol doesn;t help. I have my consultant appointment in two hours so I will see what they say then. Hopefully its just another twin pregnancy thing.