Double Trouble! Expectant Twin Mums - Spring 2012

I had another ultrasound today and at 35 weeks, the girl is 5lbs 7oz and the boy is 5lbs 14oz. That is a grand total of 11 pounds 5oz of babies in me. Woof.
WOW thats great!!!!!! I went today and at 30 weeks my girls are 3.6 pounds and 3.11 pounds!!! Very excited!!
I also went today at 32 weeks and the girls are 4pounds and 4 pounds 10 ounces...

Looks like everyone is growing perfect.

Things are going okay with me. Still the normal aches and pains, but could be much worse.

I had a baby shower on the weekend and it was alot of fun. Got some cute things, and now I know what I need to get to be ready for these girls. Will probably pack my hospital bag soon.

Hope everyone is hanging in there and trying to stay positive.
Wow congrats everyone of such great weights! :D

I'm still hanging in there, barely. I caught a cold and this is my second day where I feel absolutely hammered.
Yesterday I spent the whole day on the couch! while OH toook the day off and did everything for me. And something I noticed yesterday I diudn't get very many BH's at all.
I think those days where I was contracting heaps I must of been over doing it a bit.
Gunna try to get more rest from now on, so close to that 37 week mark now!

My new complaint is laying on my sides, anyone having problems with this? Its like the babies don't like it and after a while they stretch out onto my ribs and it hurts so badly :( and they just keep doing it all night long. The boy especially doesn't like me laying on his side he wriggles so much and hurts my ribs heaps.

Times ticking down now girls! You guys will be having your babies soon its almost April!!!!
I know what you mean zephyr about laying on your side!!! It used to be really comfortable but now I feel I just can't make anyone happy!! Lay on the left and she starts kicking me and then move over to the right and he starts kicking me, laying on back is sooooooooo not an option (I know you're not supposed to but even laying down for a scan is painful) so I've ended up like half on back and half on side, can do this when have something propping me up behind me... been doing pregnancy yoga now for about 8 weeks and even that is starting to really take its toll...
I have a scan on Monday but they have never mentioned weights to me, I've always been on the 50% for both twins so just assume all is well. Feel I could go into labour at any minute with all these BH's...dh is starting to get very nervous!!
also hoping to borrow a birth pool soon and get it set up for some pain relief! I used to love having baths but now there is really not a point as it seems I only get water over my legs and thats it!! So a friend suggested setting up the pool early and using it :) Soooo think its a good idea!!

Well hope everyone is having a great weekend!! :)
Zephyr my girls kick when I lay on my sides. It so far hasn't kept me awake but as they get bigger maybe it will.

Wow everyone's babies are growing so nicely!! That's awesome!! I'm feeling ok. Good and bad parts to my day but nothing I can't handle. The acid is the worst but hoping that stops soon!! Positive thinking!!
Aww that sucks you get kicked on your sides too, I don't even remember the last time I got a good nights sleep and aside from the peeing every hour the cramping in my side and the twins stretching out when I lay on my sides really doesn't help :(
I feel like each week I am more exhausted and get less sleep than the previous week.

Things have been well the past few days, I feel like labour could start any second too :p I don't know if that's just cos I am so big or a twin thing or what but these BH's are getting stonger and more painful now.

I wonder whose gunna have their babies first?? Its only a matter of weeks if that before birth announcements start popping up, presuming we all have time to post one haha
Everyone's been so quiet already!

addie - aww I'm sorry your acid is still giving you grief! Not long until the babies are here though and you should get relief then yeah??
Sooo true, not long now for any of us!! Eek!!

Is everybody all ready?? I have 2 moses baskets and one cot becd and I really wanted to get another cot to put in our room for when they come home to sleep together but Ive not done that yet!! I probably should pack an early labour hoaspital bag and write a birth plan too but ive not done that either!! I might be in denial, I feel it is creeping right up on me especially since first son was born at 34 weeks, Im constantly on edge now with the twinnies!!
I have packed the babies bag but not mine! I meant to do it ages ago but keep finding other stuff that needs to be done. I have not even done a plan or anything :/ I figured I could just wing it haha No really I probably should get to sorting it all out too :p

I am so not ready at all! I have everything I need except a second cot and a sling but I feel like everythings not ready yet. I'm excited and can't wait to meet them but I'm so scared! I dream of the babies every night now and the labour too! Crazy vivid pregnancy dreams haha
Hey All,

Yay, I don't feel like I am ready. I am still looking around for a second infant car seat. I think I found one that is in my price range.... :) Girls room isn't ready yet, still stuff everywhere, but I'm not too worried. I know they won't be in there right away. My mom is going to start helping me after Easter to get stuff more organized.

Haven't packed my bag or babies bag yet. I guess I better get on it! Since I am not sure how big the girls are going to be when they come home I am going to get my hubby to go out and get the outfit they will wear home once they are born. I will be interested to see what he picks. lol But I suppose I could get the rest done.

Sleep, ah.... who needs it... LOL. I have been alternating between my bed and a recliner that we have in our bedroom. In the recliner my hips don't hurt at all, but my belly gets sore. Then I switch to the bed, where the opposite is true. But I find I am getting at least 2 hours of sleep at a time by doing this way.

Time still feels like it is going by slowly, but we are getting closer....

Not too much new.
Yes time does seem to be going slow but fast at the same time. I am all ready for the girls except for a few things. Need to put the car seats in the cars. I need finish packing my hospital bag. I was thinking about getting some dresses for when I come home so nothing touches my c-section area (if I get a c-section) but then nervous about wearing that mega pad with a dress, may feel weird??? Besides that we are ready. My doctor said get to 34 weeks and then after that every day is a plus. I think at 34 weeks they would still need the nicu so I really hope they don't come that early. I want them to come when they wont need the nicu. I really want to fast 4ward time!! At 36 weeks I was planning on going for a massage but seems like you all have trouble laying on your sides which is how you have to be for the prenatal massages so I hope I am able to get one still.
Do you find that you are going to the bathroom more once you pass 30 weeks? I have been going to the bathroom every 15 min. Does that sound normal to you??? And when I wake up in the middle of the night I get so much pressure bc I guess I have been holding it in as I sleep and when I stand it feels like it is just going to flood out of me!!
Not every 15 minutes no but definitely every hour day and night! I guess it depends on how much I drink though, if I drink more I go more often than an hour.

And yeah I been feeling like that for a while now, if I sleep just a little too long and my bladder is bursting full I am so scared I will pee myself as soon as I stand! Thankfully that has not happened yet! and I really hope it doesn't haha
just got back from the doctors, and they checked my cervex (fist time so far) I am a finger tip dialated, and she said it was very soft and shortening.

Then she promptly told me that it means nothing, and has no indication of the onset of labor, etc... THEN WHY DO YOU CHECK? hahah... ohhhh well.

Today is my first day off from work (wahoo!) I really think I could of worked longer, but for what? it will be nice for a little rest :)
Went to the hospital this morning because I didn't think baby B was moving enough. Good thing I went bc I was contracting ever 3 min and then was ever min. Cervix was closed so that was good and they gave me 2 shots to stop contractions. I am home now, no bed rest they said this happens with twins sometimes. Both girls look great. Now I know that low down pain I have been getting on my side and in my back r contractions!! At least now I know what to look for. Good thing baby B had a quiet day or maybe I would not have gone to hospital and my cervix would have openend with all those contractions. The meds they give u make u feel sick tho. Just resting now. have a good point there, why do they check if its not a sign of things happening? I thought it was :/

Strange lol I have my consultant appointment today and I know that I have one of THOSE exams coming up at 35 I don't know if they will check today or not, god I hope not uggh I hate them and have not needed one yet!
I think the worst was when a midwife gave me a stretch and sweep with my son, that was awkward lol

Addie, I am glad to hear everything is fine and good thing you went in :) Will be good for you now though knowing what to look for next time!

I had an afternoon full of contractions and lower back ache yesterday that paracetemol did nothing for. I thought I would try a hot water bottle to see if that helped the backache and thankfully it did and all the BH's stopped and the ache went away.
But now my backache is back again this morning :( and again paracetemol doesn;t help. I have my consultant appointment in two hours so I will see what they say then. Hopefully its just another twin pregnancy thing.
Zephyr how was the doctors?? Did she suggest anything to the pain??
At the hospital I was told if I don't feel the babies for a while I need to go lay down drink some cold ice water or something that will get them moving and count the kicks. Well I did that and baby B didn't do anything. It is so frustrating!! And they didn't even give me a reason for why she didn't move much yesterday and today bc they got focuses on my contractions. It also took her a very very long time to find B. The first time she found her no issue but the second time she couldn't for a long time so I am just nervous again. DH and I will try again in a bit to get her moving. I don't want to call doctor as I was just there. I wish she would just move around more like she used 2. A is moving a lot. When we left the doctor said both girls look great so at least that relaxes me a bit.
aww I am sure everything is fine addie but if you are worried then get checked out. My movements from my girl stopped completely for a few weeks there and I was worried too but she is fine, they reckon it was because of her position and where her feet were it would of been easy to think it was her brother kicking cos her feet are where his are. She still doesn't move much really IMO but no one seems worried at all except me.

Well as for my appointment I need to get another scan because they want to monitor my boy more closely because of the weight difference between the two. So will be having that done in the next week.
She said that my pains and backache is common and that if it happens in clusters again like yesterday and nothing makes it go away to head on up to the delivery suite. Which is kind of scary, I'mm rest up heaps. So close to reaching term!! They just need to stay put a wee bit longer and hopefully he is still growing well!
I'm sure he will grow just fine and u will go a few more weeks!! They always have something they want to keep an eye on.

Baby B moved a bit last night and a lot this morning as did baby A. Guess she was just being lazy or her position was different. Can not wait till they are here!!

Personal question... Everyone keeps telling me how easy it is to get pregnant after giving birth. What r u all planning to do for BC?? I hate taking BC bc I get chest pains as it is so nervous to be on them but don't want to get pregnant so not sure what to do in my case. I guess I'll talk to my doctor and see.

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