love the bump pics!!!
I need to get some done asap!! Last pregnancy my dh and I fell out as he never took any bump pictures of me (I did pawn it off as his responsibility) and it seems like it has happened all over again this time around!!
I'm really tired, have a cold that a friend kindly brought into the house!! and I've finally started getting stretchmarks but I think its because of all the coughing i've been doing (which is very painful!!!) and the coughing has brought a lot of pain in my right side (funnily where the stretchmakrs appeared), I even debated going into assessment centre as right twin hadn't been moving as much but I think with all the coughing I couldn't feel it as they both have been moving. I have been quite worried will go into labour soon... I had my son tomorrow gestational wise (34+3) so I feel like its just a waiting game now!!