Double Trouble! Expectant Twin Mums - Spring 2012

Zephyr: Maybe this is the quiet before the storm!! They are making you think all is relaxed no BH you are resting and then tomorrow or a few days from now your water will break!! :thumbup::thumbup:
Oh congrats on the date :D Hopefully you do make it! If not they will just wheel you in for one on the day you go into labour anyways wont they?

Well I had a cluster of contractions today I timed 6 in 40 minutes and a few before then but didn't start timing till a few into it but then they died off so, not today I dont think!!
I was feeling really shaky and jittery for a bit earlier too before they started but thats gone now too so I dunno, maybe my body is getting ready? Its so hard to tell
It sounds like your body is getting ready!!

I know they will do a c-section the day I go into labor unless babies r head down then we may do vaginal but it may not be with the doctor I want. If it is a random day it is whoever is on call and I really want one of the 4 doctors in my practice. It's out of my hands tho so can't worry about it.
i feel like a giant blob! this thurs is my scheduled c-sect but I still feel like I might go early... it is like a mental mind game. ugh...
Soooo lucky your c-section is this week!!!!!!!

Here is my 33 week pic. 34 days to go. I don't get how that is possible. How big can one person get!!

33 weeks pregnant.jpg
love the bump pics!!!

I need to get some done asap!! Last pregnancy my dh and I fell out as he never took any bump pictures of me (I did pawn it off as his responsibility) and it seems like it has happened all over again this time around!!

I'm really tired, have a cold that a friend kindly brought into the house!! and I've finally started getting stretchmarks but I think its because of all the coughing i've been doing (which is very painful!!!) and the coughing has brought a lot of pain in my right side (funnily where the stretchmakrs appeared), I even debated going into assessment centre as right twin hadn't been moving as much but I think with all the coughing I couldn't feel it as they both have been moving. I have been quite worried will go into labour soon... I had my son tomorrow gestational wise (34+3) so I feel like its just a waiting game now!!

esperanzamama - Ohhh this thursday! How exciting!! Hopefully you make it :D I feel the same, like they are going to come really soon.
Your bump is looking low! Mines been dropping down some more the past few days and is looking lower each day.

mrsbeanbump - Sorry you are sick, hope you get better soon!

Here's my 36 week bump


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You girls look amazing!!! I also feel like they will come any minute. Every time I stand up I feel like they r going to fall out. Don't see how they would come yet as my cervix is fully closed so that's the only reason I feel secure in the fact they won't fall out. I had that test to see if I will deliver in the next 2 weeks. I think results come Monday. If they don't call it means all is good. I don't think my stomach can stretch anymore it has a shine to it now lol like it is at its max.
Haha its amazing how much your stomach can stretch aye? Just when I thought my stretchmarks could not get any worse and my existing ones just got longer I noticed recently I have a horizontal stretch mark going right across my belly!

I never had any internals, I don't think it is routine over here so I would have no clue how my cervix is going. I thought they would check at least with twins but nope, nothing.
I have been up for an hour and a half bad contractions in my lower back. My doctor says to call if it's consistent. I really don't want to call. It's 530am my cervix is closed as of yesterday. I always get nervous that I call and then get to the hospital and I'm no longer contracting so I wasted time. I drank a lot of water and I'm still contracting so not sure if that means it's not just an irritated uterus?? Should stop after chugging water if it is. I took a hot shower and that was no help. My DH says his back hurts 2 lol. Sympathy pain. He's 2 cute. Wish I could just fall asleep.
Contractions got very painful so called the doctor. I went to the hospital and was given a shot to stop contractions and a steroid shot. I have to go back to get a second steroid shot tomorrow. My doctor said I am 50% thinned out and cervix closed. He wants me to get to next sat (34 weeks) then all will be ok if I go into labor. A lot of people can go on like I am for weeks while others to into labor so it is just a waiting game. What does it mean that my cervix is 50% thinned out? Does that mean I have less of a chance of keeping them in longer?? All medicines will stop at 36 weeks if I get that far so I don't think I'll make it to 38 but you never know and I'd be very happy with 36 weeks. Just wish I knew I would be getting the doctor I want if I dont make it to 38 weeks.
Aww how are you feeling addie? did you end up going in? If the pain doesn't go away I would go in, being twins you have more of a chance to have them early so even if they did go away it'd be better to be checked out then have labour progress to a point where they cant stop it.
I hope it all went away and you got some rest in the end! This part of the pregnancy is so full of aches and pains its exhausting.

I had contractions for 5 hours last night, 10 minutes apart and was feeling pretty grumpy about the whole thing but then they all just died off and I went to sleep. So frustrating! I'm totally fine with them staying in another day but it doesn't help the pains and exhaustion and also the excited feeling of oooo maybe this is it?!
I'm glad you went in and got checked out :D I'm not sure what the thinnning out means I think its the cervix thinning itself so it can dilate when labour starts but even if its thinned out I don't think it means labour will happen right away some people can have it thinned out for weeks before labour starts. Thats the impression I was under anyways, I could be wrong.

Just rest up heaps, put your feet up and each day that passes and your babies are still in there is one extra day they have time to grow :)
Thanks!! The waiting game is so hard. I just have to let go of the idea of getting the doctor I want. If I go into labor it is ok and whoever I get will be great. I just really don't want one of the 4 doctors. C-section is scary enough but I will be even more nervous if it is the doctor I don't want. The doctor today is one I like. He is a bit sarcastic but is very nice and knows what he is doing. Sometimes doctors don't realize we are not doctors and our questions are silly but to us they make sense. Today I asked what would happen if I keep contracting like this and he goes "You do realize you are pregnant with 2 babies and at some point they will come out right." LOL Yes I do realize this. :dohh::haha:
Haha, thats funny! Well I hope you get the doctor you want!
Are you feeling any better now?

I went for a walk round the mall today and got me some new pajamas :D Had nothing much happen on my end been a rather quiet day, some stabbing pains in my cervix which make me jolt and jump but nothing else. Got my scan tomorrow to check my boys growth and my consultant appointment. Hopefully they give me an induction date.
I used to get those vaginal stabs. Now I get this feeling like my vagina is going to break lol!! The bones crunch when I walk and it hurts and makes it hard to walk. Is this normal you think??
I hope they give you a date as well. I have my doctors tomorrow. Can't wait to hear their weights!!
excited to hear the weights!!

my public bone clicks a lot when i am laying on my side and lift one leg... weird.

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