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Downs testing - anyone not having this?

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I think I would have the less invasive tests just to know and prepare. But it definitely would not change my mind about having this baby. So I agree with all of you :thumbup:
I am doing them, but only because I want to see the baby on another ultrasound or I have to wait 5 weeks! The blood test does not matter to me, I tried to opt out, but they said no. I told my dr I would not do a CVS or amnio and she said they can do one of the new blood tests that is non invasive. It would not change anything about how we feel for this baby. We love him/her so much already. I am excited for another ultrasound in 2 weeks :happydance:
My doctor didn't offer any of these tests to me. I wouldn't even know about them if it wasn't for this board...
I didn't test with my DS and I certainly won't do it this time either! I will love my little bean no matter what and nothing will change my mind about that!
I'm not going to do the tests either. The result wouldn't change my mind about my baby either way so I feel it is unnecessary. :)
I didn't with my two boys, I am this time though. Mainly because I just want to see baby again.
this one was difficult for me. i didn't want to have it done but but they told me because of my epilepsy i had to which made no sense to me but whatever the results are it wont change a thing for me i will take care of my lo either way. However if there is a chance i would be prepered but ewither way i am taking care of little one <3
I will be having the test and will deal with the results as they come back. This was the same approach we took last time and all was well, and hopefully will be again.

I'm one of those people who like to be prepared and although I try not to dwell on it, I know that there are some very severe issues that can occur and that will mean this baby has no chance of life after birth. In that situation I honestly don't know what I would do. Never say never.
I refused downs sydrome testing in all three pregnancies :)
I had the test done & can't begin to tell you how much I regret it :( I was told at the scan that the nuchal fold was great, 2.6mm was highest she recorded & baby looked fine. I got my letter a week later & was told I have a 1:155 chance of my baby have a chromosone problem. I can't get through to the screening midwife & nobody seems to care as the cut off for high risk is 150!

I feel like the test stole my happiness & don't even have the knowledge I believed it would give me, I know nothing really about the health of my child! I would never choose to abort my baby so the point in the test for me was to prepare myself which I cannot do!

Think long & hard about it, iv barely slept since :(

There's very little medical support if u just scrape low risk or in my case no support!
Sorry to hear that bumble b :hugs:

That is kind of one of the reasons we didn't do the NT or blood test last time and won't again as we would not proceed to the CVS so if the other tests came back high risk we would just be worrying.

I think most major problems involving organ formation etc... would be likely picked up on the 20 week scan anyway so CVS not worth the risk for us personally.
They make the test seem so simple when they hand you a blood test form at your booking app, but the results are far from simple.

The support I have had from complete strangers on here has been fab so thank you, its nice to know people care & understand my fears xxx
I've really appreciated reading through this thread. Here's a link to an ebook on Amazon by a close friend of mine whose first daughter has Down's Syndrome (prenatal tests told her she didn't). She's since had two more children who do not have any chromosomal abnormalities. She's a HUGE advocate for children with special needs and wants all moms to be informed on their testing options (she personally chose not to get the tests after her first.)


Hopefully this can be helpful for some of you!
Were having purely because I'm getting scanned at 8 weeks and if they can date the pregnancy at that time at my hospital I won't get another til 20 weeks, so I basically I just want another scan at the end of first tri!
I had it done purely as I like to plan. I knew if I came back with low results I wouldn't have further testing. My theory was I dealt with a child with Autism, I'm sure I can manage Down's too. I got my results back and they were high, however they were wrong as when I went for my 20 week scan they realised that the date they entered on the system would make me 10 years younger. So they had to recalculate my results, but they ended up still being high, even though I told her not to worry about redoing them as they made no difference to me.
We decided with DH not to have the test, for the reasons you listed. My parents, with whom I am really close, also advised us against it, especially because they are afraid of a miscarriage, if we chose to have an amnio later on. We do not have any relatives with chromosomal abnormalities, we still know there is a risk, like there is for everyone, but we prefer to live with it and hope that all will turn out well.
We also did not test, for same reason OP mentioned. It took us 4 years to conceive DS1 and we wanted to keep him regardless, and I was delivering in the only local hospital with higher care (thank goodness, because we did nearly lose him). Will not be testing with #2, just doing the 20 week scan, and hoping things go well as we now live in a very isolated area where access to healthcare is seriously limited.
Everyone i know gets it done but i didnt with dd nor am i this time for the reasons the OP mentioned.

Dont really see the point myself unless u are prepared to get an amnio and ive heard so many bad stories about false postitives for high risk with this testing.

If our baby has downs, its still our baby and will deal with it when the time comes. We wouldnt love them any less <3
I had the test done & can't begin to tell you how much I regret it :( I was told at the scan that the nuchal fold was great, 2.6mm was highest she recorded & baby looked fine. I got my letter a week later & was told I have a 1:155 chance of my baby have a chromosone problem. I can't get through to the screening midwife & nobody seems to care as the cut off for high risk is 150!

I feel like the test stole my happiness & don't even have the knowledge I believed it would give me, I know nothing really about the health of my child! I would never choose to abort my baby so the point in the test for me was to prepare myself which I cannot do!

Think long & hard about it, iv barely slept since :(

There's very little medical support if u just scrape low risk or in my case no support!

Hugs hun, i hope you can get some support. Its horrible worrying like that. Im sure all will be fine xo
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