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Downs testing - anyone not having this?

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DH ad I came to the decision to not have any genetic testing done. At first it was just the Downs test we were "no" on. The more I thought about it, the more I didn't like the thought of any genetic testing being done. Nothing would make me end the pregnancy so what's the use of knowing there is a chance something is wrong? I will love the LO no matter what!
Most ladies over 35 opt to have genetic testings where i live,my doctor didnt even give me the choice , she just went straight to tell me what kind of tests i could have and explained them ..I opted for a new test called Panorama at 10 weeks , i am older than 35 and my chance of having problems is higher than most ladies ,we also would like to be prepared mentally and the fact that some chromosomal problems are not life compatible made us take it ..

We got our result and it was all perfect apparently , is only a blood test they send to uSA and apparently 99,9 accurate, they even tell you the gender !
I respects everyone's decision as is such a personal thing we all wish a healthy baby but I am sure I'd love my little one no matter what his condition was ..
I think its easy to say the numbers wouldn't bother you until you get numbers that aren't great! It takes over your thoughts & fears! I wouldn't abort my baby, I've had 4 mc & this baby is so very wanted & loved, but I'm still praying its healthy.

The test is wrongly labelled as downs screening. Other chromosone problems it can pick up can actually leave a child unable to survive.

Its not selfish to hope for a healthy baby, its natural as a mum to do that. I wish they offered the other blood tests which are cheaper & way more accurate xxx
We have made the choice not to. For us, it isn't something we wanted to do and wouldn't influence our choices anyways.
I will definitely be getting the test done after a previous experience. Before this experience I would of said the same as everyone else. I agree with bumble b that the test is labled wrong. It picks up dosorders that are not compatible with life. I don't want to sound nasty at all so please don't take this badly but saying "I will love this baby no matter what" is selfish. Its not about you, it's about the child. The baby needs to come first. I know everyone has the best intentions when they say that but its nieve. I need to find out for the sake of my child, not for myself. I guess previous experiences just teach you too much and I'd rather not know or understand how important this test can be.

Please don't take my post badly, it's just my opinion. Thanks ladies xxx
I will definitely be getting the test done after a previous experience. Before this experience I would of said the same as everyone else. I agree with bumble b that the test is labled wrong. It picks up dosorders that are not compatible with life. I don't want to sound nasty at all so please don't take this badly but saying "I will love this baby no matter what" is selfish. Its not about you, it's about the child. The baby needs to come first. I know everyone has the best intentions when they say that but its nieve. I need to find out for the sake of my child, not for myself. I guess previous experiences just teach you too much and I'd rather not know or understand how important this test can be.

Please don't take my post badly, it's just my opinion. Thanks ladies xxx

Well for me, if the baby was not compatible with life, id let nature take its course anyway. And doctors do get it wrong. So termination wouldnt be considered.

Plus there are many other abnormalities they dont pick up.
After being experienced in this also, I agree with MrsBroody. I will be getting it done for all future pregnancies.

Goodluck to you all on your pregnancies :flower:
I completely agree with MrsBroodyPant. I would want to know if there were serious abnormalities, for the baby's sake as much as mine and my husband's.
I'm going through with it if I make it that far! I don't care about the results so much I just want to checks baby is doing okay!
Nice to know I am selfish because I choose not to have a test done.
I don't think it's selfish if you choose not to have the tests done... I don't believe life is ours to take, if my baby has a serious defect I will let God's will be done... I don't believe in termination or abortion!!!!
Calling people selfish is harsh and uncalled for.

All ive seen on here is women who choose not to have it done because they will love their baby no matter what. Plus to find out for sure is a risky (1:100 chance of miscarrige) and invasive test.
I just declined the test today.

I am not selfish.

So rude.

Unless you are in someone else's shoes you do not know what decision you would make.

We tried 5 YEARS for this baby. I nearly DIED in the process of concieving. I had to inject myself countless times and have terribly invasive procedures.

Go on. Call me selfish! I must be the most selfish person you ever met.

This baby is getting every chance it can, I wouldn't even risk the amino test due to risk of miscarrige if I came back high risk so it's pointless me having the blood screening.

If you said someone was selfish for a choice like not breast feeding for example could you imagine the uproar.
How dare you call us selfish if we don't kill our babies ... If my child was not compatible with life, if spend time agonising and deciding what to, I cannot imagine that option ever being to abort it, I would like to think I would be strong enough to donate my child's organs so other child and babies get a chance, my child's life will have been worth something beyond our family/friends.

It's just nice to see your child suffer ever, even for a moment but I wouldn't kill my 3 year old if he became very ill, likewise I wouldn't kill my unborn child.
I just declined the test today.

I am not selfish.

So rude.

Unless you are in someone else's shoes you do not know what decision you would make.

We tried 5 YEARS for this baby. I nearly DIED in the process of concieving. I had to inject myself countless times and have terribly invasive procedures.

Go on. Call me selfish! I must be the most selfish person you ever met.

This baby is getting every chance it can, I wouldn't even risk the amino test due to risk of miscarrige if I came back high risk so it's pointless me having the blood screening.

If you said someone was selfish for a choice like not breast feeding for example could you imagine the uproar.

Hugs hun. Sounds to me like u have bejng extremely selfless to get ur little bundle ♥
I think we all should respect each other decisions and dont judge so hard on each other ,we are all different and all had different experiences , religions ect .. This threads always end very divisive and sometimes negative..
i see both sides of the coin and i respect both, no one is selfish either way,some people believe things are ment to be,others are natural worriers and need to know to prepare, some people believe in God but some not.
What i see is somehow a lack of information on this matters on this posts, downs is not the only problem and an amino is not the only choice ,theres non invasive tests you can do with 0 risk to your baby .

Just inform yourself and make your choice , dont let anyone make you feel bad about it .
Unfortunately these types of threads always seem to go this way. It looks like it's descending into a pro life/pro choice type of debate. I don't think this is the forum for this but suffice to say we all have different beliefs, opinions, religions (or lack thereof) and experiences. We should respect each others beliefs and choices (and yes, we do have choices). There's lots of judgement in the last few posts, and a lot of strong and hurtful language. It's quite sad to see it.
How is loving your baby unconditionally selfish? Don't get that one.

I will not be getting any genetic testing. I never have, either.
I believe everyone is entitled to their own choice.

I would never judge someone for their choice, I'm disgusted that I have been judged for mine.

And amino is the only 100% accurate test available to us in the UK. The others we have aren't 100% accurate.
I'm not having it because it only tells u if ur baby is likely to have it or not. No certainty. It would only make me worry.
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