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Due 28th March 2013... Looking for a buddy!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
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Hello girlies,

I'm due with baby #1 on 28th march 2013 and was wondering if anyone else was due around that time who wants to be a bump buddy.

I'm the first in our family to be having a baby so it's been a long time since there's been a little one in the family and I'd like to hear some of your experiences with pregnancy.

I'm 12 weeks now and have had really bad nausea right up to today and about 5 days ago I started with terrible heartburn!

Look forward to sharing our journey with you :):)
I am due on March 31st.. But think it will be an April baby.. Both my girls were late.. I have a 7 yr old named Kaya and a 5 yr old bamed Darby.. So far same for me with the mornign sickness, its poo but etting better.. I am 11 weeks and 3 days.. Look forward to getting to know you and would love to share pregnancy stories.. And birth stories I love the subject..lol
Thanks onemorebabe, I love the subject at the minute too!
It's soo exciting I can't wait for it to be here, I just keep thinking only 6 months to go!! :)

I'm sure the time will fly by but it feels like forever away now.

Have to had a scan yet? I get my 12 week scan on 20th sept so ill be just over 13 weeks but we had a private one at 8 weeks because we didn't believe it until we saw it. We saw out little bean and heard the heart beat at 158bpm :D
I had a scan at 7 weeks and 4 days hb was 135 bpm.. And had a dr appointment yesterday and HB was up to 170.. We heard it on a doppler.. It was very exciting.. I mean I have never had a loss but the posibility is never all the way out of your mind .. Atleast until you can feel them move then it is much better... I will not be getting a 12 week scan the next one I will get will be at 19 weeks for anatomy and gender.. I think I am going to let my girls come to see that I am sure they will love it..

And yeah birth is a long way away as of right now but it gives you time to research it a lot and make informed decisions on how you would idealy like your birth to go providing a medical emergency doesnt present its self during labor.. Even tho it is a natural process it is still pretty complicated and I found it very reassuring to know what was going on inside my body..
Yes Ive been doing a bit of reading and research and plan to do some more in the next few months! Like you say I think I'll feel more relaxed if I at least know what's happening.

The thought of a loss does worry me still even though ive seen and heard the baby. But maybe it's because I've never experienced pregnancy before and I'm wondering if all the aches and pains and cramps I get are normal.

I had a fall last week coming out of the house and had to go to the hospital. They reassured me that baby is well protected and that everything would be fine but I still can't help worry.

I'm hoping I'll feel more settled once I've had my scan next week and I can see everything is normal and ok for us so far
hey ladies, there is a whole group of us over in Pregnancy Groups, come join!

Im sure everything will be a ok!! You are past the really risky time and you will be able to feel it move pretty soon.. That in its self really settles your mind..

This time around I am going to get a stethascope (sp?) so I can listen to the HB after I get 20 weeks.. I know my girls will love to hear that..
I had both of my girls naturally, no pain medication or epidural.. Only iv fluids because I got dehydrated from getting sick, which is nor mal for labor but I would have never know if i had not read LOTS of books on the subject.. It REALLY does help to know whats going on in there.. I know I would have NOT been able to have natural birth if I didnt know about the process as much as I did.. I went in knowing alot and still doubted myself but i was able to do it thankfully the way I wanted with the help of my Husband.. He was my coach..He researched alot with me too and that helped A LOT as well!!
Thanks onemorebabe, I'll get some more reading done!! :)

And thanks little lady I will come and have a look for you now
Hi honeybee congratulations!!

Look forward to sharing the journey with you :)

Hi thank you

actually I went for my scan today and they have bought my due date forward to the 20th March was abit shocked tbh xx
Hi I am 12 weeks with baby number one! Due 26th of march 2013 and so far no signs of my nausea coming an end! And last night was my first experience of heartburn! The joys but it will be worth it!
Hi I am 12 weeks with baby number one! Due 26th of march 2013 and so far no signs of my nausea coming an end! And last night was my first experience of heartburn! The joys but it will be worth it!

Uggghhh! Wendy I feel for you with the heartburn! I've had it really bad for nearly a week now, I'm going through pints and pints of milk everyday and I'm using gaviscon every now and again. The milk does help!

It will all be worth it the end :)
Hi victoriasbump! I am going to invest in gaviscon but never thought of milk so will try that too! How else have you been keeping?
Yep the milk definitely helps, I'm drinking it all day :) I take the gaviscon before I go to bed and it seems to help.

I've been ok, apart from MS for the past 7 weeks ugggh!! :( its made me so miserable but I think I'm coming to the end of it now, fingers crossed anyway!! :)

How have you been so far?
Hi ladies! I'm due march 27 with my first. I have my 12 week scan in about 2.5 hours, and super nervous! This scan in march pronounced my angel gone, but I'm feelin good bout this one :)
Good luck imaswimmer!! I hope everything goes well for you.

Let us know how you get one x
Hi Everyone, Juat wanted to say hi!! Im new to this site! i finally got my bfp after a couple of years :) :)... The sticks helped me so much! Im also due in march on the 22nd! :) xxx
Yayy congratulations natty!! :D

And welcome to the site. Have you had a scan yet??

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