It really is nice to have others to speak with. DH is so lovely and supportive but sometimes you need another outlet that you can't say to friends ya know
Thanks, I'm so much happier with this midwife already, my old midwife wasnt very inviting and when I told her about my antenatel depression she just shrugged it off which at the time made me feel even worse Luckily it's something I have been able to deal with, with my DH (he really is a rock) and my step mum who too suffered with my brother 5years ago. So I'm much better and had no need for meds
Thats great that your first midwife might end up delivering your baby, your so lucky. I will keep my fingers crossed shes working when you go in Even better that you like your new community midwife aswell.
Can I just ask what your job is as to why you were signed off with your sciatica? Just because I work in a preschool and it is SOOOOO hard not being able to bend over when thats basically my job If I worked more than two days a week I'm sure I would have been signed off by now
Thats great news your blood pressure has settled down Im more prone to high blood pressure and pre e also due to kidney problem. But so far (touch wood) it hasn't been a problem. I see your on meds for your blood pressure. Just curious (incase it does happen) Can they affect the baby in any way??
And thanks I do have personal reasons for not wanting to bf and as most people try n trust it upon you it can be hard sometimes (I dont want to explain why all the time as it is very personal, even to my step mum who has finally accepted it) lol
And I will post lots n lots too. Only working two days a week I pretty much live on bnb most the time
Ohh glad you got yourself a decent midwife
Mine have been useless this time around, 3 apps 3 different women, sorry no FOUR
I actually got stuck with the trainee last time whilst the normal midwife who I had never met before either just sat in the background and observed, I have no idea who is who.
Last time around I had one midwife and that was it, same woman at all my apps. This is very lazy of them.
It sucks doesn't it - I've had the student with one mw watching, then a completely different mw, waiting to see who'll take my appt in just over a week...I think it's a shame because continuity is nice especially later on in pregnancy when you're seeing them more. I guess you never know who'll deliver you until the time though
Ohh glad you got yourself a decent midwife
Mine have been useless this time around, 3 apps 3 different women, sorry no FOUR
I actually got stuck with the trainee last time whilst the normal midwife who I had never met before either just sat in the background and observed, I have no idea who is who.
Last time around I had one midwife and that was it, same woman at all my apps. This is very lazy of them.
I'm sorry to hear they have been messing you around with all different midwives. I hope they sort it out soon. Is it because they have a shortage in your area or anything? Or just seem disorganized??
Anyone else contemplating starting mat leave a little earlier than planned, I will be 35 weeks when my leave is due to start but i am struggling with both mental health tiredness and sickness, I thinking maybe starting 33 weeks but nut sure how am feel slightly nervous of doing it financially not sure if we cud afford it, anyone no how I have to go about it if need to
Apologise for spelling errors am using my phone xxx
Anyone else contemplating starting mat leave a little earlier than planned, I will be 35 weeks when my leave is due to start but i am struggling with both mental health tiredness and sickness, I thinking maybe starting 33 weeks but nut sure how am feel slightly nervous of doing it financially not sure if we cud afford it, anyone no how I have to go about it if need to
Apologise for spelling errors am using my phone xxx
Anyone else contemplating starting mat leave a little earlier than planned, I will be 35 weeks when my leave is due to start but i am struggling with both mental health tiredness and sickness, I thinking maybe starting 33 weeks but nut sure how am feel slightly nervous of doing it financially not sure if we cud afford it, anyone no how I have to go about it if need to
Apologise for spelling errors am using my phone xxx