Yes Rebecca it's a birthing center, midwifes only, no doctors, theatres, epidurals etc. it's only 5 mins away from me so it's ideal although like i said it's only got 2 birthing rooms so if they are in use you have to go to hospital

it's well known in my area, lots of people i know have had their babies there. apparently they dont allow first time mums anymore!? which i think is stupid! i had my first there with no problem. ask your midwife about your nearest midwife led centre.
I looked at birthing pools for home (birthing pool in a box, i think), we have a big enough lounge for one but i don't want to have to deal with the mess after, plus having to inflate it and fill it, i don't want to upset the dogs seeing me in pain, and i dont want them shut away in the kitchen or garden for hours, plus theyd just bark the place down which would hardly help me relax and ZONE out lol. for me home would be my second choice, i'd rather get the birthing room messy and let the staff worry about clearing up HA HA then leave after a few hours and return to a clean and tidy house
I thought about buying the pool at around 35 weeks, going to my birthing centre as planned and if the pool is in use then go home and birth there. if i can use the birthing center pool i'll send the pool i bought back as they have a 90day refund policy and as long as it's all unopened you get a full refund.

that way im guaranteed my water birth one way or another. unless i end up being induced

my WORST nightmare, i HATE my local hospital.