My contractions stop for now it look like the bleeding was my show...
Will go for a walk later hoping to start the contractions again. I hope to meet my boy today or tomorrow.
I think things are happening for Vera - she has gone very quiet!!! Finding it hard to contain my excitement!! Keep thinking that this time last week I was in lots of pain and in 2nd stage, little did I know I would have 6 hours of it! x
Nope, just was trying to sleep, but was awaken after 2 hours with horrible contraction. They are so painful when I am laying down. Had only 4 of them last hour. I had some more before when went for a walk. Will take hubby for a longer walk later.
That is what it was like for me Vera. You can certainly tell the difference between strong bh and a REAL contraction when it hits you! I hope your walk later brings you lots of pain hopefully tomorrow we will all have our babies!
Ok, having 8-6 min between contractions now. Its been like this for 1 and a half hours. wish me luck ladies. I want to meet my boy tonight
And bloody hell, it hurts!!!!
Had my boy!!! He is amazing! Still sleeping. I managed to sleep about 5 hours tonight!
He was born last night at 20:12 weigting 7lbs 9oz. Had very long active labor. Hope I will be going home tonight.
Try having breaks when feeding him and sitting him straight rubbing his back to get him to burp. Some friends of ours use Infacol and say that helps.
Benjamin is sooooo lovely - love him so much! Even when he is awake in the middle of the night wanting more food! He sleps really well last night! Was only up every 3 hours! Night before he was awake every hour!
How is little Liam apart from the gas? Really can't wait to see pictures! xxx
Oh how do I download this thread?
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