Due in July 2012

I totally agree Angela. There is so little said that it can be terrifying when it happens. It does seem like the three drs I talked to over the last couple of days had no answer for me other than, it could be this or it could be that, but nothing definite. So strange how there's not much know about it.

I am getting so excited for showers and putting together the nursery! We have small things like clothes and blankets, but we're waiting to buy lots of the big stuff until we move in the next couple weeks so we aren't hauling around extra boxes.

I just feel like we're at a stand still and I'm so excited to get going!!!

Why are you all most looking forward to once your little one arrives?
I definitely can't wait to see his little face and hold him oh and soon after to hear his little laugh:)
I agree about the bleeding... I bled on and off and it was terrifying. Especially after my recent miscarriage/chemical pregnancy.
I think I am pretty settled on May 5th for my shower. Baby has been measuring a July 7th due date, and the rest of May is taken by Mother's day, last weekend before school lets out (packing up classroom/report cards/CHAOS) and then Memorial day weekend, so it's either the 5th or wait until June.
I am pretty sure I am carrying a giant. Last night I was lying in bed, and could see (and feel) my belly move as he was kicking and it was REALLY HIGH up near my rib cage. I must still be measuring ahead because I read that the top of my uterus shouldn't be that high if I am only 21 weeks! We'll see! My girlfriend at work is 36 and a half weeks, and last week her doctor told her it looks like it will be any day now! I hope I get the same news at 36 weeks!
I hope your insurance paper work goes through quickly! It must be nerve wracking waiting on that scan!
I have no idea what I am most looking forward to... I think just finally getting to meet him in general!
I agree about the bleeding... I bled on and off and it was terrifying. Especially after my recent miscarriage/chemical pregnancy.
I think I am pretty settled on May 5th for my shower. Baby has been measuring a July 7th due date, and the rest of May is taken by Mother's day, last weekend before school lets out (packing up classroom/report cards/CHAOS) and then Memorial day weekend, so it's either the 5th or wait until June.
I am pretty sure I am carrying a giant. Last night I was lying in bed, and could see (and feel) my belly move as he was kicking and it was REALLY HIGH up near my rib cage. I must still be measuring ahead because I read that the top of my uterus shouldn't be that high if I am only 21 weeks! We'll see! My girlfriend at work is 36 and a half weeks, and last week her doctor told her it looks like it will be any day now! I hope I get the same news at 36 weeks!
I hope your insurance paper work goes through quickly! It must be nerve wracking waiting on that scan!
I have no idea what I am most looking forward to... I think just finally getting to meet him in general!
Angie I would be going CRAZY waiting!! Your VERY smart to wait though- so much less to pack and move. Just get a good list going so once you CAN get stuff you can get it done quickly!

KSkittle you DEF SHOULD NOT wait till June! MAY 5th DO IT ;)

I can't freakin WAIT to see what she looks like! To hold her, to feel that feeling! Everyone asks me if were going to do the 3D ultra sound but I don't want to because I don't want to see her yet! Those pics are insane-you can totally see the babe its so awesome that we have that technology but I want to wait, i want to lay my eyes on her for the first time the real time lol. Silly maybe but thats just how i feel. I was JUST laying in bed last night thinking WOW our life is going to be SO different SO soon. No longer willl it be just me and Tommy (the husband) no more quiet nights, no more just doing whatever we want, no more perfect him and me...its just going to get better, it will soon be the 3 of us, we will cherish our quiet nights, we will be even more perfect with our addition....just SO DIFFERENT! its truly is like the most life changing thing were all doing here! Are any of you scared yet? I haven't got my scared feeling yet but i can feel it inching up on me!
I'm terrified some times. When I think about this little one is totally relying on us. I know we will be great parents and we have such a great support system, but it's still nerve wracking being first time parents. Also making sure we have all the things we need. It's silly stuff like how many diapers should we buy in what sizes- lol

May 5th sounds perfect. Especially if you're measuring early- or your little one might be the guest of honor :)
I'm having a family shower on may 5th and a friends one on may 12
I get a little nervous sometimes, but I think being more scared will probably be in my future. I get really scared about quitting my job though. We have been blessed the last couple of years with not having to think about money, travel as much as we pleased, etc, and now we will be taking a huge pay cut. My husband keeps assuring me that he has done a budget, and we will be fine, but big changes are still scary!
I am glad everyone agrees on May 5th. I much prefer that, but I was worried that I was supposed to be "more pregnant" if that makes sense. Whatever! May 5 will be better for ME, so I am going to do it. =)
I AM DOING THE SAME - quitting my job - and I AM SCARED SH*TLESS lol! My husband also keeps reassurring me we will be JUST FINE but its very very very scary! I ask him about once a week "are we sure we want to do this?" YES BABE! We too haven't worried about money, do what we want, buy what we want, go where we want and that is ALL going to change, adding a person to that in addition to taking away one persons salary is SCARY! My husband just keeps remindiny me WHY we made that choice to do so - we BOTH don't want someone else to raise our child and why when we can "comfortably enough" make ends meet while having that option for me to stay home - so many woman don't get to and even when they want to just can't afford it. So i try to remmeber we ARE VERY LUCKY TOOOOO be able to do so but holy f*** it's scary lol!
You just expressed EXACTLY how I feel MUCH better than I did!!! LOL. I ask my husband the same thing at least once a week: "Are you sure we can do this?" "YES!" Lol.
Your new pic is so cute ktskittle! What a cute bump :)

Does anyone else feel like time is crawling by? I've been making blankets and changing pads, etc to help pass the time. I'll post some pictures of my crafty work later:)

For our living situation: DH and I decided to wait until April and keep out offer on this home we love, unless we find a home that s equal in and not a short sale. The scary thing is that we decided that if we don't find a house by April 30th then we are staying put for 4 or 5 months. We live about four hours from family- so hopefully we do move:)
Ahhh I'm thinking the same thing. I haven't been working for the last year but im not too fond of it. Of course I know after she arrives I will be busier and not think about it as much but still.... It still feels odd not to be bringing in a paycheck every month. I know exactly where you all are a with that. I just had the conversation with dh about- what about when she's a couple years d if I work somewhere part time :) she can go to a half day program a few times a week and socialize and I could work somewhere. Ha. He supportive of whatever but I'm used to havng my "own" money and I'm very independent. Everyone thinks its a waste bc I have a masters in business but I don't feel that way. I want to be with her all the time after she arrives and I don't want a 50 hour a week job but making a plan for some adult time later on (pt) work I think is fine ESP if I love doing it. That was my point and the extra money would just be a bonus.

The time is totally crawling by. I'm anxious for everything to go great but I'm ready to be not pregnant. I want to see her an hold her and know she's ok and start interacting with her. So yea. Time is almost at a standstill. But then again it seems unreal that tomorrow I start my 21 week. My baby girl was measuring just a tat big but they didnt change my due date although I think she will def be here by or before July 20. And when I say that all I can think about is the heat we will all endure. Wow! I will be inside or in the shade and wearing lots of cotton dresses in June and July :)

Just so everyone knows myblankee is having a huge sale. Just got my order today and they are really nice and well made.
I feel like the time is crawling by as well.....I am most nervous for two things....I am self employed and visit clts. I am scared that this will be harder when I have my baby and especially germ wise....I am scared my business will suffer a bit

I am also nervous about having 3 children in my house. I recently got full custody of my step son who is 11yrs in Aug....so I was thrown into a second child with no real prep, and not a third is coming along....I just want to enjoy Celina without going postal with the running around from the 5yr old and 11yr old boys

Unfortunately I will be doing my shower on June 9 or 10....my BFF is having her shower in April and her baby in May and then my God daughters Bday is the first week of June, so I am stuck with the second week of June....all I keep thinking of is how huge I will be! I am also thinking I may have a bbq baby shower as the weather will be better by then....or just a hall.....I haven't decided as yet
We are thinking of a BBQ too. We are doing a co-ed shower so BBQ and beer is a must for guys :)
How is everyone doing?
Thanks Angie!
Fla: I am thinking about MAYBE going part time when he is a couple years old... I would like him to go to a 2 year old preschool program like my niece did. It is from 9-1 three days per week, so I was thinking I would just try and get a job teaching there in a different classroom since I previously taught preschool for 4 years anyways. I think a BBQ sounds like fun! We are having the shower at a home (it might end up being mine since I am most centrally located, but I won't be throwing it) and having a bbq afterwards where the guys can join us.
On a different note.... this was a really rough weekend!! I started feeling unwell Friday, but I thought it might be allergies causing my asthma to flare up and give me a headache, but by 5pm I started to run a fever and have really bad body aches. I had my flu shot, but this felt VERY much like the flu. The OB told me to go to an urgent care clinic to have a rapid flu test so that I could start tamiflu if it turned up positive. It turned up negative, so I went home to rest etc, taking tylenol to combat the fever. Well, by saturday morning, the tylenol was no longer doing anything for my fever, which was hovering around 101.6. I called the dr again, and he had me go in to labor and delivery at the hospital. They couldn't control my fever, and ran another, more conclusive flu test. It came back positive (EVEN THOUGH I HAD MY FLU SHOT), and they decided to admit me overnight. After a grueling 24 hours, my fever was finally under control, so they released me yesterday. I feel a lot better, but still pretty cruddy. GRRR! I will NEVER teach while pregnant again... PERIOD! It is NOT worth it. (I was hospitalized in November for strep throat that wasn't respondint to meds, causing a very high relentless fever.) I normally have an INCREDIBLE immune system because I teach so I hardly ever get sick because I have been exposed to everything under the sun, but pregnancy just kills it!
How scary ktskittle! I have a few teachers friends - almost all elementary or middle school and they are always getting sick. So many germs at once. Hope it's all better soon!

We are going to put in an offer on a different home right down the street from the other one. It's not a short sale- thank goodness! We won't be able to do the shower at our new place at this point, but my MIL has offered up her place- yay for her :)
Yay it's back up! And FYI excuse all my typos in these. I'm on my iPad so that's my excuse :)

Canada - 3 is a lot and bless you. I can't imagine but then again I every time I say I can't imagine something happens around here or w my family and I deal with it the best way I can. Lemme suffice to say this....I'm still here and healthy:) I'm sure you will get the hang of it and settle into a routine and it will all work out for you.

Kt- that's exactly what I'm talking about. I think that's a great plan to haves and I think the babies will do fine. Thats what I'm planning on doing as well. I think the socialization is great anyways.

I just got back from dr appt. I'm 21 w 4 days and measuring 22. This was first week they measured my stomach. Said all looks good and her he was 153 which they said the range is 120-160 for this far along. Said my weight is good too even tho I think it's. Bit much. Hahah. They said 1 lb a week but at end it tends to slow down. A lb a week already?? Anyone heard this?? I trust them though but maybe 1 lb every 2 weeks will do :) I saw midwife today but usuall I see the md. I liked her though. I'm in a practice that has 2 mds and 1 midwife and you see all of them just in case you go into labor and md is in surgery or something. I don't like it but then again I'd rather it be someone I've seen then a random dr at the hospital! My insurance covers everyone in this practice so whatever.

Dh forgot about apps bc I rescheduled from last fri am. But I wanted him to be able to play golf today bc it's so pretty. Hope he isn't too mad at me. If I had reminded him he would have cancelled golf and we are going out of town turs am so he won't be able to over the weekend. I think I'm sweet but he won't like it :) it was a routine a ppt withi no ultrasound so he didn't miss much anyway.

Did anyone check out myblankee? And if anyone finds anything really cool please lemme know. I'm about done with buying clothes. She has way too much already really. Guess i overdid it early:) oh well. This is my first and I'm excited

Ok enough pregnancy brain rambling. Everyone enjoy the rest of the day.

Ok enou pregnancy brain rambling,
Fla- my dr said the same thing about 1lb per week-30-40 lbs total average. I have already gained 17 so I'm under, but I feel ginormous:)

We bought our crib this weekend!!! And my FIL bought our stroller too. Babies r us was having a huge sale so we took major advantage. I am restraining myself on buying clothes though until after the baby shower. We only have three or four outfits so far. I expect the majority of our gifts to be clothes so I want to wait and see what we need.

Canada- super duper cute! You look awesome:)
Hopefully some really good news on the house issue. We will know within a week but it looks like theres a good chance we could be back in house by may 15 with almost all of work done. Please please keep your fingers crossed. If not we are moving out of this condo to rent a house that has a fenced yard etc. bc we have a dog and it's hard plus we on,y have 2 bedrooms whcich isn't engh room for family right before and afte baby is born. I'm saying my prayers that something positive happens. :)

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