Due in July 2012

Canada: you look great!
My doctor said to gain 1 pound per week as well... He said 3-4 pounds in the first trimester and then 1 pound per week for the remaining 28 weeks... That would put me in the middle of the recommended 25-35 pounds of weight gain.
It seems I lost several pounds while in the hospital for the flu, so my husband is starting to worry about me. lol. We had a friend whose sister in law was overly obsessed with her weight gain during pregnancy and was working out a lot, etc and delivered a full term 4 pound baby who had to stay in the NICU. Ever since I heard that story, I have started to just focus more on being healthy for the baby. Gaining too much is much better than too little~!
Hi ladies!

Yes Canada you look GREAT! And so do you Kskittle!! Agree- 1lb PER WEEK seems a bit excessive!....I think so far I have gained 8 lbs. so that would put me at a total of 24 lbs if i gained a lb per week for the remaing time...okay well now that I say that i guess that is about right lol! My HR lady told me she gained 6 lbs her ENTIRE PREGNANCY! HOW THE HELL DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN!??? Baby alone weighs that much! She had a healthy baby with perfect weight even..?!!! lol I have a friend whose OBSESSED with her weight and she is starting to REALLY concern me for her and her babys health. I think I need to talk to her family about it...so sad when woman are like that.SO NOT the time to be worrying about your weight :(

Had my V-DAY Sunday!! :) YAY!!! Great milestone to have! I will be 25 weeks this weekend- CRAZY! First half of my pregnany went by so slow now is feels like freakin crunch time! How are you ladies feeling about time? I REALLY started to show now too FINALLY! I used to get A LOT of looks everywhere I went, girls starring at me (rude jealous stare) and now girls are SMILING at me prob liek ahh she is cute instead of that bitch is cute ugh lol...ist refreshing! I love it! Had a dream last night about my bellly butten "popping out" and it was the size of a mini donut!!! -hmmmm think I have subconcious insecurities about that part?? lol
I'm worried about being too out of shape, and a tiny bit about gaining too much. I haven't been able to work out as much and I'm trying to do little thing everyday, because I heard that the more in shape your are- the easier birth is.

Is anyone else having a horrible time sleeping at night? It takes almost two hours for me to fall asleep and I wake every two or three hours for a trip to the bathroom. I don't think I've slept well in two weeks- and I'm worried I won't sleep well ever again- lol since we know how little sleep you get with a newborn:)
This last week I just started getting good sleep again and now this week it seems to have plummeted again :( Prior 2 weeks I was getting close to NO sleep. I would fall asleep just fine then wake up around midnigth (after being asleep about 2 hours) and be up till 4 in the freakin morning then have to get up at 5 for work! :( WAAAAAAAAA! Hate it. I have SUPER bad leg cramps at night that make it even more difficult. I feel like Im never goign to sleep again too lol so lets get used to it I guess. And the further along we become the MORE uncomforatble we will be with our big ol bellies!

What do you girls do for Viatmins? I am just taking my prenatal. Do you girls take anything extra? I started to take mine right before bed too because I thought since that was the only time Im not going to the bathroom every 20 min that it would make for my body to hold in those vitamins better...thoughts? Or is that just silly? lol
Hey Angela I only take vitamins and drink lots of water. My sleeps have been trying due to leg craps....I am now using a body pillow to elevate them. Is it July yet
No kidding.....IS IT JULY???!!! AHHHHH!!!

Want to hear something TOTALLY weird about leg cramp help..maybe you've heard it already but they say for "restless leg syndrome" to place a bar of IVORY soap under your fitted sheet in your bed and just place it down by your feet. I TRIED it because they were getting so bad I was trying anything and everything people were telling me to do and magically enough for some ODD REASON it DOES help...and SO MUCH! try it!
I heard the bar of soap thing too. How strange! Whatever helps at this point though right?
I can't wait for July. We just signed up for all of our classes: breast feeding, childbirth and after childbirth. I'm so excited to go and get started. The classes are held where we will be giving birth so it will be nice to go there a fe times and get comfortable.

On the house front- we didn't get the second house and we were told it's going to be another 2-3 months before the short sale goes through. So we decided to continue with the short sale, but we will be moving when the baby is about four weeks old. The timing kind of works out because now I can keep my wonderful doctor and we aren't moving while I'm 32 weeks along. Moving with a newborn won't be great, but I think it will be easier than being hugely pregnant for me anyway.
We find out about house tomorrow!!! I'd rather wait as well if something doesn't happen tomorrow and we know. Ding it at 8 months pregnant is not my idea of fun.

I've been gone and just got back. Logged on and was like wow. Last night was my first ever leg cramp and I was like what in the world is going on. Ha. I will try the soap idea if it persists.

Has anyone had any Braxton hicks yet?? I've had 2 and it was the weirdest/scariest thing ever. It's a very odd sensation.

Hope everyone is well.
That soap thing is weird/cool!
I take prenatals, a b-50 complex, and 500 mg of Vitamin C.
I have had some braxton hicks as well. This may be TMI, but they feel similar to the feeling you get when you have after an "o" when you do the deed while pregnant. (Freakishly hard stomach.) Mine generally haven't hurt at all, just strange feeling!
Angela... I STILL keep Freaking out about staying home next year. I keep getting nervous about having so much time off from work and not being able to "freely spend" like I usually do. I keep debating about accepting a part time teaching position (8-12 Mon-Friday only during the school year). I would get regular teacher pay divided down to hourly, which at 28 dollars per hour would make a huge difference in our monthly spending because it would all be "frosting." I just can't decide though. My husband says that I should just stay home and if I decide I want some extra money I can always look later, but these jobs are only generally available at the beginning of the school year.

On another note, today is my birthday, and I am going to spend all day trying to figure out where to go for birthday dinner!! Hmmmm. I generally still try to eat healthy, but tonight I am going to fully give into my food realated pregnancy wishes and desires. =-)
Angieloo- it's like a wave across my lower belly and it hardens as it goes. Of course no pain and I don't feel anything in the back so I know it's the harmless BH. It's super weird. Let me know when you feel one and what it's like for you.

Happy Birthday kt!!!!!!!

I am in the same boat on the money situation. We have officially decided that I will wait until at least after she is 6 months then see what I think. Although I say "officially decided" I get irritated bc I still think about it ALL the time. So what I've decided to do is use this time as the preplanning stage while I have so much time. I'm thinking of opening my own business but it would be such that I'm behind the scenes so not full time. I'm organizing ideas. But if not then I want to go get a job pt. I just don't know when. Frustrating. I like the "free" money as I call it bc it's not dedicated to anything.

No word on the house yet. We find out at 4 today. PlEASE keep your fingers crossed. I will log back in to let you know what happens. If not we move into a rental sometime soon bc it will be almost Christmas by the time we go back :(

Kt skittle. That's almost exactly the feeling! Except I was standing and I was like omg. That's it!

Oh and eat some cake for me and enjoy it. That's one of my fav things in the world.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KT (<~~~is your name Katie? lol)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES INDULGE today, its your BIRTHDAY! Have your cake and EAT IT TOO!:thumbup:

Im SO totally freaking out about the no job thing too everyday! I think that once she is here I won't care one bit though. You know how there are Moms that just aren't the type who could stay home with their kids and then there are the Moms that WANT and can totally handle being a stay at home Mom, well i completly 100% think I am the type who will WANT and BE ABLE to handle being home with the babe. Most of my friends her are mothers and my sister just can't do the stay at home thing and NOTHING is wrong with that but I don't even ssee myself being able to leave her with ANYONE lol. I think we all be okay about the whole situation once our little one is here. And that spending money we so freely spend at all times, will be forgotten as well to some extent....this is what I keep telling myself right now lol.

I had no idea you could get braxton hicks this early. Hmmm wonder if I have had it. Would I know? lol. And yes the soap thing is so weird but it works and for A LOT of people, pregnant or not.

GOOD LUCK with the houses ladies. In the end whatever and WHENEVER it happens and works out for you girls it will be just fine, everything happens for a reason...:hugs:
Happy Birthday Kts!!! Go out and indulge!!

I have been getting braxton hicks too.. really strange feeling where the front of my tummy, down low all of a sudden feels really tight. No pain or anything and it is very localized.

Good luck to you ladies in the process of house buying.. DH "thinks" we will be putting our place up for sale in the near future and is hoping to move in the summer. I am having serious anxiety over this as 1. money- how can we buy a bigger place, pay for moving costs etc when I am only getting 55% of what I normally make and DH is a teacher so won't be making anything in the summer, 2. moving with a newborn? Sure the initial move part would be ok, but DH tends to procrastinate when it comes to organizing, putting things away so I know it would end up with me having to do it all while caring for a newborn. No thanks!
Happy bday kt!

I'm so looking forward to next weekend-the 30th- we are finishing our registery and sending out our invitations for our baby shower. I'm so excited for the shower. I am trying to find as much to keep me busy as possible so that time goes by faster :)
Yay! It's done. It all worked out. Truly a miracle.

Have a great night everyone !
CONGRATULATIONS Flagirl!! SO EXCITING! And what a relief! YAY:happydance: YOU CAN BREATHE NOW!!!!!!!

Angie -YES, HAPPY V-day!! two days late but what a great day to reach, a nice milestone for us all! I sent out my Baby shower invites two days ago! Felt SO NICE, once the baby shower is here it will literally mean baby time just around the corner. I am SO excited for mine too, Can't wait for all the stuff, to have all my family and friends around to celebrate us, then its shopping time for me. After I see what I have I want to get everything else and get it all over with so we have everything (since I still am working I need to get it all while we have my money contributing too).

My skin feels like its getting pulled on SO TIGHTLY from every inch...anyone else have that going on? I am just growing a lot now (finally) and it HURTS I must say, outside and inside, she is trying to squeeze herself into this little body of mine and its painful lol.
Congrats flagirl!!!! That's great news :)

My skin feels uncomfortable from time to time. I also find that now there's more of me- I'm much more uncomfortable in my usual positions. Sleep and sitting are def becoming more frustrating due to lack of comfort

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