Due in July 2012

Bug- last week she was breech and this week she has turned, I know she is still head down bc she kicks and it's way up above my navel several inches ! First time she did it I was freaked out by I had no idea she could get that high. They said she should turn head down within next several weeks and pretty much stay that way until delivery. I hadn't ever heard that before until I was told that recently. Sure enough she has turned now though.
I think now is when some babies start to turn, but don't necessarily have to be just yet. Glad things are going better Bug!

We finished most of the nursery this weekend and I love it! Not quite as I originally imagined since we didn't buy a house and we now have half guest room half baby room, but I still love it.
We put cute monkey stickers and baby lion king sticker (the decal kind) on the walls. We also went shopping - just to see what was out there clothes-wise and ended up with 8 outfits, ranging in size. There were just too many good deals to resist- we got a winter coat for $2! Very good buys :)
Canada/and all :)....I was JUST wondering when your back starts to curve in like I have seen. My back is still straight and narrow it actually makes me FEEL like I am really "thick" lol. Is it just when your belly gets BIG or does it not happen to everyone or...? lol.

I had my first growth scan Friday afternoon and it went FANTASTIC! She is in the 50th percentile (right where she should be, not bigger then she should be and not smaller then she should be, Dr's have told me with my high blood pressure I would almost FOR SURE have a small baby...so great news she is right on track so FAR) she weighs JUST under 3lbs already! HOLY COW! The US was another half hour one so got to see her for a long time but this scan was MUCH different then the 20 week one because since she is so much bigger then she was then she is much more squished in there so we couldn't see her as WELL. We also found out she has HAIR already!!! :thumbup: all her measruments were "fabulous" they said, brain and all! All my fluids, placenta and insides are doing just as well! Had my GB test and test for protien, if it comes back positive for either I will get a call today. Sure all is fine though. She is head down and ready for her birthday! :) 12 weeks to go for me as of yesterday!!! :happydance:
awww Angela that is amazing!!! Did you get any pics from this scan? I can't believe baby has hair already!!! Eeek not too long to go now!!
Angela that is great news!!

I think it is different of women.....back curve. My friend who is 36wks, back is somewhat straight and she has never complained about backaches. My doc told me my back would arch more this preg as it is my second so the muscles are looser. With my first, I didn't really urve until the last few weeks.....this one has totally popped my booty! Lol

I just got a prenatal massage and asked my gay masseuse if we could have an affair! Lol! It was so freaking good! I totally recommend a massage ladies! It was utopia!

On the downside, I have been quite depressed the last few days....can cry at the drop of the dime. I'm even depressed that I am depressed and feel so guilty......I hope it passes soon
Canada: I am sorry you are feeling depressed. I have been super hormonal the last few days as well, which is new because I have been pretty even keel since the start of this pregnancy (which isn't like me).
Question for all: Does everyone have growth scans?? I thought that the 20 week scan would be the last one unless there was an issue. (I figured I would probably end up with one because my lo is 97th percentile for length and weight, so they probably will schedule an induction a week or 2 early like they did my sister, but I didn't realize that it was automatic/this early. Woohoo to that!)
Presentation: Matthew has been mostly head down for about a month now. I felt him kick low once about a week and a half ago, and then one another time a week before that, but the rest of the time, I feel him a few inches above my belly button and it has been that way for a while.
26 weeks today (measuring 28 weeks)! Woohoo! I see that most websites argue whether the third trimester starts at 25, 25, 27, or 28 weeks, but I want to go ahead and claim it today! Lol. I am measuring 28 after all!
Bug- YES we got pictures! One of her with her hand over her face too :) pretty cute! It was a MUCH different experience at this scan then the 20 week because she is so much bigger it as much harder to see her in there she is very squished lol. And HAIR I know SO EXCITING!!

Canada- the back thing...backs sense! Looser muscles making for an arched back sooner. I need a prenatal massage SO bad GOOD FOR YOU for getting one. I keep saying every single week "Im going to make an appt today..." Hope you start cheering up...you too KT. Its tough being pregnant! And just wait till our babes are here-were going to be SO EMOTIONAL! My gf who had a baby 10 days ago was telling me last night she has been crying over EVERYTHING and can't stop. My sister was the exact same, for like 3 months. I can't tell you how mnay times I went to her house and she would be sittign there babies on arms (twins) just bauling :( was so sad!

Kt- I have growth scans every 2 weeks because I have high blood pressure so they have to keep a super close eye on her to make sure she stays growing at the right rate. High blood pressure can cause a stunt in the babies growth. Your lil one is 97 percentile!! WHOA! Going to be a big whopper! :) What is your babe measuring at? Weight? have you had a growth scan or no? Oh and I went into the 3rd trimester when i turned 27 weeks last sunday! :) Head on over :happydance:
Angela congrats! It's such a relief. Do they know why you bp is high like that? I'm asking bc mine isnt but my sisters was when she was pganant and I'm obsessed with going to the machine at cvs etc and taking it. Is it just during pregnancy? And I had no idea that blood pressure could stunt the babies growth. Wow!

Canada. I got a couple massage early on and it was great. Have t had one in a long time. I'm dying for one now and I really want a body scrub done. My skin seems itchy and I think a body scrub and Vichy shower would be great.

I'm extremely upset for some reason. Oh my Goodness so glad everyone is saying this. I feel like I'm going crazy. I cry over everything and I have no clue why. I haven't been like this since I was just first pregnant. I've spent the last 3 days in Colorado with tears rolling down my face. And it makes me worry about the baby bc I don't think it's good for her.

On another note... The picture I posted of her on here it looks like she has hair. My mom said oh my! Look at all that hair. I thought she was nuts. I'm only 25.5 weeks pregnant. They told me this past Friday at the redo of the 3d that it is hair and a lot of it (tech said see the spikes looking light things on the screen...that's hair)!. Is this even normal ESP at my stage? I'm guessing so but never heard of it. If you go back and look at the pic i posted it is a lot! So glad to hear others a saing this. I thought babies got hair at like 32 weeks or something.

Kt- why do you think you are measuring that much bigger? You probably said and I missed it. If so, sorry about that. Ive heard that happens with gestational diabetes and I was worried I would develop it. No idea why just a gut feeling bc I never eat sweets and sometimes I do now. But that's prob just being pregnant. I get my glucose test in next 2 weeks. I'm ready to get it over with. And my Rhogam shot? Does anyone else have to take the Rhogam? My mom took it but that about all I know about it.
I've been more up and down than anything. One minute so upset and the second feeling like everything is going to be great.
I'm also getting kind of nervous about being a mommy. I know it'll all work out and we've wanted a family for so long... But I'm kind of nervous about everything that is to come. I'm also a little nervous about giving birth- is that ridiculous?

I can't wait to see my little one again! Yay for hair and more defined features. I have an anterior placenta so we have another ultrasound at 30 weeks. I'm hoping the placenta moved up otherwise I have to have a scheduled c-section at 37 weeks... Crazy huh? I'd have a June baby then :)
I have had high blood pressure since I was 22 years old (im 28 now) so its part of my life. I knew getting pregnant I would be a high risk. Its just in my family, thanks a lot Dad! lol. My Dr told me from my first appt that she would be VERY happy if we DID have a average sized baby because of the high blood pressure..but so far she is right on track! Its controlled with medication...bad news is it also puts me at higher risk for preeclampsia and with having all my blood tests done friday the nurse just called and said my liver number was high and Ihave to go in today for another test and they need to collect a 24 hour urine sample to check for protein :cry: SO I may have preeclampsia already! My sister had it this early on too and made it to 35 weeks before having to get a C Section but thats my WORST NIGHTMARE i dont want a c section. But maybe I wont have a choice and I just need to deal with the cards that are dealt to me.

Fla-is your skin SUPER itchy? You might want to bring it up to your Dr itchy skin often is a sign something is going on. and yeah the babe can DEF have hair already!! so YAY FOR BABES WITH HAIR!! :happydance:

Angie- its SO NORMAL to be scared about being a mom and birth! I think I AM CRAZY for NOT being scared! Hope your Placenta is cooperating! How do you feel about getting the c section?
Thanks Angela! I really want to have a natural birth and not a csection, but we will do whatever we need to to keep baby safe. I almost like the idea of knowing exactly what day our little one will be joining us; the planner in me would LOVE to know for organizing purposes, but i would rather wait till he's ready if we can.
We find out May 1st if it's moved our not
Okay... There's a lot to respond to, so I hope I don't forget anything...
Speaking of feeling emotional... I spent an hour crying tonight when I realized that I let our tags expire. I know it is silly... I am always so organized though, so it frustrates me that we are going to have to pay all kinds of late fees when I finally renew tomorrow.
My family is notorious for measuring big, but luckily my sister went 11 days early with both of her kids. (My younger brother was born 3 and a half weeks early at 9 pounds! I think we just have a shorter gestational period. lol. I tested negative for gestational diabetes, and the doctor said a big baby is a healthy one, it's the small babies that are a cause for concern. I haven't had a growth scan. He measured 2 weeks ahead at my 20 week, and the fundal measurement they do at each appointment has consistently shown 2 weeks ahead. Maybe they will schedule one at my next appointment??
I will keep yall in my thoughts and prayers regarding the preeclampsia and placenta. I have an anterior also, but they said that mine is high.
I really want to deliver vaginally too, but I can definitely see the benefit of having a set date to look forward to! (That's the good part of measuring big... They will usually schedule an induction for at least 1 week early to make sure they don't get too big. My sister went into labor with a day or two before each scheduled induction with hers. lol)
I too do not want a c-section. My friend had one in feb and she still says its sore there and she could not hold her son for 2wks....I mean lift him up.

I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that can cry on a dime. How are your DH's handling it? Mine is ok, but I feel he can do more, but not sure if it is my emotions again lol
my DH just laughs at me when I start crying (again) :growlmad:
Are any of you planning on a small gift or anything for your DHs for fathers day this year? I know it's a few weeks before we are all due, but I was thinking it might be fun to get him something like Father to be or a nice card at least.
I agree with everyone about the c-section. I would love love love to know the date bc I'm super organized to the point it's ridiculous ( everyone says this baby is really going to change that :)) but I do not want a c-section. I don't even want the epidural. I know that I say that now and people are like when you have the pain you will but if I don't have the epidural and the baby is born naturally with no complications I only have to stay in the hospital one night! I don't like hospitals. I also don't want all those drugs passed to her before she is born if I can help it. I realize as m sure we all do that ultimately we will do whatever we have to to make sure they are safe and whatever is best for the baby is done. If that means c- section for me then that's fine as long as she is ok. My sister had preeclampsia and she had to have an emergency c section:(
Angela- it seems like you and your dr have all the bases covered though with it as far as management. Still i can understand your apprehension. My skin isn't SUPER itchy but just sort of dry and when I exfoliate with sugar scrub it feels soooo good so it made me thing for someone else to do it and ESP my back where I can't reach would be awesome.

My hubby is super supportive and tries to understand which frustrates me. Ha! I'm like you can never understand this and it isn't your fault ( ok....it kind of is) but you can't fix it. Just give me a hug and let me be. I think it worries him bc he is like who is this new person I'm living with bc normally I'm not emotional at all over most things.
KT- I would've cried my eyes out over the tags and that would've led to - we have a baby on the way and we could've used that money then I would be thinking about money and even though everything is fine then I wouldve cried even more. My crying leads to more crying usually until I work myself out of it or become distracted. Ive been trying to write down how I feel to maybe help me release it or whatever.

Angieloo- I feel ya! One day I'm like ok I've always had animals not they they are even near a baby but still. I'm super motherly and I like to take care of things and i helped with my niece and really felt my instincts kick in with her and I'm going to be great at this. Then I'm like oh no! What if I suck at this and I'm too orderly and rigid and what if she hates me. Im right there and I think if people aren't scared at all then wow! Have they thought about it or maybe there's a other reason of which I truly can't understand bc I don't see how at times it cant be overwhelming.

I looked up the hair thing bc I'm telling everyone I had no idea and I was like is she a werewolve. Ha. It says by 22 weeks they can get it and it's white bc no pigment. Pigment comes later on. I just never knew it.

I talked to a woman that said she felt her baby pull the umbilical cord!!!!! I also was watching an episode (rerun) of sister wives and Robyn is pregnant and she says she can feel him pulling on it. Does anyone know more about this. I know they play with the cord and sometimes put it in their mouths even but I didn't know we could feel it! I'm wondering what it feels like. Lol
Angieloo. No! But great idea. Mine would love it. Now it's just- what to get? I'll have to think on that.
Flagirl: That's pretty much exactly how it went for me last night! Lol
Canada: DH has been handling it excellently, but he often goes out of his way to try and fix whatever is upsetting me and sometimes needs to just give me a hug and not try to solve everything because I am just being hormonal and it's often not THAT big of a deal. (Don't tell me that in the moment though!!)
Angieloo: I have no idea what I am going to get him... I know he is planning on a weekend getaway or the like for me for Mother's day. (Our beach vaca last week was our babymoon, but this would be our last hoorah.) Hmm. I better have an idea now, because by then I might be so tired and exhausted that I would wish I would have already bought it!
Speaking of gifts... Has your dh asked you what you want for your push gift? I had never even heard of a push gift until I was pregnant! It was one of dh's friend that mentioned it to him I guess, and I started asking around and most of my friends with small children were like "duh! Of course we got one!" Seriously!? I love it! I am just torn because I feel like it should be something that I can keep forever like diamond earrings, but I really want an ipad. Lol.
Speaking of positioning... Bubs flipped back to breech this morning, and is doing the cha cha on my bladder... I hope he goes back to heads down soon! (He usually only stays feet first for a couple hours.)
Kt- I have never heard of it and I like the diamond earring idea but oh my I am so addicted to my iPad and I've even been saying how nice it will when she is here bc it's so easy to carry around the house or in my bag.

I can't tell yet if she is turning around or not but she used to have a somewhat set pattern and last night I was up all night so I think she has gotten off of her normal schedule. I have officially entered the - I can't sleep normal hours at all phase of this. I get so worn out an I sleep so hard then I'm up at 2 and 3. It's odd

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