I agree with everyone about the c-section. I would love love love to know the date bc I'm super organized to the point it's ridiculous ( everyone says this baby is really going to change that

) but I do not want a c-section. I don't even want the epidural. I know that I say that now and people are like when you have the pain you will but if I don't have the epidural and the baby is born naturally with no complications I only have to stay in the hospital one night! I don't like hospitals. I also don't want all those drugs passed to her before she is born if I can help it. I realize as m sure we all do that ultimately we will do whatever we have to to make sure they are safe and whatever is best for the baby is done. If that means c- section for me then that's fine as long as she is ok. My sister had preeclampsia and she had to have an emergency c section
Angela- it seems like you and your dr have all the bases covered though with it as far as management. Still i can understand your apprehension. My skin isn't SUPER itchy but just sort of dry and when I exfoliate with sugar scrub it feels soooo good so it made me thing for someone else to do it and ESP my back where I can't reach would be awesome.
My hubby is super supportive and tries to understand which frustrates me. Ha! I'm like you can never understand this and it isn't your fault ( ok....it kind of is) but you can't fix it. Just give me a hug and let me be. I think it worries him bc he is like who is this new person I'm living with bc normally I'm not emotional at all over most things.
KT- I would've cried my eyes out over the tags and that would've led to - we have a baby on the way and we could've used that money then I would be thinking about money and even though everything is fine then I wouldve cried even more. My crying leads to more crying usually until I work myself out of it or become distracted. Ive been trying to write down how I feel to maybe help me release it or whatever.
Angieloo- I feel ya! One day I'm like ok I've always had animals not they they are even near a baby but still. I'm super motherly and I like to take care of things and i helped with my niece and really felt my instincts kick in with her and I'm going to be great at this. Then I'm like oh no! What if I suck at this and I'm too orderly and rigid and what if she hates me. Im right there and I think if people aren't scared at all then wow! Have they thought about it or maybe there's a other reason of which I truly can't understand bc I don't see how at times it cant be overwhelming.
I looked up the hair thing bc I'm telling everyone I had no idea and I was like is she a werewolve. Ha. It says by 22 weeks they can get it and it's white bc no pigment. Pigment comes later on. I just never knew it.
I talked to a woman that said she felt her baby pull the umbilical cord!!!!! I also was watching an episode (rerun) of sister wives and Robyn is pregnant and she says she can feel him pulling on it. Does anyone know more about this. I know they play with the cord and sometimes put it in their mouths even but I didn't know we could feel it! I'm wondering what it feels like. Lol