Due in July 2012

Tdap is a tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis vaccination combination that the CDC is now requiring pregnant women to get because there has been a recent upsurge in whooping cough and it can kill babies. Babies don't get the vaccine for this, so the only way to protect them for the first couple months when they are most susceptible is to vaccinate the mom. They used to do it right after the baby was born while in the hospital, but they have now discovered that this doesn't protect the newborn. I was feeling hesitant about getting it, but now that I have read about so many infant deaths, I am going to be racing to get it!

Sorry/congrats you are written out of work. I can see how that would be bittersweet.

I haven't done 3d or 4d yet... We are talking about doing it around 30 weeks.
Kt. That makes sense bc I've heard a lot at whooping cough and they have really been doing a lot of education on tv with the new commercial about whooping cough/pertussis vaccine. I will ask my dr about it bc they haven't said anything yet.

Right now I'm dreading the glucose test. I've heard it's so awful :( and I'm not a big sweet drink person anyway- even if it tastes good. Ha. So I might not do very well. Lol

Are you happy or sad about work? I can see how it would be bittersweet as kt said.

Has anyone thought about where they are putting the baby when they get home from the hospital? I just purchased the arms reach mini convertible co sleeper.
I found it there on sale and Allbee has so much on sale including bugaboo and Maclaren so you might wanna check It out. I found it on another list that reviewed products and thought it might be good. It's made to go up right next to bed and has straps that go underneath bed mattress so it can't push away from the bed. It's so i can reach over and get her at night to feed her. It gets rave reviews by moms. I'm not comfortable with true co sleeping as in she would be in the bed with us. It just makes me nervous. Later on you can drop the mattress or it can just become a pack and play for her so I thought it was a good idea to try. After a couple months, I really want her to go to her room and be in her crib. Anyway thats the plan .... For now! Ha. Let me know what thoughts you guys have about it.
I started doing some research on tdap and I found many many articles saying pregnsnt women should get it bc benefits outweigh risk and I found many blogging moms that said don't. But then again they say it's bad to paint your fingernails etc. I don't buy into all of that. However I did cme across this article which made me think more about it. And my next thought was.... I ingot it right after the baby is born while I'm in the hospital the pn would it pass to baby in breastmilk? I don't know answer to that but thought I might ask the dr. Just something to think about. Dr sears is very well respected nationally as an expert and is talked about so often by so many.

Giving it to the mother's right after birth was standard practice until last year... I guess they say that the antibodies take several weeks to build up, so the baby would be "uncovered" for the first few critical weeks of it's like if you rely on that method... I still don't know what to do. My sister says that I should just trust my Dr. because if, God Forbid, I didn't get the shot and something happened to Matthew, I would have no one to blame but myself. I also have asked all of my friends and family who will be coming by prior to 2 months old get their vaccine updated. Everyone seemed happy to comply, and many have already had it.
Well, my glucose results are in (the test wasn't as bad as I expected.) I don't have gestational diabetes BUT I am anemic. =-/ I guess it's the lesser of the two evils I could have been diagnosed with. And it DOES mean that the overly tiredness I have feeling is more than just the pregnancy... They say anemia makes it a lot worse, so there is something I can do about it! Hopefully the iron supplements will boost my energy and help me to not get so out of breath so quickly.
Oh! I love the mini convertibles! My husband built our little one a bassinet, but we are thinking about getting a larger cosleeper if we decide to keep him in the room with us past 3 months, when he will outgrow the bassinet. We will wait until than to see what we decide as far as keeping in the room with us. I am an advocate of "attachment" style parenting, but I also saw the horror that ensued when my sister kept my niece in her room with her for so long and than had to break the habit when my nephew came. This time, my nephew was "booted out" around 3 months old. We shall see.
So much to think about ya know?! My nephew, Jeffrey (who will be 5 months tomorrow?) just went to the Dr yesterday because he has been weaving when he breaths, and has a viral infectin in his lungs :( Dr said only kids under 2 years old get this viral infection and it was passed onto him from SOMEONE. :( Poor guy. Gives him a 30% chance now of getting asthma! Babues just are so supseptable to everything its scary. KT thats so nice everyone around you agrees to get vaccinated! I feel like I am going to be one of those Moms that doesn't want to take her lil one anywhere because I'll be to scared of her catching something! Sleeping-another thing...everytime I stay the night with my lilttle nephews I ALWAYS have lil Jeffrey sleep in the bed with me! I LOVE sleeping with him and he loves it too lol, my sister doesn't sleep and never has had them (twins :) sleep in their bed but Auntie does, I cant get enoug of it lol. So I hope I can stand not sleeping with my little girl. I don't want to be the parents who have their 4 yr old still in bed with them lol.
That's exactly how I feel! I ALWAYS have my niece sleep with me, but she slept with my sister until she was 4, and it was hellacious getting her to stop. But I definitely want him in the room with me for a while... especially since I will be breastfeed, just makes it so much easier.
On another note, I have been having braxton hicks anytime I get stressed out... Do any of you have this? It sucks! (Can you tell I am having them right now???)
im getting Braxton Hicks occasionally too... strange feeling!!!
I love tht co sleeper/bassinet- very cute! We are getting something similar.

Our plan is to have Benjamin sleep with us till 6 months and then off to his own room:) my husband thinks its funny he's putting some much effort into a nursery that Ben won't even sleep in for six months:):) well funny probably isn't the right word- crazy maybe:)

I'm all about vaccinations, we are doing day care at 4 months old for Ben and they actually require vaccinations before they will care for a child, which was a HUGE plus for me.
Kt- my sister had boy girl twins and she let them in the bed and no joke they are still there and many nights her and her husband sleep in seperate rooms bc even a king is scrunched bc they are now 7. They have tried everything to get them out but hasn't worked and in all honesty it's all they know so it isn't the twins fault really. But I'm like yea you thought it was a good idea when they were babies so you could get some sleep but what a mess now. I'd rather do without sleep for a few weeks or months while they transition to the crib vs years and years of that. No way!

Bug- I hate BH contractions. Seems like every time I lay in my back I get one. S weird

Angieloo. Thanks. It will be here in 2 days so I will post what I think about it as far as size and setup etc.

We went for the 4d!!!! And AS USUAL she was all curled up against the uterine wall. She wasn't asleep but she was resting and she was breech/ face down. I got one semi decent pic of the side of her face. Oh my! So sweet. I am in love. Weight gain and all of that -totally worth it now. Ha. So glad I finally feel that way. I don't know how to post pix but I'm going to try from my laptop. The people at did 4d were great. I'm going back sometime soon for aa free session since we couldn't really see her. I'll try to post pic. I recommend the 4d for sure after my brief experience

this is the best of the 4d pictures we got.
Very cute flagirl!

We just started putting together our changing table and we will start on the crib the weekend after we paint. I have a feeling that this next part is going to fly by just because of how much we have to do and how much is going on. I am so excited for him to get here!!!
Thanks so much. I'm so in love. Ha
I just cant wait to meet her. I keep saying that and my husbands like no no no she's not ready yet. And I'm like -honey I know I just wish I was 38 weeks or something and it was sooner but I think I just need to enjoy this last time when it's just the 2 of us etc... Anyway, I can't wait for everyone to have their babies bc we all talk about then and plan for them so much. I can't wait to see all of them. Everyone will have to post pix when they have time so we can see who we have been chatting about for so long!

Co sleeper says it will be delivered today. Hubby will be gone until late tonight so when it comes I'm gonna do a trial run. Ha. He can put together or fix anything and I'm not nearly as good. So if I can do this then it's really easy. Also, it's a mini and converts to play pen so I wanna see the size. I will let everyone know jus in case your thinking of a mini.

I feel same way about nursery! Spending soo much time and she's gonna be in this co sleeper for a while. Ha. But I'm so excited about nursery and it stresses me out bc I want it to be perfect. Mixed emotions. I'm picking things out but have yet to buy anything except her night light.
Very sweet flagirl! Hubby finished babygirl's room this past weekend! He is so excited and had to get it started ASAP! Lol I will post pics later
That's so sweet Canada. My DH was so excited to put together her furniture- it's so nice when they get all excited
FLAgirl- your pic is so awesome thank you for sharing! And yes we ALL need to FOR SURE share pics and talk still after our little ones are here!

My husband has been working on the nursery all weekend too! He got the first coat of paint on and half the wood floors down! He is going to finish it after work everynight this week - poor guy but he had our entire upstairs to do (tear out carpet and put down the new wood floors) BUSY BUSY!

Canada - how is everything? DO you have any new news? Haven't heard from you you started to make me worry!

Im in my 3rd trimester as of yesterday!! AHHH! SO CRAZY! I feel like I am growing everyday now! First i was the girl bitching because I had ZERO bump now Im like ahhhhh is it going to stop growing?! lol. How are your bumps doing?? I feel her move SO MUCH now too all day, at night now (didnt ever feel her at night) and its so much stronger now I love feeling it. I feel like Im starting to get tired again too...BOOO!
Canada- do you mean you're totally finished with the nursery??? If so, can't wait to see it and I'm so jealous.

Angelasd- she is starting to move more and more but I have the anterior placenta so I feel her but not a lot a lot like I want to. I can tell that she is getting stronger though. I feel like I'm growing everyday!!!! Like wow! Last 3 days i have been wiped totally out! I mean so tired that every step seems like a chore. I don't think I'm as far along as you but yea I'm feeling it. I'm trying to figure out her sleeping/ waking pattern but i can't feel her enough yet. Sometimes i feel her during the day some but then others not at all. It's odd.
I was just browsing different groups and threads bc I am bored and just watching tv and i came across Gender Disappointment. I joined and read through some of them. Wow! I feel so bad and I know that this is mo common than people think.
Have any of you experienced this?
Yup all done.....just want a rocking chair

Angela I ont go back for an u/s until april16 ugh!

I am just trying to keep 100% positive. In my heart I know all is well.....thanks for checking in.

I'm going to post pics after dancing with stars lol

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