I was feeling the same way... ready for it to be over, but on Saturday night I started having contractions 8 minutes apart. (Not painful, just stomach hardening like BH contractions but they were coming regularly.) Dr had me drink 2 big things of water and lay down... Still had 6 the following hour, but they seemed to be slowing so she suggested I try to sleep. I fell asleep and woke up Sunday morning feeling better. Low and behold, a couple hours later they started again. Dr said to come in if they get painful at all, and otherwise rest all day. They went away in the afternoon, and then came back again last night. So far I have had maybe 5 today, but I am going to the Dr. at 3pm. ( I wish I could have gone this morning, but I have no more sick time and I am worried they will put me on bedrest, so I need all the $ I can get before then. Plus, they said I could work, but if they started to come every 10 minutes or so to leave work and come right in.)
They told me that a UTI could cause this to happen, so fingers crossed that's what this is so there is an easy solution. Otherwise, I may have an "irritable uterus" and might end up on bedrest. Hopefully, they would only leave me on until 34 or 35 weeks seeing as though they won't stop labor at that point. I would hate to be on bedrest until 37 weeks!!! Plus, my little giant will be 7 pounds already at 35 weeks, so he would probably be fine! We shall see! Fingers crossed for good news this afternoon! (I don't really have any of my typical UTI symptoms aside from peeing constantly, which I thought was due to the pregnancy, but the dr said it sometimes presents differently during pregnancy???)