Due in July 2012

I was using bio oil, but not everyday.

I just start getting horrible leg cramps and Charlie horses at night too. Holy cow the pain is ridiculous. Last night I had two and both woke me out of a dead sleep they were so painful.

Is anyone else just kind of done and ready for it to be time yet? I want baby to stay longer, but I'm just ready for it to be time now. 9months is too long:)
Angieloo- ive users everything . Njo stretch marks yet. Anyone have any yet? I'm sure I won't escape with none but none yet. I like bio oil and I need to get another bottle.

Canada- I've heard that about bio oil and trilastin. Ive heard it works wonders. Could be marketing. Never tried coconut oil. I will get some angelasd. Can't hurt. I'll add it to my regiment ha I think dr is right about it being genetic. My mom has some so I'm sure I will get them.

Omgoodness. I'm so ready for This to be over!!!!!! I know she's not ready yet so not wishing a premie baby at all but I'm over the pregnant part. Ha. I'm not good at being 0prego. I have friends that loved it. And Jessica Simpson always in some magazine saying she loves being pregnant. Not me bit I admire those people. I know I'm wishing my life away but how great if it was mid June:) already. I would be so excited.
And omgoodness I read about getting out of bath and seeing colostrum. I happened to me tonight!!!! Not a lot but some. I was like oh wow! It hit me that we are nearing the end:) yay
I am with both of you ladies with 9months being eayyy too long! I agree, I want her to cook longer, but dang, the whole body changing, leg cramps, heavy breathing stuff is not cool....lol
I was feeling the same way... ready for it to be over, but on Saturday night I started having contractions 8 minutes apart. (Not painful, just stomach hardening like BH contractions but they were coming regularly.) Dr had me drink 2 big things of water and lay down... Still had 6 the following hour, but they seemed to be slowing so she suggested I try to sleep. I fell asleep and woke up Sunday morning feeling better. Low and behold, a couple hours later they started again. Dr said to come in if they get painful at all, and otherwise rest all day. They went away in the afternoon, and then came back again last night. So far I have had maybe 5 today, but I am going to the Dr. at 3pm. ( I wish I could have gone this morning, but I have no more sick time and I am worried they will put me on bedrest, so I need all the $ I can get before then. Plus, they said I could work, but if they started to come every 10 minutes or so to leave work and come right in.)
They told me that a UTI could cause this to happen, so fingers crossed that's what this is so there is an easy solution. Otherwise, I may have an "irritable uterus" and might end up on bedrest. Hopefully, they would only leave me on until 34 or 35 weeks seeing as though they won't stop labor at that point. I would hate to be on bedrest until 37 weeks!!! Plus, my little giant will be 7 pounds already at 35 weeks, so he would probably be fine! We shall see! Fingers crossed for good news this afternoon! (I don't really have any of my typical UTI symptoms aside from peeing constantly, which I thought was due to the pregnancy, but the dr said it sometimes presents differently during pregnancy???)
I hope everything is ok kt! We definitely want our littles ones here, but not yet:) maybe you will have a June baby for sure. At least if it is a UTI it isn't painful, I've heard the pain is terrible.
Kt HOLY CRAP!! WOW! I hope it IS something as simple as just a UTI and your lil bub is NOT ready to come yet...babe needs some more cookin' time in there. Pretty crazy though to have SO many and so close together! If all IS fine you SURE will be ready in the uterus area to give birth WHEN the time comes! :) Let us know how things go today...

Canada - you look SO GREAT! I love you belly! YOU LOOK STUNNING!
-I do facetime on my iphone! I LOVE IT! Just like Skype! Have fun with it:)
...I use bio oil too I think its wonderful! I JUST started (again) thinking, worrying, about stretch marks. I have been telling myself if I get them so be it but of course deep down its not that easy. No one WANTS them. My Mom (3 kids) nor my sister (twins) have/got them so I am hoping they passed their lovely skin on to me as well :) Its always at the very end when they come though or even the day you deliver...just a waiting game I guess. Just going to keep lubing up and keep my fingers and toes crossed lol.
Kt. I hope everything is ok and it is the uti and nothing more. Let us know what is going on. You will be in my prayers!

No leg cramps for me yet. She is starting to wake me out of my light sleep tho bc she moves so much when I'm in bed. That's new for me.
Also, she keeps her feet up near my ribs and I can feel them and when I put my hand there she moves them them really quickly. It's neat. Thats also new for me Anyone else?
So... Dr said cervix is long and closed.. YAY! But no UTI, so they ran a fetal fibronectin test which predicts whether I will go into labor in the next 2 weeks. If it is negative, they said I could have over exerted myself, be dehydrated, or just be a woman who contracts more than others. (From what I am reading, if it is the latter, I will possibly have a fast labor.. A lot of woman who had "irritable uteruses" tended to have really fast labors! THat would be nice! Dr. did say that the ultimate goal is to get me to term (37 weeks) but that they wouldn't do anything to stop labor after 34 weeks.
Canada: Loving the pic... Super cute! I use facetime on my iphone as well.

Onto nursery questions... I need some opinions. The bedding set I originally wanted was discontinued, so my mother in law ordered this last minute decision I made:
(My husband works for Southwest Airlines, so we are doing an airplane theme.)

I was thinking of painting the walls horizontal blue stripes and maybe painting some green planes just like the ones in the bedding on the wall above the crib with his name in block letters or something???:
https://www.decorpad.com/photo.htm?...searchQuery=Striped Nursery&searchType=photos

Thank goodness everything is alright and cervix is still closed tight and yay for news tht your labor maybe shorter:). I love the stripes on the walls - I couldn't see the bedding, but I'm on a phone so that's probably why:)

Is anyone else going for a natural labor with no epidural? The only way I want drugs or meds is if something is wrong with the baby. My goal would be no epidural and no iv meds. What about everyone else?
Kt. So glad u ok. Great news. Take it easy!
Love your picks. I wish I could tape straight and I would try the walls. Ha. My hubby could help me I guess. I can't draw a straight line. Lol

Angieloo. Yes! I'm with you. That's my plan. I'm hoping hoping all goes well and we can do that.
no needles in my back and I've been wondering if I couldn't stand pain if they would have alt to epidural. I want to avoid it at all costs.
Oh kt so glad to hear all is well! I am getting tightening in my belly as well, but thinking it may just be growing pains.....I have my OB appt tomorrow so I will let him know.
I love your decor! So cute and I like the ideas with his name.

For me, I'm doing epidural again. I'm a total sucker for pain and it was just so easy and relaxing after I got the epidural. Even though I have been through labour before, I'm terrified! I just always say, how is little girl getting out of me? Lol

I say, do what you feel comfortable doing and listen to your body. No one can tell you natural or epidural is better....you will know when the time is there. Don't feel pressured for either.....just listen to your body and feelings
So glad to hear things are ok Kt!!

Im not sure yet what i want for the birth. Im not even sure if I will be able to have an epidural due to my spinal fusion and the fact that my platelets are low. Lots of questions for my OB tomorrow!!
More power to you guys! I have a friend who went natural, and I give you mad props!
But I am going epidural all they way! I HATE needles, but I am terrified that if I try to go natural, I will want an epidural when it's too late. I know they offer you IV narcotic pain meds at that point, but they made my sister vomit violently and be out of it for a while, and we usually have similar reactions to drugs.
I would never make straight lines either, but I have a perfectionist engineer for a husband... Hopefully, he will get them straight!
Dr today at 145!!! I will be glad to be back to dr and find out abou all these things you all have had that I have not yet. My glucose, another ultrasound ( my last dr u/s was feb 20) and rhogam info. Should be interesting. Also I want o see oe my weight is and if I've gained too much or if I am still on track like I have been. Cross fingers please.

Canada- my stomach does it too but I dont think mine are anything. They don't hurt and are infrequent. I have not had enough water in the past and it was unpleasant so i know what that feels like. Won't do that again

I. Hoping for no epidural or c section but at the end of day... Whatever I ned ESP to get her here safely is what I will do. I'm trying not to have my mind set one way too much then not be able to do it and be let down or upset. We shall see. I cannot believe we are getting so close. 2 months more is huge for the babies as far as development but not much time for me. I am not in house yet. Sound be by mid may. I have not even started her nursery of course. Don't have any furniture even picked out or ordered. I've looked a lot but no purchases. Canada and KT- I know you have yours done. Where is everyone else????????
I too and so GLAD to hear your okay Kt! Lets cross our fingers your ARE just one of the lucky ones and get a fast labor!! *JEALOUS* LOVE the airplane bedding ESPECAILY because your husband works for the airlines - super cute. Love the stipe idea as well - We painted our nursery a light lavender and the PLAN was to do veritcal purple (darker shade) of stripes halfway up then do white molding in the middle but as all this house contrusction is happening I am afraid its not going to be able to get done. Are you girls painting yourselves? Thought we can't paint? I am also going to do a rhinestone "M" on the wall for her name :)

Anyone going to start drinking Rasberry Leaf Tea? Your suppose to start drinkng it at 32 weeks - its SUPPOSE to help get your uterus ready for labor and make for a MUCH quicker labor time. Doesn't make you go INTO labor just naturally gets your body ready I am DEF going to start drinking it in 2 weeks! Ahhh I am 30 weeks as of this last Sunday! CRAZY! Times was DRAGGING at the start now its going SO quickly...

I too and not going to have any drugs or en epirderal. I wish I could actually have my baby in the comofrt of my own home but with my high BP Im high riska and I cant put myself of her at risk. If something goes wrong or its needed I have JUST started to accept the fact that I MAY NEED and epideral. So be it if it happens but the husband and I have been very head strong on wanting a natural birth. My mind is in the right state for it as I really just see its all I want, it doesn't scare me one bit, and I just feel like our bodies are made for it (and on top of it Canada - I DO have a HIGH HIGH HIGH tollerance for pain so that helps :dance: A LOT lol) What happens happens and I am ready for that too.

Angie- I too get woken up now from her moving so much! It JUST started for me though and when i lay down at night lately is when she is up and moving a LOT and I cant even sleep for HOURS because she moves so much it almost makes me JUMP a bit its SO much more powerful now! I LOVE IT!
Just came back from my OB.
Doc says baby s doing very well....she still has a white spot on the heart but doc says its all good as all other results are normal. He said he has delivered hundreds of babies with that. It is only a concern if other results came back abnormal

Well we discovered why I'm so deathly tired.....I have very low iron so doc put me on iron supplements.....hope that works because I hate being so tired and feel so guilty that I cannot play with my son.

Angela, post some pics of your nursary!!

Oh and I got my breast pump! Yea! A medela freestyle. I will be doing both boob and bottle, but all breat milk. I just found that by pumping into a bottle, hubby and my mom could help out more and allow me to leave the baby if I want to go out fr a few hours. Super excited!
The pump also helped when my boobs were engorged
we are almost done our nursery.. have the crib and glider.. waiting for the dresser as it was out of stock and needed to be ordered. Bah they said it could be 8-12 weeks!!!

Canada- I hope the iron makes you feel better soon!
Canada- I've been there. You will feel so much better after a bit on the supplements. It's like being a new person. Hope you feel that way soon.

Yes yes. I want to see everyones nurse pix soon.

Dr appt today went well. I told them sometimes I dont feel her. They said I cannot ignore that. They gave me the chart to trck her movements. Must feel atleast 6 in 1 hur in 24 hour period or else call them or go to my hosp if it's at night. But they did an u/s. she is fine. Just relaxing in there. Her heartbeat was 148. She was swallowing fluid and we could see her practice breathing when her chest moved. She weighs 2.4 lbs. she is in the 41st percentile. They said that's fine and close to avg. anyone else told what percentile???? If so, what was it? I'm 27 weeks 4 days now. My stomach measured normal so they said thats good. At 18 weeks she was a bit bigger than normal so I'm guessing this will change depending on when she is measured????

Canada- they told me the same thing when I was having the really early screening tests. That they can see something and if there are no other problems then it's usually nothing. I had the 12 week nuchal translucency and blood test markers done. They warned me before it. I will keep you and your mini me in my prayers for good measure though.
How much was breast pump? I want one but I feel like I should make sure my milk will come in. Do most first time moms wait or get it? Idk what to do. I want to pump so i can go get hair done etc. lol!!!! Also, i want my hubby to be able to feed her and bond with her. Let me know what you think about it please.
Just came from my OB appt... failed my GTT and tummy is measuring small... so I have to do the three hour test tomorrow and a growth scan soon. Not a good appt.
Awww bug222 you are in my thoughts!! Keep us posted

Flagirl, with my first I got a single automatic pump, not manual cause it just looked like it would take long. I would have kept the pump or this one, but all the parts were discontinued and they hold be replaced when using on another child. I bought it befor I had my son.....it was $200! I know it's a lot, but boy was it worth it! M son was use to bottle and boob and that helped with daddy duty and leaving him, not being attached to my boob....and it was a great easy smooth transition to full time bottle when he went to daycare. Also, the pump helped my milk come in easier with my nipple cracking.....I would use the pump to encourage the glands to produce milk. You can use baby, but baby sometimes bites down on your nipple when you are just learning and it feels like bloody murder! Lol. With the pump, it was a nice massage, but don't overdue the milk stimulation because you can over engorge your boobs! Which is horrible! Boobs turn rock hard lol

Because I know my boobs produce a lot of milk and I didnt have an issue with bf and bottle, I got a super hands free double pump...it was $400, yes it was an investment, but I am planning on putting it to major use....medela freestyle.....but the range from $100-$500

But if you want to test before buying, just get the manual hand held one...I think they are $50-$80.....it will at least held stimulate you milk production and help relieve your boobs when engorged.

Sorry for the novel, but I am very familiar with bf and lov to share my experience

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