Due in July 2012

I like the idea flagirl. I'm using playtex because I've heard they are the most like a nipple, buying might have to look into these:) thanks for the tip!

My 30 week apt is tomorrow and I'm so nervous as this is apt where we find our if my placenta is in the way and we will either be doing a csection at 37 weeks or moving forward with a natural birth as planned.

I think I've come to terms with either outcome as they have pluses and minuses for both.
A csection is scary and I won't have my natural birth as planned, but at least it's planned and I know it is coming and my Dr will for sure be the one doing it as it is scheduled.... We'll see what tomorrow brings!
flagirl......I saw this bottle and pump at the baby show this past weekend.....I would totally compare it to the medela, just not as compact.....there was a breastfeeding support group that was there that also encouraged the medela and lansinoh...they also liked playtex, but recommended to use a bottle that is the same as the pump.....last time I used avant and my son had no issues between nipple and bottle, but after my experience with them recalling their products due to BPA issues, I am not using them at all

congrats Bug22.....so glad all is well
Angieloo- my motto as well is be as flexible on all of this as possible. Good luck tomorrow and let us know.

I too and going for an appt. my Gttt and to check my antibodies in my blood bc I'm negative blood type and get my rhogam shot. Wish my luck no antibodies bc that puts me at extremely high risk if I have developed any. Can really hurt the baby.

I'm thinking positive for all of us bc today was just a tough day for me for some reason. Also, is anyone else tired like they were in the first trimester???? I am just exhausted. I get up early with little problem but last 3 days I have taken long naps ( up to 2 hours) and I still go to sleep fine at night. I know it's just pregnancy and probably all this extra weight but I am not used to needing naps.

Stretch marks yet anyone? I don't have any still but...........I am lotioning myself like crazy:) my mom has a few. My sister ( had twins) has a ton, but my moms mom didn't have many at all. I know they keep saying its genetic but I know 2 of my good friends that have them like whoa and their moms don't have any so I'm tired of people arguing theres nothing really you can do even with lotions and that it's genetics bc that really isn't holding so true in my experience. I talked to my realtor friend who's 55 years old today and was telling her I'm tired etc ( she was asking how I am now in 3rd trim) and she said she doesn't have 1 and she gained 50lbs with all her 3 kids. Now she's 100lbs over weight bc thyroid issues and still doesn't have any but her daughter she said has them horribly from her pregnancy. I keep hearing these stories.......

Canada- ok good so then this might be a viable option for me. I like it so far based on my research. I didn't look at their pump yet though so I need to do that. Makes sense to use all the same brand if possible.
Flagirl your avatar pic looks great! A preggo momma model!

I am more tired this trimester than I was in my first
Ahhh canada. Thank you!!!! Really appreciate that.
I'm just finally figuring out and taking the time to fig out all the different things on here. Like my avatar and banners etc,

Yea its just all the sudden hit me how my patterns have changed. Some days I can still go go go but im slowing down significantly
Your belly is super cute flagirl:)

I'm so thrilled right now. Just had our apt and the placenta did move up and now birth is going to be natural if all goes well. Obviously things can drastically change during labor, but the plan is natural for now:):):)

I'm so happy the placenta isn't blocking the opening and the baby is head down right now too. He's 3lb 4ozs so were right on track for a mid July delivery.
Love your Avatar pic Flagirl! good luck with your GTT and antibody testing.

Angieloo- that is great news!!!

I am absolutely exhausted... and I really don't do much all day!!
Flagirl you look FANTASTIC! HOT MOMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lookin good sister :)

Angie- thats SO WONDERFUL!!! Thats the best news! I am so happy for you!

Bug- so glad things are looking up for you!

I am too soooo exhuasted JUST like the 1st trimester! I also am totally okay in the morning (i get up at 5am for work) and then by mid morning I have foudn myself falling asleep at my DESK! SHhhhhhh! lol. Im EXHAUSTED! 2nd trimester was indeed the best!! I am in the "this is not so much fun anymore" stage. My back kills me, she is so strong in there and moves WAY more then ever which hasn't been unicorns and glitter (lol) I am having EXTREMLY horrible sharp pains in my groin area, this just started the other day (anyone else?) I heard its from the baby sitting on a nerve, I had braxton hicks all day sunday, I am so tired, the list goes on...

Thanks for sharing all of the bottle info!!!!! I also want my husband to be able to feed her but I don't want ANY confusion for her with the bottle and the nipple I want to breast feed as LONG as possible!

I had my baby shower on Saturday! I wanted to share a few pics! :) it was BEYOND anything I could have EVER IMAGINED!!! I had 40 girls there, family from Idaho, I had 3 hours of present openeing, the most BEAUTIFUL shower ever my gf's did SUCH an amazing job and everyone made it SO SPECIAL. We haven't bought hardly a thing because I was waiting for the Baby Shower and was SO HESITANT on doing so since most the time people just get you clothes but WOW we REALLY MADE OUT! I literally only had a few clothes, crib and a diaper bag NOW I have EVERYTHING except 3 things: crib mattress, jogger stroller/carseat combo I want, and bottles!! AND I got enough $$ in GC and cash to cover all that AND more! I couldn't believe it!! It was the most special day ever! You ladies are going to have the best time of your lives at your baby shower!

The zebra dress is the CAKE my good friend made for me!! GORGEOUS HUH!? And the truck...HAHHA my husband loading all of our gifts and that wasn't even all of it. Then the girls and me those are my bff's and sister who did my shower :) The hanging baby clothes were for decoration :) Turned out great! Wish i had more pics to show you girls for ideas but Im waiting for everyone to send me pics! :)
IMG_1050.jpg IMG_1053.jpg

IMG_1056.jpg IMG_1063.jpg

great news angieloo!! whoot whoot!

Angela! I love the pics you and hubby look so cute! the cake is gorgeous.....so if you all do not have enough room for all the gifts, you can ship it cross country to Toronto....lol....my shower is on May 26th...super excited

I too am just feeling so horrible....sleep sucks, back hurts and my emotions are on over drive. I can't even manage my son and step son...everything and everyone gives me a headache and I feel so guilty :( Im thinking of completely stopping work at 36weeks....i can't deal with the stress.....

Hubby booked a 4D ultrasound on Thursday to make me feel better....at first i didn't want to do it as I wanted to be a little surprised on her features at birth, but now I know that after I go and see her, I will feel so much better because it will make all this suffering worth it.......but on a good note, I do love my bump!!! lol.....just wish it dint come with all the other side effects....lol
I love your cake Angela! So cute and creative. This makes me even more excited for my shower in a few weeks:) I keep telling my husband that I wish we had scheduled it earlier -lol
I can't wait!

Things are flying by and I can't believe how quickly things are going. We have classes and appointments and family visits and so much going on. I can't believe our little ones will all be here in less than 3months!
So glad you had a great shower AngelaSD!!!

I have a small shower next week for three of us from work that are expecting, then my actual shower with friends/family is June 16th. Can't wait!

DH surprised me the other day with a spa gift certificate for a third tri massage.
What a great DH bug! That is one of the best gifts at this point:). I'm so sore all over- I can't wait for a massage and pedicure:)
Fla GIrl: Loving the pic... It makes me itch to go get some sun!
Angela: Glad your shower turned out so great! I had a joint shower with 3 other preggos at my work last Friday, but my big shower is Saturday, and I am super excited. I will have 20 ladies there, but there won't really be any family aside from my mom and sister. All my aunts, cousins, grandma, etc all live 10 hours away.
I am EXHAUSTED! More so than 1st trimester for sure! And the night before last, I was only able to sleep for 2 hours. Yesterday was AWFUL!
Glad your placenta moved up!
Here's too a short and uneventful 2 months! (Like how I am being optomistic and saying 2 months??? My little one is measuring 32 weeks, so he better come nice and early!!)
Thanks ladies! You girls are just going to feel sooooo good after your showers!! My sister got me a prenatal massage as one of my baby shower gifts too, its MUCH needed! She found a lady who has the table with the hole for your belly and holes for your boobs :) What a sweetie pie that your hubby got that for you!

BUG & ANG- crazy you BOTH have 3 other girls at work with you pregnant...bet thats been pretty nice to have around...or has it? lol Sweet your works gave you girls a mini shower!!

Canada - shipping some stuff right over to ya :winkwink: I am glad that you getting to see your little baby girl will make you feel better! :) You better post pictures too I can't wait to see them!!

My boss and I are interviewing a girl for my position today! He tells me yesterday "I don't trust that bump!" lol he thinks she is going to come sooner then expected (lets hope so!!) All the guys here at work talk to "the bump" instead of me now lol...she has all the brains!

I'll shoot for 2 more months of this as well!!! :happydance:
I'm so excited for next weekend. It's my shower and then the husband and I are doing a major shopping spree after to get most of the last of what we need:) can't wait!
Does anyone else feel like the time is flying by? We just have a ton going on and I can't believe how quickly the time is going.

Totally off topic, but I heard the craziest new fact in our birthing class. Apparently there was a study done showing that when a mom is around second hand smoke at least once a day while pregnant, her newborn has nictotine in their hair at birth!!!!! How gross! The mom isn't even smoking and the baby has nicotine on them- yuck!
Ugh, that's crazy Angie! That makes me feel better about being such a freak about what I eat, drink, and expose myself too! I have been a "purist" as my husband calls it. Lol.
My shower was amazing! I got so many things... The ONLY thing we have left is our video monitor, and my husbands brother asked where we are registered last night, so I have a feeling he might get it. Otherwise, we still have some cash that was given to us to put towards it, so we might get away with not having to buy ANYTHING. (Aside from the crib and stroller which we had already purchased.) Not too shabby! I also have quite a stockpile of diapers. OMG! My best friend made a diaper airplane instead of a diaper cake. It was sooo freakin cute! I am EXHAUSTED though! Did you feel that way Angela? Saturday was soooo busy, and then yesterday I was shopping with the gift cards I received... Now I am ready to be off work and NEST! My husband is building a custom closet organizer for the nursery, and I want that to be finished so that I can really organize. My sister keeps giving baby stuff (she had a baby last July and is now finished having kids), so I have 2 excersaucers, a baby gym, a walker, 2 swings, etc. The nursery is overflowing with stuff. I don't know what I am going to do with everything until he is old enough to need it. We need a bigger house already with just one child here! I don't know what we will do in 2 years when we have another!
Hey everyone.
I just went M I A for a while. Life just got nuts! I way overdid it this weekend. Legs and feet got so swollen. I'm on couch / bed today trying to get some relief. It's way better. I am just so used to being ale to do everything for myself that it's hard to slow down. I was on my feet from early am until evening. Not good. I can't do it right now.
Anyone else wpsweling after being on their feet for extended amount of time?

Kt- the sun made me itch too. I got little bulbs on my stomach which I thought was from a lotion i was using but it was the sun. Like a sun rash. It itched like crazy then went away after 2 days. I have never had that happen. I got sun poisoning in Greece years ago and was miserable. This was similar except i was only in sun for a little time.

Congratulations! Onthe shower. That's awesome.

We are almost settled. Should be moving things back into the house by next weekend. I've got to go pick out and order her furniture!!!! I haven't even oredered on crib bedding yet. But I got my fabric samples so i think I've decided. So much to do. And yes! Time is sneaking up on all of us. It's unreal. It seems it's taken forever to get to this point and now I'm trying to slow it down a little. Ha. It's the reverse of what I need it to be.

Angie. I'm disgusted by that. And let me say this. I was the person years ago that enjoyed a smoke if I was having a beer occasionally. I do not smoke regularly and I've tried to stay away for smokers anywhere while pregnant but it's hard when people are in front of grocery store smoking etc....... I notice it so much more now and it really is a gross habit. I wish everyone could kick the habit for a healthier America in general. But I'm way overprotective of her already and I am not appreciating these smokers lately :) that pisses me off to be honest.

Ok ladies. We are in the final push. Do something nice for yourself today:) bubble bath or just put your feet up.
Kt I TOTALLY was SO exhuasted after my shower. I actually was thorwing up sick last Monday, the Monday after my shower weekend, was at work till about 10am then starting feeling HORRIBLE and throwing up, had to have my husband pick me up from work and ended up in bed ALL DAY and night. Think i just exhasuted myself too! SO happy for you that you got EVERYTHING you needed, feels SO nice doesn't it! HAVE SO MUCH FUN THIS WEEKEND AT YOURS ANGIE!! And how CUTE if your BF to make an dipaer airplane! SO appropraite!

I can't BELIEVE we're almost done! I am 32 weeks as of yesterday and I can't believe it! I start seeing the Dr now every single week! Makes for a lot of missed time at work since my appointments are THREE hours long (have an US, non stress test and dr appt each week) Thas okay though...think I am going to be done at work mid June! :)) Can't WAIT for that! I NEED to be at home to NEST with all my new stuff tooo! ;)

The smoke thing..DISGUSTS ME! YUCK! Thanks for sharing that though!
I have had some swollen days... Being a teacher, I am on my feet constantly, so I probably am always a little swollen and have just gotten used to it. I feel like time is moving slow... Hopefully, it will start to pass more quickly now that I've had my shower and can actually start setting up!
That sucks you had a reaction to the sun! I heard that our skin is much more sensitive now. I can't wait for summer break so that I can go swimming, but I feel like a whale already! I might only be 30 weeks, but he is measuring 33 already! I can't believe it! Someone bought me a set of preemie onesies, and I was reading the label. It said for babies up to 5 pounds. I laughed because LO is already four and a half pounds. Needless to say, I returned that gift! Lol.
Angela, that's exciting to have an US every week so you can continually see the growth and everything. They scheduled me for a growth scan at 36 weeks, and I am going to the Dr. every 2 weeks from here until then.
I will def be taking a bubble bath today!
I over did it this weekend too and my feet were on fire. Not too swollen, just sore and in pain. I actually woke up to feet paid last night and had to massage for a little while. It's funny how our bodies don't put up with what they used too.

I'm feeling like things are going fast, but that's probably just because we have so much going on and so much to do.

We have our next US at 36 weeks- cant wait! I'm just so excited for everything and to get him here:)

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