Hey, I'm due 21st of June.
Hey, I'm due 21st of June.
Hello :wave: You having many symptoms yet?
Hey, I'm due 21st of June.
Hey girls!!
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in this?
When i was pregnant with my daughter on of my bump buddies made a group on facebook for the September 08 mummys. Its been wonderfull... a great way of keeping in contact and seeing all the babys grow! Our babys are over a year now and we are still all in contact and adding photos of our little ones..... going from bump pics to first birthday pics!!
Is anyone interested?? I have already made one anyhow So if anyone would like to join please let me know xxx
ps: the group is secret.. no one will know you have joined xx
Hi -
I'm due around 25 June, this is the first time around for me, so I am sure I will be asking all kinds of foolish questions in the coming months! Not telling anyone till mid-Dec. The wait is going to be TORTURE because I'm a huge blabbermouth
My first doc. appt. is on 4 Nov & I live in Switzerland. 4 Nov will be almost 7 weeks - will she see even anything then?!?
Symptoms so far - sore boobs, emotional, tired. I never realized it would happen so soon!
Hi, I got my BFP on 16th Oct and we believe I'm due on 14th June (day before my birthday).
My symptoms so far are varied but mild.. only slightly tender bbs, some mild nausea, and non-stop peeing!
this is my first pregnancy and it's all very exciting. I will probably ask a lot of silly questions though as everything is new to me!
Congratulations on your BFPs everyone
Hi, I got my BFP on 16th Oct and we believe I'm due on 14th June (day before my birthday).
My symptoms so far are varied but mild.. only slightly tender bbs, some mild nausea, and non-stop peeing!
this is my first pregnancy and it's all very exciting. I will probably ask a lot of silly questions though as everything is new to me!
Congratulations on your BFPs everyone
Congrats on your BFP and welcome to the group! My birthday is the 12th, so your due date is just 2 days after my birthday.