Happy 35/36 weeks ladies! Wow... it really did fly by, didn't it?
MMM - that's so close! I'm so excited (and a little bit jealous) for you!!!
I still can't believe I'm having another baby. It's been such a long 3 years of TTC and miscarriages that the reality of having an actual baby is completely lost on me. DH and I went to go fill out the pre-admission forms at the hospital yesterday and he mentioned how that made it a little more real. By this time in both of our full-term pregnancies, we had both completely bonded and become besotted with the little baby inside. This time around, we both admitted that we need something more tangible to make it more real. I told him to wait 3-4 more weeks... Nothing more tangible than a newborn in your arms!!! I'm so not ready. Don't have my hospital bag packed (though I have a vague list in my mind), bassinet isn't up yet, baby's clothes and linens aren't washed yet, car seat is out of the box, but not yet installed in the car... Haha. Oh and on top of it all, my husband decided to renovate our lawn so he's in the middle of doing that too. I'm not entirely sure why men decide to take on such large tasks at the not inappropriate times! I'm hoping to talk to my doctor at my next appointment (next Tuesday) to try and set my induction date for May 7. That's my father's death anniversary and this will be the first grandchild he hasn't been around to meet so I think it will be a lovely way to make what is normally a very sad day for me into something happy. I'll be 39 weeks that day and that will be the longest I've ever stayed pregnant so fingers crossed this babe stays put until then!
I've never had to deal with the "is this labor or isn't it?" as with DS, my waters broke before I even had any contractions! They let me try and contract naturally before starting me on Pitocin to induce me. Waters went at 7 am, pitocin was started around 10-11 am and I had Christian at 9:30 pm that evening. With DD, I was induced at 38+4 as I was leaking amniotic fluid a little bit at a time. The leak would seal itself so there was always plenty of fluid for baby, but my OB decided to just induce as the leaking as stressful for me! Went in at 7 am, put in Cytotec vaginally, contracted and got to 3 cm at noon then stopped contracting completely. Nurse wanted to do another round of Cytotec which I refused as it didn't work the first time so I just asked for pitocin. Luckily, my OB was at the hospital delivering another baby so he stopped in, checked me and broke my waters to get things going again. Waters broke at 2:22 pm and was dilated to 3 cm... was fully dilated an hour and a half later (most painful 90 minutes of my life!) and had Aubrey at 4:08 pm. Moral of the story? Every labor is absolutely different! So yes, Hann, I agree with you that I'm nervous as well!!!