Jary - not really sure what they will do today but just hoping for relief of some kind! I've not got any great tips for keeping comfy at night as I'm in the same boat, last night I put a huge pillow rather than a small one between my legs which eased the pain a bit. I'd play around with pillows and see. It is good practice for being up with the baby though lol. Although so annoying when people say to you to make the most of the time you have left and sleep loads when you can't sleep!
Sass - I'd just get it online - amazon probably do it too, I get virtually everything online though! I'd forgotten about swollen feet, mine are okay still for now but probably because the weather is still fairly cold. When I was pregnant with DD at 36 weeks it was in the 30's so really hot for here and my feet, ankles and hands were swollen. It only lasted as long as the hot weather though. I hope the appointment goes well - I think people would understand a pregnant lady wearing flip flops too.