Due In May :)

8.5!!! Eeek i think he's going to have a May 10 birthday Jary :) it's only 11:42 AM here so plenty of time!
As long as you keep waking her and trying to get something into her, she will develop her own pattern soon. I had to wake Noah for a week before he started waking himself for feeds. Don't worry about her being sleepy the pethedine will not help with that either, but she should start waking a bit more in a few days or so.

Aww that's lovely about your mum and gran, bet they can't wait to meet her :D I can't wait to see the piccies when you get home and sorted, I bet she is gorgeous :cloud9:

8.5cm Powell?! Eeekkk good luck hun, won't be long now X
Yay 8.5! When I was 8cm they were able to stretch me a bit and I was able to start pushing :) good luck Powell! That last hurdle of pushing is the hardest but luckily the shortest!

Thanks miss mummy moo, I will just keep trying her, the mw said that's all I can do but they would worry if she remains sleepy as it could be a sign she's jaundiced but she does wake up (a lot) when we disturb her so I think she should be ok. It's probably me being rubbish at positioning her!
Jary my lo was exactly the same. She basically slept the first 24 hours and showed no interest in feeding at all. And because her blood sugars were low they had to give her cup feeds of prem baby formula. But she started feeding the next day and believe me Shes found her appetite. 2 hourly today and almost constant at night. Exhausted x
Thanks nearly! Some of the midwives have said how she's still young and obviously isn't desparately hungry. I have however got her with the help of the night midwife to latch on and she fed for about 20 minutes. She woke just now after sleeping nearly 2 hours and latched with me for a few seconds before coming off and falling asleep! She starts showing hungry signs when in her cot but next to me she goes to sleep lol.

I have at least felt proud of myself and her for getting her latched that second time. If only for a few seconds. It means we are both learning slowly but surely! At least when I go home ill have OH to help me settle her. Luckily the nice midwife on tonight has gone to warm her blankets as that seemed to settle her last time. Hope I can get more sleep before the day starts!
Thats good that Shes latched again. Ava is getting better at feeding by the day. Yesterday i fed her 2 hourly, sometimes this meant waking her, other times She was rooting within an hour. BUT....fed her at 9.30-10pm, and she has just slept 5 hours straight!! Feel so much better. Although i shot up to check she was breathing. Shes just had another big feed so will see how she goes x
Finally home with Mason this morning all is well so far besides my c section going so aweful. My spinal didn't work as well as it should have so i felt alot of the inside stuff going on. my dr said i was so tense from feeling it all that they could barely get him out. He had little forcep marks on his head :( they were pushing and pulling so much my insides just ache my incision is the least of my pain. He is sleeping about 3 hours at a time pooping feeding and going back to sleep lol. I am only taking tylenol and advil for pain needless to say not helping alot and really frustrating to me that I cant do what i want to do already had two emotional breakdowns hubby keeps telling me to relax but its very hard for me. Mason was 9 lbs at birth 8 lbs today when going home big guy no wonder my insides hurt so much lol.
Heres my guyshttps://i1311.photobucket.com/albums/s675/lexytiara/null_zpsf253e63f.jpg
Oh pink so sorry things didn't go as planned :( I wouldn't have thought they'd continue until your spinal had been topped up but then I suppose once they'd started they had to get baby out quick.

Anyway, he looks gorgeous and healthy and you should be so proud! I can totally understand why you feel a bit down. I would too!


And so far Alice has slept for nearly 2 hours straight and I put her down myself. Went to the loo fully expecting to come back to her crying but she was all snug like a big in a rug!

Just need to work on this feeding.

Hopefully they'll do her checks this morning and we can go home! Can't sleep at all in hospital! Lol

Any news Powell?
My sweet baby boy

7 lbs 8 oz 20 in 4:54PM born after 3 hours of pushing and almost 31 hours from beginning of induction till birth


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He's gorgeous Powell congratulations!

Hope you are okay pink - he lost a pound in a few days? Wasn't sure if that was a typo?

Jary - well done on the feeding, BF is hard at first, stick with it and it is amazing!

Long night for me, woke at 1, contractions started at 3am every 12 minutes then I had a sleep at 6am-7am. Still getting tightenings and a general period crampy feeling but not as intense as I would expect. Thinking things will probably tail off again but all this must be doing something and hopefully real labour will kick off properly in the next day or so. It's given me hope!! I'm now having a rest just in case it does start up properly later today as I'm exhausted from about 3 hours broken sleep. Oh and sorry tmi but had 3 'clear outs' and constant back ache so things must be close.
Fx'd for you Hann!! Hope this turns into something for you! Thank you also :) i can't stop starring at him, i can't believe he's mine! It's 3:30AM and i still haven't went to sleep lol keep looking at his face
Huge congratulations Powell and pink!

Pink sorry things didn't really go to plan but glad he's here safe and sound. He is beautiful.

3 hours pushing Powell?! You deserve a medal. Congratulations hun he is beautiful.

Hann I really hope this is the start of things for you.

Jary hope you manage to get feeding established soon and you get home today.

We had a bad night with Noah, up every 2 hours wanting feeding. My head is pounding good thing it's the weekend x
Woo!! Welcome baby Philip! Gosh Powell you must be exhausted. Did you have an epidural? I can't imagine 3 hours of pushing, I think I only pushed about half an hour but the final contractions made me want to bear down like never before lol.

Hann this is defo it for you. I reckon your labour will start within the next 24 hours :)

I know what you mean about staring. I can't believe she's mine either and that OH and I made her.

She's had another feed this morning but only about 15 mins. Strong suction but a bit sore so not sure she's on completely right. Still, she seems content about it all.

She's had her checks done and all seems well. Slightly jaundiced but the mw said its normal. She hated having to be stripped and her hips moved about!

I did get a bit frustrated last night because I couldn't get her to latch at first and I knew she was hungry because she wouldn't settle in her cot but slept near me. Just glad she's starting to now.
So lovely to hear you are all doing so well!

Powell - I can sympathise on the pushing - I did 2 hours 10 minutes and I thought that was extreme and awful! Did you end up with forceps or an episiotomy? I had to be cut to get her out :(

Things have stalled so just DTD to try and move things along ;) feel a bit crampy now but contractions not picked up. I suspect it will either kick off again tonight/early morning for real or I'll have to have the sweep on Monday to get things moving but either way hopefully my baby will be here by the middle of next week. Exciting!
Almost 3 hours. I rounded up just a tad. Startedpushing between 2:10-2:30 and he was born at 4:54. Hubs said he over heard the nurses talking in the hallway afterward about how well i did for a first timer. Said if they didn't know better, they'd have thought I was an old pro. I think one of the phrases he said they used was "he-man" lol him telling me when he over heard that made me feel pretty good. I mean they told me during and after that i did realllly well but i assumed they tell everyone that lol
Yeah i got an epidural at like 3AM. I made it like 18 hours with it one. I was prettyy proud of myself. The whole labor process want that bad cept for one thing. He was like stuck on a nerve for like 45 minutes which gave me an unholy amount of pressure that wouldn't let up. We tried like 4 different positions and nothing helped. I ended up on my hands and knees..with an epidural.. With my face buried in the pillows, i could even push, i could only SCREAM and cry, like my eyes are swollen lol, i begged got a c section but they knew i didn't want one do they talked me thru it, gave me a bolis (sp?) In my epi and a shot of fenergyn (sp?) In the epi and i guess that relaxed both of us enough for him to move - INSTANT relief. He was born about 30 minutes later..
I didn't get an episemoty but i did get a 2nd degree tear on the inside. Not sure how hadn't stitches I have tho lol didn't think to ask, all i was interested in was starting at his little face <3 no forceps tho, he made it out on his own. Cone head and all hehe. Hubs said after his head started coming out, an arm popped out by his face so kinda superman style. when i get home I'll update with his whole birth story, it'll be easier
Sounds like you did really well Powell, well done! The midwives said I did really well for only having gas and air and pethadine, considering labour was 21 hours or so.

Alice and I are back home. She seems to like her new Moses basket but is otherwise not fussed about her new home lol. I did try feeding her but she's very sleepy and couldn't be bothered. Maybe the journey has tired her out...I hope it's just that and she wakes later cause she's hungry.
Welcome home Jary and Alice :happydance:

You did really really well Powell, well done :D x
Sounds like you did really well Powell, well done! The midwives said I did really well for only having gas and air and pethadine, considering labour was 21 hours or so.

Alice and I are back home. She seems to like her new Moses basket but is otherwise not fussed about her new home lol. I did try feeding her but she's very sleepy and couldn't be bothered. Maybe the journey has tired her out...I hope it's just that and she wakes later cause she's hungry.

Sounds like you did really well too! Very nicely done without an epi. I comnend you!! There's no way i could have done it without one. By the time i asked for one and my contractions were damn near unbearable..they checked me and i was only 1/2 more dilated than i was before so if i couldn't handle the contractions that weren't doing anything i would definitely not have been able to handle the ones that did lol
My active labor was 18-19ish and the whole process was 31 hours!
Lol as bad as it got I still couldn't face the thought of an epidural!

I'm quite happy to not have the experience for a good few years again now lmao!

I am quite surprised that its not as painful to pee as I thought it would. Bleeding is less now but still very sore. A couple of ladies on the PN ward had to have forceps so I can't imagine how sore they would have been. I'm glad I showed the doc I could do it as she didn't seem convinced I would dilate enough to do it. But we did and Alice did us proud by staying strong throughout (tho at the end of pushing she got a bit tired)

She's met her great grand folks now and an aunt and uncle. She gets to meet my mum and gran tomorrow which I'm so excited for!!
Oh pink so sorry things didn't go as planned :( I wouldn't have thought they'd continue until your spinal had been topped up but then I suppose once they'd started they had to get baby out quick.

Anyway, he looks gorgeous and healthy and you should be so proud! I can totally understand why you feel a bit down. I would too!


And so far Alice has slept for nearly 2 hours straight and I put her down myself. Went to the loo fully expecting to come back to her crying but she was all snug like a big in a rug!

Just need to work on this feeding.

Hopefully they'll do her checks this morning and we can go home! Can't sleep at all in hospital! Lol

Any news Powell?

Thanks with a spinal there is no top up option it's one injection and that's that so you either get it right or
I get knocked out and they continue but than I couldn't see my son right away. I am so useless this time around makes me crazy but I'm in so much pain with my son it was never like this.

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