Due in November

Hiya RaeRae

Ill be going over there tomorrow...Is it scary?

Okay, so dont want to start a debate here, but what are all your thoughts on having the odd glass of wine when your pregno?

The reason I ask is that I had a glass of wine last week, and when it was mentioned whilst I was out for a meal with some work collegues the only male around the table started saying how wrong it was to touch a drop of alcohol whilst your preggo because its proven it can harm the baby, and how his wife had no alcohol, no cigarettes (I dont smoke btw), and no caffine at all. She also took umpteen vitamins and did special pregnancy exercises. All the women round the table went mad and jumped to my defense. He then went home and mentioned that <shock horror> Dom had had a glass of wine the previous night at 6 months pregnant to which his wife said that I was effing weak if I cannot go 9 months without drinking (not leave the poor last alone - she might have fancied A glass of wine!!)!! They then agreed that I may aswell go smoke myself silly and shoot up some heroin!!

Now, some people may have got angry at all this but I just laughed - And kind of felt sorry for them both!!

On a lighter note - any second (or more) timers out there - How do your pregnancies compare?

I was teeny tiny last time and breezed through the whole way with only heartburn, a few stretchmarks right at the very end and leg cramps. This time however I have leaky boobies at 20odd weeks, swallen feet and legs, veiny chest/boobs, a belly, more stretchmarks appearing (on the inside of my thighs of all places!!), tiredness, emotionness (sp), and all sorts! I cant believe how different it is this time round! Maybe Im over the hill already (at 22 haha)!!

Hope you're al okay...

It's scary but also very lovely. It's just like you're on the home stretch!

As for drinking in pregnancy, I haven't done it but I wouldn't have a glass of wine normally. I only ever drink when I'm going to get hammered and obviously I wouldn't do that whilst I'm pregnant LOL! I know of plenty of people who have had the odd drink and been fine.

This is my 2nd pregnancy and it has been so so so much easier than my first. When I was pregnant with my daughter I was sick all the way through, I was anaemic, diabetes was awful, I developed a random lactose intolerance so if I had any dairy I'd be really ill for days and I had polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid) so I was even bigger than I should have been then I had a 9lb 15oz baby at 38 weeks. It was a nightmare.

This time I've had no morning sickness and everything is going really well so far.
Hi Rae Rae glad to see another friendly person in here! I've seen you about the board and thought it would be great to get to know you :)

Alcohol in pregnancy? Well I don't drink much anyway but a few weeks ago when I went for a meal with my mum, dad, OH and grandpa I had HALF a guiness. I heard it has iron in it so I didnt think it would do any harm. My second drink was a J2O though so I balanced it out.

Second tri is nearly over for me too - I move to 3rd on Friday. Time has seriously flown for me I can't believe it.

I can't really compare this pregnancy to any others as this is my first. I think I've had the leaky boobage but it hasn't been a lot. I love laying on my bed watching Joshua move around and I love it when he moves for OH too. My 23-month old neice was even talking to my belly yesterday whih I thought was soooo cute - then it turned funny cause she then went and talked to MIL and OH bellies too!! Bless her!
Evening ladies ,

Nope didn't get to watch strippers *sigh* Oh well was nice dreaming whilst it lasted .

Must admit 2nd tri is going quicker than 1st tri & i'm here longer lol

eeeek raerae what you doing in here lol cant get rid of you !! lol Sounds weird you in 3rd tri & we're due same month yet i'm still in 2nd lol

How is everyone? x
Hi Rae Rae glad to see another friendly person in here! I've seen you about the board and thought it would be great to get to know you :)

Awwww!! I love you forever!

eeeek raerae what you doing in here lol cant get rid of you !! lol Sounds weird you in 3rd tri & we're due same month yet i'm still in 2nd lol

You can shurrup coz you loves it ahahahahahah!!!
Somebody at work has recommended for me to have the odd half of guiness or Mackesons for the iron because Im aneamic, but Ive only ever tried guiness and to me it tastes of blood! I dont think Id fancy it either.

Third tri today - yay!!

I cannot believe how fast it has gone since I got those 2 magic blue lines! It only seems like days ago. Im sure it'll seem like forever when I go on Mat leave though.

When has everyone booked for their mat leave to start? My last working day is going to be 2nd October - Although they have said they may want me to work over a bit if poss (I dont want to because my little man starts school this time and Im already relying on Grandma's who work shifts for 3 weeks for drop offs and pick ups). My boss has also mentioned a travel cot and under my desk but I dont think so somehow!!

Can anyone recommend a good maternity / feeding pillow that I can get? Im finding it a bit uncomfy in bed now and keep lying on my tummy because thats how Ive always slept, so want to prop myself on my side. Id also like to use it for breastfeeding afterwards - so that I can hopefully have my hands free at the same time! (Not sure whether thats wishful thinking!) I didnt breastfeed last time so am quite looking forward to doing it this time - Just hope it works out - I really would be mother from hell if I didnt as David from work (wine guy) thinks that all mothers can and should breastfeed - and that all problems can be overcome no matter how great! His wifey would have jumped off a cliff you know if he'd have even suggested a bottle!!

Anyhoo better get some work done!

I've got a body sleep pillow from argos and it has been amazing.
Hi Ladies,

Wehey 27 weeks today :) where is the time going.....

I can't believe your collegaue made you feel so bad about a glass of wine, with my raging hormones at the moment I wouldn't have been as calm as you! I have had a bottle of low alcohol cider (something like just under 1%) the other week and I must admit it tasted lovely and will prob have another bottle this weekend when family are over for a meal. Sure there some out there that would want to hang me up for it though!

My last day is the 2nd October and I can't wait :) am also counting down the days until I start my four day weeks in 3 weeks time as am getting pretty tired now. Glad I saved so much annual leave up that I can do this. Work have already started asking how soon can I start my keep in touch days - lol.

This is my first baby, so nothing to compare to. Am not enjoying the incredible hulk feet, the heartburn and leaky nipples so far though. The feet are freaking me out as keep worrying it something serious and the nipples was a complete shock. I have bought some pads but they are huge, so have resorted to just putting small cotton wool pads down my bra for now for piece of mind that they won't leak whilst I am at work cos I would be mortified....

We have bought pretty much everything off e.bay and car boot sales so far and got some good bargains :) all thats left really to buy now is monitor, steriliser,breast pump & moses basket mattress which we are getting all new. OOh and some baby clothes which we will get once lentil is born as currently on team yellow! Went to sainsbury's and stocked up on all the wipes etc whilst they were half price.

Shame about the strippers, nice to dream though :)

Well ladies best go as am getting hungry (when am I not!!).


P.s Hi raerae :D
Hi Rae Rae glad to see another friendly person in here! I've seen you about the board and thought it would be great to get to know you :)

Awwww!! I love you forever!

Awww! Well I'll love you forever too!!

Anybody else feel bored most days? I might be being silly but where I live I can't go out hardly and it's boring as hell! I also wish I could do more to help my MIL and FIL but i get told off for asking lol - not in a bad way tho haha
I have got cabin fever at the moment. I'm trying to avoid going out as much as I can with the whole swine flu thing because I'm obsessed that I'm going to catch it and die. Thing is now my Health in Pregnancy grant has come through and that means I have moneys to spend and it's already torturing me!
Ooohh yeah the whole swine flu thing...Seems like the hype about it all is cooling off a bit now. They're even saying on the radio that not everyone that has it needs to have the anti-virals , although if you're prego, serious underlying condition etc still to consult your doc.

Ahh Willow - Im glad theres another car booter out there! I really miss it when I dont get there on a Sunday if Im otherwise engaged.

This may seem like a strange thing, but has anybody else noticed that their boobies smell like babies? I dont mean like the nice just bathed baby smell, but the milky smell if you get me? Not sure if Im being paranoid, but Im sure thats what mine smell of (sorry TMI)!!

Um Ive just had chilli, rice and garlic bread for my tea...Yum yum....did it in the slow cooker overnight. Im finding I cant eat anywhere near as much as I used to be able to though. Anyone else finding that? Im sure it didnt happen until later on last time.

Anybody chosen any names yet??

Eek I'm in the 3rd tri as from today! Is it scary? lol Me just being silly now!

As for the boob thing dom I haven't really noticed and OH hasn't commented - is that a bad thing???

As for names, yes our name is sorted for our little man. We shall be calling him Joshua Stephen Peter Marson. Stephen and Peter are his grandad's names which we thought would be nice. We'd even got a girls name sorted just in case lol. We've picked Rosie Aileen Marie for a girl if we have one in the future. Aileen is unusual I know but I wanted it cause it was my Grandma's name.
No, not a bad thing, just strange I guess!!

Mackenzie has his Grandad's names as his middle names, and also his daddies name, so he has 5 names altogether!! Good luck to the lass that marries im eh? Mind you, my OH has 5 names atgether, 3 of which are Italian (Hes half Italian), so good luck to me when we go down the isle!!

Im thinking Matilda (Tilly) for a girl and Kaleb for a boy. Not sure yet though, keep changing my mind, somebody at work said if I call her Matilda she'll get bullied :( I suppose there's always going to be someone somewhere saying something negative about whatever name you chose eh?

Anyway, going to have a bath now. Its such a nice day, Im going to have to tacle my bushy legs lmao!! (sorry tmi) :D

We're calling our little boy Jac. Without the K coz it's the Welsh spelling. We're still having issues over the middle name. OH wants Derek or Cyril coz they're family names. I'm not pleased coz they're gross LOL!! I want Edward. I may well give in though coz his names actually mean something and mine is just coz I like it.
Wow what a day I've had!

Today is my DH's birthday and we've had his nan uncle and cousin over and we had a little party. Talk about a mess at the end of it haha. It hasn't bothered me cause I liked watching our 23-month old neice and his 6 yr old cousin running about having fun lol

Not only is it his birthday but also our wedding anniversary - been married 2 years now! Time has certainly flown! Loved every minute of today and I wont need rocking to sleep haha

Quick question: Am I daft to worry about a major cramp I've had since I woke up? The time it's been at it's worst was when I was in town with the family and I'd been sat having my dinner. It wore off but then hurt really bad again when we got back home and again when I bent to pick something up. MIL says if It's not any better they'll have to take me to hospital. I don't want to go if it's going to turn out nothing as I'll be embarrassed :( (i'll be asking this question to the others as well)
Hi ladies,

I hope you had a nice weekend :) Did you have a nice anniversary ellie?

Mine was really busy but lovely, had FIL staying with us whilst he helped BIL move, then Sunday went to see my friend for the day who lives a couple of hours away. Her OH does wedding cars, so we went out for a drive in the old rolls which was fab...Feel completely shattered today though :(

I love the name Matilda (Tilly), I would like that name but OH (Marc) surname is Lester, so we have decided any name we choose won't begin with M :( as would be M.lester and he got a lot of flack at school being called Molester...

Hope you feeling ok now ellie and it wasn't anything serious?

Its only Monday and I am already counting down the days until the weekend.... Just know it going to be a long week at work! Have my 28 week check up on Wednesday which we are looking forward to.

Best go get some ice-cream, not for me of course - for 'lentil' lol
Take Care
Hiya all,

Ellie, Hope your cramp wasnt anything serious. I have had such a busy weekend that havent really had the chance to come on the net.

Went and got Mackenzie his school shoes on saturday, so exciting!! Then I went to Devils Bridge (a river) with my mum and step dad. Had a really nice time just lying in the sun and mackenzie did some fishing with a net. (oh stayed home-ish and did some real fishing!!) Yesterday we went to the car boot in the am (got some more baby bargains!!) and then went to my mums for a bbq...yum yum!!

My feet are really swallen now and throbbing....I have resorted to wearing slippers whilst at the office haha!!

I have my 28 week checkup tomorrow...looking forward to hearing the gallop but not looking forward to having my bloods done. I dont dislike having them done, but my veins just do NOT like giving blood!! Has taken 3 attempts both times!

Going to a music festival on Saturday and seeing JLS, Lacashire Hotpots, Tinchy Strider, Peter Andre, Laura White (x-factor) , Mr Hudson and more. Im really looking forward to it, and hoping its nice weather because its 11am-7pm :D

Have worked it out, and have 5 full weeks, 2 half weeks and 2 days left at work--woop woop--who's counting eh? :)

Evening ladies , just thought id check in with you all .

I feel like i need a hug , anyone?x
:hug: Just for you dizzymoo

Thanks for the concern on my cramp ladies but it's day 3 of pain so I think I'm gonna tell the MW on friday when I see her. It's a horrible feeling, it hurts most after I've been sat and then stand up again.

A bit TMI now - shall I tell her about my...erm...rear end problem? When I 'go for one' the pain is unbearable and 9 times out of 10 it bleeds too. I've had it since before I was pregnant though so I don't know what to do about it.
Aaaawww dizzy, big hugs for you <<hugs>>

Ellie, Is it piles maybe? Sorry, Im not much use on medical things....

Had my 28 week check up today and all was fine, had to get blood from the back of my hand though - Told you I was awkward!! Gona have a lovely bruise in a couple of days.

Got some more mat clothes from my MIL today, she's bought me loads from the Next catalogue, so much infact that Ive had to send some back!! Shes really lovely and Im sure she loves me more than he own son sometimes (Well it is me thats carried her 2 grandchildren!!)

Where abouts in Lancashire do you live dizzy?? Just being nosey!!

Bought some johnson's nipple pads in the pound shop at the weekend, theres 30 in a box too, so Im guessing thats cheap? I didnt know how many to buy though, I didnt BF last time so I dont know how many to stock up on. I do like a good bargain when I see one!!


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