Due in November

I guess it could be piles dom, I'll ask on Friday just to make sure.

Had a lovely anniversary thanks willow. We didn't really go out for a meal or anything as we didn't ave the money but it was nice all the same. We sat and watched a dvd or 2 and then DH had a beer with his dad and brother when I went to bed. Alright for some lol

On the subject of alcohol I can't wait til xmas when I can have a drink, and I bet I'm not the only one in here that thinks the same thing!!
Oooh I was talkin about this with a girl from work....drinking...I bet were all going to be such lightweights over Xmas!! I cant wait haha one or two glasses and Ill be well away!

I have throbbing head tonight, fell asleep on the sofa at 7pm, then woke back up at 7.30 and came to bed but couldnt get back to sleep :( so just sat here eating tuna sandwich for tea yum yum.
Ellie, any news about your <ahem> problem? Hope youve got it sorted?

You ladies in here are a quiet bunch arent you?! :D

Hi dom, thanks for asking hun. I didn't bother asking seeing as the problem sems to have disappeared now.

And you're right about it being quiet in here...has everyone deserted us?
Oh i keep forgetting about this thread, i'm that lost at the moment i dunno my face from my arse & i mean it don't look much different so no wonder i'm all :dohh:

I can't believe i'm having to think about xmas already, I've got joshs birthday roughly 2 wks before bumps due, then its xmas 4/5wks later. I so want to make this xmas a little more special for josh with baby just coming & the fact he is much more aware this time of father xmas & presents. Last year he was excited but didn't 100% get it , I want to make a little more fuss over him this time, or at least try.
I've got him a nintendo wii & games which is a big thing for me to be able to afford & i can't wait to have some time playing it with him just me & him whilst baby is sleeping or watching etc. I've bought him a gameboy for either his bday or as a pressy from baby when he's born not decided which yet, ok so maybe not a new fandangled ds or psp but i can't afford that aswell & as yet he has no clue on expensive toys *phew* so i can get away with it til he goes to school & starts asking for alsorts (eek). I'm getting excited for him :) Sorry i'm wafflin :dohh:

How are we all doing anyway? I've got midwives on tuesday & will be sending off my hip grant forms :)
Hi girls x

I'm looking forward to xmas this year!!! My little girl spent last xmas at her dad's so I'm already planning on how to make it amazing.

I found out I passed my NVQ yesterday so I'm really chuffed. Yay!
Hi ladies,

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend!

I had my 28 week check up with the midwife on Wednesday, all is looking good :) I have been having awful pains in my groin and some days find it really hard to walk, was really worried it was spd but the midwife thinks it just how the baby lays - so thats a huge weight lifted from mind. Had to have the anti D jab, I read that it wasn't done on your bum anymore so talk about embarrassed when she said I need to lay on the bed and pull my trousers down - I had some pretty dodgy pants on :blush:.... Even OH commented when we got outside and said had I forgotton about the jab as I had my dodgey turquoise holey pants on....

I am so looking forward to Christmas, OH actually has Xmas off so looking forward to our first family Xmas together. You are very organised Dizzy, I haven't even thought about presents yet. Think I may get a few when on maternity leave, give me something to do and should have a little bit of money still then.

How is your head Dom?

Well done on passing your NVQ RaeRae - you must be sooo pleased.

Well enough rambings from me, need to pop into town to get a few bits and also see if my incredible hulk feet can grow even more - lol

Ahh well done RaeRae thats excellent news! :) My results are coming out soon, but theres not that much point opening them as I already know Ive failed, but hey-ho, re-sits arent the end of the world eh?

Head was much better thanks Willow, but then spent 8 hours dancing yesterday at Rock In The Park, completely over did it and am absolutely shattered today. Have had to entertain my little (nearly 11) sister too today, so have been swimming and baking. I feel so tired and moody today, like a proper witch!!

Well, 7 more weeks left at work, wahoo, cant wait to leave!!

Cant believe were all thinking about xmas already!! Only seems like 2 mins since last xmas. Ive bought a few things in the sales like PJ's and stuff, but need to get the majority of it yet.

Anyway, Im shattered, Off for an early night, sweet dreams all

Xmas? What's that lol I'm not even ready for that yet still got too many birthday's to think of!!!

I've done nothing all day today other than a few bits for MIL and I feel good for it haha

All that I'm interested in today is hearing the news that my nephew has arrived but no news yet :( Come on Luke make an appearance!!!
Hello, Im Venus! I'm due Nov. 14th 2 days after my birthday. I also have a daughter who will be 6 on the 7th of Nov. Gotta love those scorpios! Lol
Hiya Venus! Welcome to the mad house lol. I'm Ellie

Well girls my sis had baby Luke at about 5.45am and he weighed in at 9lbs and 7 1/2 oz
Can't wait til I get to see him I'm well excited! :D :happydance:
Hi Ladies,

Welcome venus :)

Congrats aunty Ellie :) - 9lbs 7 oz wow!! Do you know when you are get to see him? OH was over 101bs so I am worried I am going to have a whopper!!

Wow 8 hours dancing Dom - how on earth did you manage that? I doubt I would be able to last 8 minutes.... Go on tell me your secret!!

Wohoo 7 weeks left at work :D only 26 actual working days though as have some holiday to take...... I can't wait!!

OOh what shall I have for dinner tonight? was thinking curry but heartburn is back with vengeance today :(

Wow Ellie - What a whopper!! My MIL whos a midwife maintains that the bigger they are, the easier they are to get out. :)

8 hours dancing - erm, not quite sure how I managed, Im not massive so that probably helped, but think it was just adrenaline that got me through. My body must have been completely looking after bubba though and sapped all my energy to do it!! - Not complaining though, better bubba being looked after than me :D

Well just a quick update, I PASSED MY EXAM!!!!!!!!!!! Well, the email says I did, I wont actually believe it until I can 1, see it on the AAT website in the morning, and 2, it comes through on paper in the post..... But by my email I have passed. My heart was beating like mad when my results came through.

Has really brightened up my day, Had a rubbish day at work. Had a meeting with the bosses and various other fingers-in-pies people and basically got told that we're poo, not thankyou for running the accounts dept basically single handedly for the past 16months (last boss left a week ago after 6 weeks (the third in 16 months, but most of that time we have been on our own - they only last a matter of weeks)- Thats how bad our place is!!!!!) - I cannot wait to be out of there. She even said to me "We're in this situation because Dom has been inconsiderate enough to get herself pregnant" - the bloody cheek of em! I felt like saying you need someone permanent when they kept going on about a "temporary" replacement - God they make me so mad!! GGGGRRRR

Well, now Ive got my qualification, Im hoping somebody will appreciate me and the economy will have picked up a bit by the time Im going back next year.

HHHMMM what to celebrate with since the champers is out of the question?

good afternoon ladies :)

what you all doing today? I'm doing as little as possible other than tidying i'm so sore but the house wont tidy itself :(
Ive been bored at work all day. Found a pic on my pc of my first day at the office (Dec 07) and I could not believe how much weight Ive put on (as in to before I became pregnant). Its a mixture of being sat at a desk all day (not at home cooking and cleaning and walking the dog etc) and eating constantly whilst at my desk. I was completely shocked when I saw it, So Ive printed it out and am going to use it as a "thinspiration" afterwards to try and get back skinny lmao!! Also bought some denim short shorts, and am determined to look good in them next summer (we'll see hehe)

Mum brought round a metal shelving unit thing one day this week and am going to use it to put all the baby clothes on. Not sure when to bring it down from the attic (been putting it all up there as Ive been buying it) and put it all the shelves. Dont want it to get dusty!!

MIL has also brought back my little suitcase yesterday ready for me to take to hospital, so need to start thinking about packing that too!!

I have the hugest pile of ironing I need to do, but Im so shattered after work I only do a few things at a time haha.

Anyone got anything planned for this weekend? Im going to an agricultural show at a village near me, Im hoping Mackenzie will like the animals and theres sheep dog trials and stuff so should be interesting. They've also got cheese and cake competitions too yum yum :D

I keep going dizzy just at random times, does anybody else find they're suffering from this? My legs are also swallen too, I can feel pressure in them if I squat down.....I feel lucky though, not got any spd or anything and am still sleeping through the night. Not got a massive bump either so cant complain :)

Been doing the usual today helping out MIL with my nieces and keeping the place tidy. We have guests tomorrow so we've been extra cleaning lol

I hurt to squat down too dom - I used to squat to pick things up as it was easier but I'm having to get OH to do it now. Can't say I've been going dizzy a lot but I've had it on odd occasions.
Can't believe I'm 29 weeks tomorrow, time is seriously going fast! Anyone else getting really nervous?????
Hi ladies,

Hope you all have a lovely weekend :)

Dom - your work sounds alot like mine! I have had 3 line managers and 3 managers in 3 years, plus 8 replacement staff within the team (considering there are only 9 of us in the whole department it's shocking!). As I have been there the longest, I am always the one picking up the pieces and sorting it all out and trying to keep it ticking over until a replacement starts and then training them, then I get the usual moan of why my own projects are a bit of a mess.....Roll on the 2nd October - lol

I can't believe I am 29 weeks either Ellie, scarey to think in 11 weeks I will be a mummy :) Am getting nervous about what sort of mum I will make....

How is everyones bump? mine is getting pretty big now and love it :) no stretch marks as yet - but know they will be coming soon! I do find it pretty uncomfortable to squat down and pick things up, I seem to be so clumsy at the moment though drop everything and forever having to bend and pick things up off the floor :(

Hope you have a lovely day at the agricultural show Dom :) I love that sort of thing! How long are your guests down for Ellie? I am off to a christening, going to be a godparent :) (been a recent break up in the relationship of the parents though and all very messy) so can't imagine it is going to be the nicest of days!

Take care ladies
Aw its so quiet in this thread....Where is everyone?

Well I had a lovely time on Saturday, saw the hugest cow I have ever seen in my life!! And also some interesting chickens (fluffy!!) and watced sheep dogs doing tricks and stuff. ALso saw some magnificent horses, some sheep and other various animals. There was a magician, races for the children, and tug-a-war competitions. It was a really good day, and I had a lovely lunch of poached salmon salad and trifle/fruit pie and cream for pud...>Yummy yummy!!

My bump is here and is def a bump at last, but Im still not massive. They measure me as bob on with the tape measure, bit I have a long body so it doesnt look all that big. The stretchmarks I got last time have gone a bit red at the tops where they look like they want to go longer, and Ive also got a little cluster on the inside of my thigh <boohoo> But they dont bother me too much, They're my "mummy lines" :D I need to get more bio-oil, My last one has only lated a month!! - Its so expensive too.

Well, was led on bed with Fiance last night and said, life as we know it will be over in 10 weeks time, Its Dom & Paolo, the next chapter haha!! But seriously, I cant believe its only 10 weeks away, And Im sure itll fly by what with Mackenzie starting school in 2 weeks and me training up my replacement at work. Im gona get baby clothes down into my room soon I think from the attic. Im so excited!!

Hope all you ladies are well xxxx
Heya all. I've not been on this thread for a little while now have I? lol

Willow, the guests were only down for the day so it wasn't too bad.

Dom, glad you had fun on Saturday.
I'm going to my parents on Friday for 4 days as it's my brother's wedding on the Saturday. Really glad for them, they've been together years! Hope it's good weather *fingers crossed*

I've been getting more and more pains across the tummy but I've been told it's normal. Josh is probably laying on a nerve, bless him. Time's ticking fast, can't believe I'm seeing the midwife again on 4th Sept, doesn't seem 2 mins since I saw her last!
Ah well I'm off again, so speak soon!! :hug:
Evening ladies, i'll be off to bed in a moment although i'm starving i really wanna order food but i did that last night so i really shouldn't .

waiting for my hip grant to land any day now so i can go food shopping, cupboards & freezer are virtually bare bare the random tin of beans i never eat *sigh* & joshs kiddy food of course. Cant wait to see full cupboards & not have to worry bout food shopping for aaaaaaaaaaaages .

ive got a mega sexy ass bruise on my leg, havent a clue what ive done. Dont remember banging it at all especially to cause a bruise this big & ugly.

hope you other november ladies are doing ok x

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