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Due June 2009, AUS

i found out i was pregnant about 2 weeks ago, and i'm due in early june, around my birthday!
I'll be turning 18.
I have my first doctors appointment tomorrow.
Good luck with the doctors appointment.

Wouldn't it be strange if you and little bean shared the same birthday?

Hey everyone, and welcome LilMama!

How are you all feeling?? My nausea has not been as bad the past two days, but am finally starting to feel really tired.
Hi all,

Esther - I feel sick for a few hours each day but I am not actually sick - yet!
I have developed a stinking cold with a sore throat so bit of a bed day for me today!

Hope you are all well!!

Hey Everhopeful, great to hear from you!! I'm glad you have finally gotten your much anticipated nausea. I just hope it stays nice and mild for you, and I hope your cold gets better too! Nothing worse than being sick.

Well I have been a bit better, since Friday my nausea has not been as bad. I think that maybe it is worse of a night, because I was sick tonight but after it I was ok. But during the day I feel like I can function again, but I do feel a lot more fatigued now.

Hope you are all great xo
Hi all,

I had my first scan yesterday - It all went well and I got to see LO heartbeat!!

Over the moon!!!

Hope you are all well.

esther - I am the same - get more sicky at night!

Oh wow congrats on your ultrasound! I am yet to see my little friend, have to
wait until my 12 week scan to finally see my little baby.

Have been a bit sick and getting lots of horrible reflux as well. How are you all??

Do you girls have room for one more?

I haven't yet been to the Dr. but according to my LMP I am due June 27th, but since I have to have another c-section they will be scheduling me earlier, probably by 1-2 weeks which would put me in mid June sometime. :hugs:
Hi - we've always got room for more!

Congratulations 1cre8tivgrl!!

How is everyone feeling???

Thank you! I am feeling pretty good atm nothing much to report just yet, gas but that's about it for me.
Hi and welcome!! Congrats on your BFP!!

Was interesting, was at uni yesterday and we were playing around with the vitals machine (takes blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation, temperature) and my pulse was 104 beats per minute. I am usually between 60 -80 at the very most, googled it and is quite normal to have increased heart rate!! You should try and test your heart rate and see if there is a difference!
Hiya! Is there room for me? I am due around June 18th'ish' . Only symptoms so far are really sore boobs and I am very emotional. Heard the song 'We are the World' today on the radio and started crying! :blush:Anyone had anything like this!?
Welcome Cheeselover -

There is always room for more!!! I seemed to be very emotional but now just tired all the time!!

Hi everyone! How are you all feeling?? xoxoxo
Hi all,

Benn feeling quite sick but ok - nothing too bad!! I have my next can on 26th Nov and going to tell 'everyone' after that!

How about all of you. When is your 12 week scan?

Love to all of you, xx

I went to the docs on the 4th, no scan or anything. I have my next appt on Dec 2 and should be doing a scan then. So we shall see. If not then my friends mom works up at the hospital in the nusery area so we are going to go in and play with the u/s machine about a week before Christmas.
Hi girls! I have been out of action for a couple of weeks trying to catch up on uni work!

Well update with me, I am feeling soooo much better. The nausea pretty much went away after the horrendous day I had when I went for my first ultrasound after my bleed, that was around at 8.5 weeks, and it was pretty much gone at 9 weeks. I still have gross feelings occasionally but nothing like I had which is great. Apart from that my boobs have exploded, they are so big and heavy and have so many veins on them, they are scary haha.

I have my scan next week, on 20th Nov, so fingers crossed. I am very excited and totally nervous as well. You read those horror stories about women having scans and they have had a missed miscarriage. Can't help but worry lol.

Anyway would love to hear an update on how you are all going!

Lots of love xoxoxox
Hi all,

How is everyone? I've had to tell work that I am pregnant. I am a teacher and had to have time off for the scan and I really didn't want to pull a sicky because you just never know who you might run into at the hospital!!

They all seemed very excited for me but I am really really nervous about scan for same reasons as you Esther - missed miscariage etc!!

Anyway, naseau seems to be a bit better and I am not as tired as I once was but with 2 parents evenings until 7pm this week, I am not sure how long that will last!! My boobs are getting bigger and veinier but the pain seems to be subsiding which is good!

Hope you are all well and good luck for your scan on the 20th Esther!!

Hey! Had my 12 week scan, everything went beautifully! I am so happy. Have told everyone know, which is a great relief. How did your scan go everhopeful? I am glad to hear that you are feeling better!!

How is everyone else going?

So excited, off to the second trimester this week!! Woohoo

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