hello girlssss!! miss me?
yeah catherine i know it's hard but try not to let it get to you so much by the sounds of it he's doing stuff to upset/hurt you on a daily basis, its not good for little one either being upset and stressed all the time, and he should respect that aswell
and emily i wanted to do a proper bump pic, but im not confident enough lol and have too many stretchies on my hips
im in agony with my ribs, pretty sure he's not up there but they feel really squashed and im struggling to breath
didnt end up getting 'taken' got too comfy on the sofa, gonna try again tomorrow nightxx
hello girlssss!! miss me?
yeah catherine i know it's hard but try not to let it get to you so much by the sounds of it he's doing stuff to upset/hurt you on a daily basis, its not good for little one either being upset and stressed all the time, and he should respect that aswell
and emily i wanted to do a proper bump pic, but im not confident enough lol and have too many stretchies on my hips
im in agony with my ribs, pretty sure he's not up there but they feel really squashed and im struggling to breath
didnt end up getting 'taken' got too comfy on the sofa, gonna try again tomorrow nightxx
my mum thinks me being so angry all the time is also what is upsetting babys growth, im trying to chill though im not botherd, he just rung me saying sorry but hmm, i dont really want to talk to him lool, boys eh lois! x
Eeerm im feeling okay i guess. Im staying with my emily so im happy about that!
Just nervous to go for my first scan x
yeahh feel free to message me or anything any timetheres quiet a diffrence in weeks between us, but im more than happy to help you out if you ever need it hun! i have experience of all this now, and im more than welcome to help other teens and share my experiences.. yeah i felt the same, getting a job while pregnant isnt easy though, i havnt been able to get anything, the first thing you want to do is go to your local job centre or connections, get your grants etc, and try signing up for income support x