Due May 1st!! Anyone want to be buddies?

All went well, they got a super cute profile shot, and our bump is PINK!
JT, how did your scan go? Were they able to confirm a boy?

How is everyone else doing?
Pita, congrats! Welcome to team pink!!

I'm doing well, feeling more kicks and such now! Less than a week until our next scan!
Hi Ladies. Sorry I have been AWOL for a few days - been non stop. I did decide on a dress, just a long black maxi dress but showed my bump lovely and OH could keep his hands off me! :haha:

I had our 20 week scan yesterday :happydance: Baby was perfect and sooo cute! Managed to stay strong and team yellow. I didn't want the scan to end though - just wanted to keep looking at our little baby. :cloud9: Think OH is going to book a 4D scan for 30 weeks ish. Also feeling lots of wriggles and kicks from LO. :cloud9:

Tweak - I love Alexa Rose that is really cute!

Becca hope this week goes quick for you! Lovely that you are feeling more kicks.

Pita congrats on your pink bump! :cloud9: Did you have a feeling you were having a girl?
Soph, your dress sounds amazing!!

Glad to hear the scan went well and you were able to stay team yellow!
Ah congrats on team pink Pita!!

Glad you're feeling more kicks becca!

Glad you had a good scan Soph! I didn't want ours to end either. It's so amazing to look and see LO on the screen :cloud9:

Well, we've decided on 3 names that we both love. Alexa, Ainslee, and Alivia. I want the middle name to be Rose, and I think they all sound good with that. We like Olivia, but since we want an A name, Alivia is unique. Feeling more kicks from LO lately; stilll not consistent, but they're there. I feel little thumps super super low. I love them. :cloud9: Can hardly believe I'm 21 weeks tomorrow. It's insane how fast this has gone by.
Tweak time is flying by isn't it!! I keep showing my scan picture to everyone even if they don't seem that keen to see it! :haha:
Tweak, I love those names! and Rose is a great middle name :) My kicks are super low, too.

Scan went great yesterday! She was very active, mostly lying on her left side (the same way I sleep!). We could even see her lips moving!
Wow, long time since I've been on here! Hope everyone is doing well!

I'm almost 25 weeks! I had my monthly appt last Thursday, and the doctor confirmed that I have an anterior placenta. Boo :( I rarely feel her, and my anxiety is so high most of the day! I get the odd day where I'll feel her a lot, but mostly nothing. She's doing well though. The nurse was listening to the heartbeat on my right side last week, and in the middle of doing it, baby girl moved over to my left side. It was the craziest thing to hear. I've gained about 30 lbs, in 24 weeks, but my doctor hasn't said a word about my weight, surprisingly. I'm going for the GD test probably Friday, so I'm hoping I pass. I didn't have this fast weight gain with my daughter, so I'm worried about that. Other than that, things are well!
Aww, sorry to hear that you have an anterior placenta. I have one too, I didn't hardly feel her till a couple weeks ago, though I'm feeling baby every day now, so mine is probably in a slightly different spot than yours. I hope you start feeling her more, and good luck on your GD test! Did you decide on a name out of your 3 favorites?
:hi: ladies we have all been quiet lately. I hope you are all well :hugs:

Becca glad your scan went well and baby was very active.

Tweak Glad baby is doing well, try not to stress too much about the anterior placenta :hugs: if it helps I have one too.Fingers crossed you pass the GD test, if the doctor doesn't seem too worried I am sure you will be okay. :flower:

Pitakat how are you feeling?

AFM not too much to report, generally just feeling uncomfortable and having some shooting pains in my pelvis. See the midwife on Tuesday for my 25 week appointment (finally get to listen to the heartbeat :happydance:) so will mention it to her then. Feeling lots of lovely kicks and OH felt baby for the first time on Boxing Day - made him all emotional bless him! :cloud9:
Tweak, boo for anteriors! I am in the same boat as you, though I do feel her from time to time. Even just one movement "session" per day is something reassuring, though I wish it was more! Your gain doesn't sound that bad to me, every pregnancy is different! I hope your test goes well.

Soph, sorry to hear about your discomfort and pains! I'm glad you're feeling lots of kicks, so cool that OH felt the baby too! I'm so waiting for that moment.

Nothing much to report here! I've been avoiding the scale for a bit since I am now up 14lbs at last weigh, but that was a couple weeks ago so who knows now. My OB hasn't been concerned so whatever. I'm not sure if I get the GD test this monday or at the next appointment, but it's just the simple one and not the crazy hours-long one. Mostly we've just been putting along for 2nd tri!
Becca how did yesterdays appointment go?

I had my 25 week appointment this morning - finally got to here our little wrigglers heartbeat! :cloud9: The midwife said how strong it was and has written down 140bpm, something else pointing to us having a little girl I think!Everything else seems fine - they didnt weigh me but I weighed myself a few days ago and have gained 17lbs so far.

How are you all?
My two girls both had/have heartbeats of over 140, so I think that's a pretty strong girl sign! I'm surprised to hear you didn't get weighed Soph, they weigh me at every single appointment here.

I'm doing very well, though I can definitely tell this baby is growing and getting bigger! I feel her all the time now. I get pains from round ligaments stretching, but other than that I'm feeling good.

Hope you're all doing well as we go through second tri :flower:
Gotta add that when I eat a large meal, I do have a lot of pain in my ribs, baby gets really pushed up there! I got this starting from 22 or 23 weeks with Madelyn, so I'm glad that I didn't start feeling it till now.

Also, we've about decided on a name, we're going with either Violet Marian or Violet Marie.
Soph, the appointment was good! I am measuring 25 weeks, apparently. No scan or anything, but HB was 156 and everything looks good. I put on 4 more lbs in the last 4 weeks, which is normal (makes 18lb total). Next appointment in four weeks will be the GD test (dun dun!). I'm wondering if I should listen to them and eat something before the test or go with my gut and fast beforehand, even though they say not to. I'm doing well physically. Definitely growing rounder, but I'm doing the prenatal yoga which seems to have helped make room for baby (and I already had a lot of spare room :haha:), but seriously, I think it helps so much with the aches and pains, and strengthening the back and legs.

Sounds like your appointment was great! I'm so glad you finally got to hear the heartbeat! Isn't it amazing?

Pita, I love the name Violet!! I wanted to use it but OH was dead set against. I like both of your variations. Any way you can eat smaller meals more frequently? I find I can't eat as much in one sitting without being uncomfortable either.
becca, glad to hear that your appointment went well! Prenatal yoga sounds great, I should start doing some of that. Do you attend classes or follow online videos?

I try to make healthy meals for my family, but if I eat in between the snacks tend to be unhealthy. It's like I'm hungry but it's not time to make a meal yet, I'll just grab a couple cookies or chocolate or chips :wacko:
Pita I love the name Violet - that is my goddaughters name. :cloud9: Glad you are feeling good. I'm with you on the unhealthy snacks :blush: I do try to be good but chocolate and biscuit just call me! :haha:

Becca great news on the appointment. I have been thinking about prenatal yoga too - it has really good reviews. Went to go once but there was norovirus where they hold it so it was cancelled and I haven't been back. :dohh: I just feel too tired after working all day then sorting DD out with all her clubs the last thing I want to do is go back out! It is much more appealing to sit on the sofa watching rubbish tv :haha:
Pita, I use a gaiam video my sister recommended me. I have some experience in yoga as far as the poses. Definitely recommend classes if you haven't done it before, but the poses the video puts you through are pretty gentle. I wish I had time to attend classes, but the nearest ones are in the city and it's just too much to add in right now!

mm cookies! I have something small and unhealthy probably once a day, but I make my other snacks something like yogurt or oranges or cheese to add to my vitamin count.

Soph, I agree it's hard after working all day! I really have to force myself to do the video twice a week. Last week OH had a rubber mat spread out in my yoga room and I was all jazzed because I wouldn't have to do it...then I got home and he had removed it...so I felt obligated, lol. I just know I feel so much better if I do it, then watch my rubbish tv :)

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