Due May 1st!! Anyone want to be buddies?

becca - lovely names! I really love Piper, but they're both beautiful! Part of me hopes this is a boy, bc we have our boy name settled to 2 that we'd choose from after he's born .. if it's a girl, well, we're in trouble bc we cannot agree on a girl name we like!

pita - how exciting you felt baby move!! such an amazing feeling!!

Haha Soph - I poke my belly sometimes too, to get baby to move! :haha:

AFM - I'm well!! Feel lots of tickling movements in my lower abdomen. Usually in the mornings if I'm sitting - this kid is active! This morning I didn't feel much, and i had a constant lower backache, so I pulled out my doppler and found the hb right away. I love having that thing for my peace of mind. Felt a few light movements since then. Just tired right now really. I can't get comfortable at night, so my sleep is horrible. I just want to sleep on my stomach again!
I haven't felt Baby move since then though, which I think is weird! My last pregnancy, my husband was able to feel the baby after 17 weeks. Maybe we were just lucky that time around?

Tweak, it's really lovely to have an active baby! I hope you'll be able to get some good rest soon.

Becca, I have round ligament pain too, especially when I try to roll over in bed :dohh: Not too much longer to wait for your next appointment :thumbup:

Soph, I would've loved an earlier scan, I had early ones (like between 9 and 11 weeks) with my first two babies! I definitely like that better!

Not much happening here with me, though last week Madelyn slept all the way through the night and so did I! :happydance: It was amazing, I haven't done that since before she was born!

Have you all already told people about your pregnancy? Just close family? Or work colleagues and the like too? We haven't announced yet, at all. I wanted to wait till we heard the heartbeat, but it still doesn't feel right yet :wacko: I was this way with my last baby too, it never felt like quite the right time to announce.
Tweak sorry you are suffereing with backache and trouble sleeping. I hope it eases soon for you. :hugs:

Pitakat amazing on the full nights sleep - I bet you felt much better the next day! We have told all close friends and family, we told close family about 8 weeks as I was so sick they would've guessed eventually. It was quite nice before people knew though so we could enjoy it just us 2 for a while.
Tweak, the sad part is OH HATED both of them with the passion of a thousand suns. Back to square one! I told him if we didn't agree on something I really was just going to go with Rebecca (my own name). He said he liked it :rofl:.

How wonderful you're feeling tickling! That's so cool! I'm hoping to get there soon :) Sorry about the bad sleep! When did it become impossible to sleep on your stomach?

Pita, I think it varies with every pregnancy from what I've heard! Amazing that Madelyn's sleeping through the night, how nice to get a full night's sleep after all that time!

I totally get where you're coming from as far as making the announcement feeling right. I've told my family and coworkers, but I'm not announcing on facebook or to friends until a bit later. I guess it started feeling right for me at 12 weeks for family and 14 weeks as far as coworkers. It was after the doctor said things looked good and we got our genetic tests back clear. Now I'm just waiting to have some pictures taken for facebook/friends :)
We announced it on Facebook over the weekend, did a picture like the Nick Lachey one with his son and bump.O:) wanted to do something a bit different than uploading the scan!

How are you all feeling? I am feeling pretty good today, had such a bad hip yesterday though - I could hardly walk! :dohh:
Soph, did you get lots of great reactions to your announcement? Sounds adorable! Glad you're feeling well - does your hip often go bad or is that something random?

I'm feeling good!
Pita - we're slowly telling people about our pregnancy. I've told my co-workers and some family - more family will know soon. After the gender ultrasound, we'll do a FB announcement. I'm always nervous to publicly announce.

becca - I think I can still sleep on my stomach, but I feel like I'm hurting the baby lol. I sometimes prop myself up on my side so I'm half side half stomach sleeping. It works most nights!

Soph - the announcement sounds so cute!!!

One week until our big ultrasound! And I can't believe I'm almost 19 weeks. Seems so surreal that it's gone this fast! But, I'm sooo sick now. My daughter was sick 2-3 weeks ago with a horrible cough and congestion, and my husband was diagnosed with bronchitis over the weekend. Now I feel like crap. Cough mostly, so I'm sucking back hot water with lemon and honey and sucking on some cough drops. I will feel better for my ultrasound!

And if I wasn't paranoid enough, at work this morning a customer came in and told us that him and his fiancee lost their baby. She was well into her 3rd trimester, had the room all decorated and everything. I'm so heartbroken for them :cry: I just want to cry myself - it scares me so much, and is always why I can't relax until I have the baby in my arms. :cry:
Becca yeah we had loads everyone said what a lovely way it was to announce it. My hip pain was totally random and touch wood I haven't had it since.

Tweak sorry to hear you are not well I hope you are better soon! Your next scan has come around so fast!!

I am 18 weeks today and feeling pretty good at the moment. I don't really feel pregnant apart from my growing belly and boobs!
Thanks Soph! I feel the same way about being pregnant - I don't feel like I am! I feel random movements and flutters during the day, but that's about it.

I was awake most of last night :( Probably slept 3-4 hours total. Just kept coughing and coughing. I may have to take some cough medicine, even though I don't like taking anything while pregnant. But I was feeling more movements last night while trying to sleep. Lots of slight nudges and kicks. It was amazing. :cloud9:
Tweak, I'm sorry you're sick and not feeling well. That's hard :-( I hope you're feeling better for your ultrasound! And I'm glad you're feeling baby move around more :cloud9: I'm still not feeling baby, I'm starting in wonder if the placenta is in a different place than it was with my previous pregnancies :shrug:

Soph, your announcement sounds great :thumbup: Hope you're feeling good and your hip isn't bothering you.

I wish my boobs were growing! Nothing has changed except my belly is growing a little. I've only gained 4 lbs so far, which I think is because I'm still nursing my baby, though my milk supply has really dropped.

As for me, 3 days till my friend and I go watch the Nutcracker ballet, 8 days till my next Dr appointment and 10 days till our ultrasound! Lots of things I'm counting down to! :happydance:
Pita, I've been wondering if my placenta is more in the front this time. They never told me where it was with my daughter, but I rarely felt her as well. I feel this one, but it's still not consistent movement. Sounds like you have lots of exciting things these next few days! The ballet sounds like so much fun!

I ended up calling my doctor to see if the cough medicine I had was okay to take. I don't like taking anything during pregnancy, but if I wanted to sleep, I needed to do something. Took it and slept decent enough. Still coughing a lot, but I was actually able to sleep. I'm home today so it'll be a rest day, as much as my daughter will let me!
Tweak I hope you are feeling better and managing to sleep a bit better. :hugs:

Pitakat you have an exciting couple of weeks ahead. Amazing you have only put on 4lbs! I haven't weighed for a week or so but last time I was on +5lbs.

AFM had a little scare yesterday with some spotting in the morning, rang the midwife for advice and as I am RH negative I had to go down to clinic. OH was panicking bless him and rushed home from work. Had bloods taken and an Anti D shot and they listened to the heartbeat! It was so strong (when baby wasn't running away from the doppler) :cloud9: Taking it easy for a few days now - not a very nice day!
Hello ladies, just checking in as I haven't for a while! How are you all doing? I'm feeling very big these days. Have a scan on Friday (19w4days) so hoping all will be well at that. We already know he's a little boy from a NIPT but looking forward to confirming that as not had a scan since 12 weeks :)
Oh Soph! I'm glad everything's okay, but sorry for the scare :( Take it easy!

JT - Almost to the halfway point! Good luck with the scan! I had mine yesterday and it was amazing to see the baby wiggling all around!

I had my 20 week ultrasound yesterday! We ended up getting our first snow of the season as well. 1-2 inches just completely screwed things up! You would think people in New England had never seen snow before. It took us 45 minutes to bring our daughter to daycare (a normal 10 min drive through town), and then we basically had to turn around and head right to my appointment if we were going to make it on time. It's normally a 30 min drive, and it ended up being an hour. We were 10 minutes late, and thankfully they still took me. Got right in and baby was wiggling all about! She looked at the spine and heart and then took a peek between the legs and found out it's another GIRL! We're SO excited. The rest of the ultrasound went great, no issues, and now I just need to get the blood work done at some point. We went and bought a few outfits, a little sister sleeper and a pink and blue unicorn onesie and pant set.

The first thing I asked my husband is if he was upset and he said not at all. I think deep down he's a tad upset, bc he wanted a boy, but he loves his 2 girls. Now to figure out names. I love Olivia Rose, for my grandmother, but I'm not sure he's sold on it. I also like Ellie.

We told our daughter as soon as I got her in the carseat from daycare, as I couldn't wait to tell her. And she let out the BIGGEST and LOUDEST YAYYYYYYYY. Safe to say she's excited! :)
Tweak, how exciting! Love your daughter's reaction lol! I think my husband will be like yours, he wants a boy but will be happy with and love another daughter too.

JT, that's when my ultrasound is too! Hope all goes well :thumbup:

Soph, I hope all has been well and you've been taking it easy. Very glad to hear baby was doing great when you went into the clinic! :hugs:

The Nutcracker was fun and beautiful. I got all dressed up and we had a great time (though we almost missed our curtain as there NO parking close by and we ended up parking half a mile away and jogging to the theater!) I also told my dear friend that we're expecting again to which she replied "Yeah, I know, I can tell" :haha: Guess my bump is a little more noticeable than I thought lol! Felt good to finally tell someone.

The next day the flu hit :-( Everyone got it but DS. So we've been virtually useless the past several days as we just tried to recover. We're so behind on dishes and laundry, not to mention Christmas shopping and cards! Ah well, we're so thankful to be feeling better! [-o< You never really appreciate health until you're ill. And I felt baby really kicking for the first time last night. I could even feel it with my hand! Looking forward to my Dr. apt tomorrow!
Congratulations on your healthy little girl Tweak and DDs reaction sounds so cute! I am sure all men just want a boy, my OH is the same.

Pitakat glad you had a lovely time and sorry you have been feeling poorly. It makes you see how much you do around the house when you fall behind doesn't it! Hope the Dr appointment goes okay.

Good luck with the scans Friday both of you. :hugs:

AFM I am doing good, we have OHs Christmas Party Friday then mine on Saturday - currently panicking about outfits so have ordered 10 online to get delivered tomorrow! :blush: Our 20 week scan is next Tuesday then! So excited, going to be a struggle to stay team yellow though!
Hi JT! Congrats on the lil boy! Hope your scan was lovely.

Tweak, I totally get the whole confusion with why people who live up here in the north seem to forget how to drive in the snow. ?!? We're in for a couple feet the next couple days...might just have to stay home and drink hot cocoa!

Congrats on TEAM PINK again! Olivia Rose is a gorgeous name! I'm sure your hubby will be fine with it...my OH seemed the same way, but now he's coming around (quicker than I thought!). That's so exciting!

Pita, glad you enjoyed the Nutcracker! It sounds amazing. Very cool that you were able to tell your friend, though it sounds like maybe more people know than you think! Then again, she probably knows you better and just noticed because of that :) Sory about the flu...that's such a bummer! Glad you're feeling better now, though, and congrats on the kicks! I felt one very definite kick a couple of days ago but nothing except flutters and rolls since, which are so subtle!

Soph, so close to your next scan! Mine isn't for like two weeks...wah! And your outfits :rofl:
Pita - glad you had a fun tme at the Nutcrakcer! Sorry about the flu though, yuck! Our house is just starting to feel better again. Sickness blows! Glad you finally got to feel baby!

Soph - glad you're doing well! Hope you can figure out an outfit!

becca - Couple feet?! UGH. That's way too much for my liking. I didn't even like the 1-2 inches we got Monday. I totally despise the snow, no clue why I live in New England LOL.

We talked about names last night. He wants an A name .. all of us are A names, so we feel like this one needs an A name too. So that would eliminate Olivia. But we like Alexa and Ainslee maybe. Alexa Rose would be pretty and I would still get part of my grandmothers favorite name. Choosing names is so difficult.

I would love to be able to feel baby more. Quiet morning so I got out the doppler and found the hb right away. Doesn't feel real that I'm 20 weeks tomorrow! Most of the time I don't feel pregnant - no noticeable hard bump either.
Tweak, glad you guys are starting to feel better as well!

Yeah, we tend to get a lot of the white stuff around here. I've just gotten back to the area, just one winter under my belt so I haven't formed the savage hatred that most folks who live around here have...yet still live here, so I guess that's a common thing. Plus, New England has a lot going for it!

I love that you are doing all A names :) Alexa Rose is gorgeous! And you're right, choosing a name is so hard! We actually are pretty sure we're going with Rebecca Rose, so you'd be in good company :happydance:

As far as feeling baby more...yes, I wish for that too! Only one kick so far...but it's only a matter of time, right?
Soph, did you decide on a dress for the party?

becca, it is possible more people suspect we're having another baby and are just not mentioning it :haha: Hope you start feeling more definite kicks soon!

Tweak, I love the name Ainslee, so pretty! Congrats on over 20 weeks, half-way there! I don't feel pregnant in the morning when I wake up, I look 3 months pregnant, but by the evening I'm waddling around, feeling 7 months pregnant, and wondering how I'm going to do this for another 20 weeks! :dohh:

It's ultrasound day! :dance:

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