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Your mums stuff is gorgeous Helen! I wish I could knit that well. My mum has got me some cardigans that my Gran knit about 11 years ago for someone that never used them, my Gran died a few years ago so it's lovely that Chicken with be able to wear them. My mum says they're a bit frilly for a boy but I'll just stick something blue and manly on underneath them if I have a boy!!!

I don't get woken up by movements either, Chicken's active some days and other days I hardly feel him move.

It sounds really tasty at your house Helen!

Does that mean you'll be posting your scan results before we get up over here biscuit?

:hug: xxx
Could be posting before you guys get up I suppose, if my times have been worked out correctly.

Helen, that dinner sounds sooo good. I really miss my mums roast beef and yorkshire puddings. Her puds always turned out flat but we all loved them anyway. I can't wait to have a wee house with a decent garden so I can start growing my own veggies. Mum has a massive veggie garden at home on Scotland and I always loved helping out there and having all the fresh produce.

I think I have a cold or something as I feel rather crappy today. Maybe I'll go to work for a while and then duck out early. We have a whole stack of people coming over to view our flat tonight as we are hoping to move into a bigger place soon. Our own wee house, well rented but still ... a house! I am so excited.
Thanks for the welcome Elm. Ive had a wonderful pregnancy so far, no m.s worth talking about but I do get nasty headaches. I'm only now beginning to feel bean move around as I found out last week at my 20 wk scan that I have an anterior placenta. I hope everyone is feeling good as we reach the halfway point. I'm so excited...I have a routine check up this afternoon with my doc.
Well ladies, i'm back from my hols... i hope everyone had a good week :)

Had my scan this morning and she said everything was perfect. no worries about anything :) And she said boo is deffo a boy, there was no mistaking that lol.

I'll get some pics up later when the oh gets home.

Had a rough couple of days, can't seem to stomach much, but its starting to improve now, so im thinking i must of ate something on holiday which didn't agree with me.

Anyway hope everyone is well

elm your a good knitter i saw your piccys, if you want to try some simple booties and mittsor you see one of my mums patterns i'll scan them email them for you to have a bash at, i just love knitted stuff on babies especially little aran jumpers or matinee jackets on little girls with frilly dresses.
i've been whacked out all day i hit a wall at 3pm and did nothing but sit in my own world reading bnb lol, feel a bit bad i shouted at rosie for missing the bin when scraping her leftovers into the bin, and when i shouted for her to come and wipe it up she said "whats the big deal" i thought i was going to launch her through the kichen door lol, make it worse she said "your a bit touchy arent you" rarrr teens just know what button to press lol, so i've come upstairs for a lie down craigs soting our dinner out bless him can smell it burning now lol
3 dayyyyyyssss till we find out if we have sons or daughters on the way.... i just cant wait prob get aother stubborn child though clamping its legs together lol
Is Thursday here yet????


Ohhh pictures - hope you can post them Laura!

Hope you're feeling better biscuit :hugs:

How did your drs appointment go Michelle?

Have you been buying gorgeous boys clothes Beltane - 3 days to go til gender specific shopping for some of us! :happydance: :rofl:

I'd love the pattern if it's not to hard for you to scan Helen (and it's not too hard!!!!), I can knit but I can just do the basics all those twisty bits are beyond me. Hope your dinner survived!!

Hope you're finding time to relax at work now Jaylene.

And I hope everyone else is ok.

:hug: everyone xxx
Ohh dear, it's getting difficult to keep track of everyone.

Welcome back Laura, hope you had a nice time.
Welcome Michelle. Sorry to hear about the headaches, I have had a few real arse kickers myself lately.
Helen - I know how you feel, the slightest thing can set me off. But usually my reaction is just tears and not shouting and we all know how great it feels to have a good cry sometimes.
Jaylene - Hugs coming straight back at ya.
Beltane - No, it's not Thursday yet, it's taking forever to get here!

Sorry to anyone I've missed.

I have my first midwife appointment today at last! After the stupid cancellation last week! They better get it right this time or I will really throw a hissy fit.
Are you feeling better biscuit?

Hope you get to see a really lovely midwife and it's totally opposite to the last time you went :hugs:

Hope you've had a lovely holiday LuluBee xxx
Hey ladies,

Biscuit hope you are feeling better.
Michelle I had those mad headaches a while back. they are killer. take some time for yourself and get some good naps in on your down time.
Helen, how great is prego life? :rofl: i have been a little snappy today too. poor Chris....
elm, are you getting any of your work done from last week or are you finding it hard to get back into the swing of things?

anyone started working on their nurseries? I think i will be painting this weekend.

Beltane.....it is not Thursday :rofl: seriously and it cannot come fast enough. Are you all announcing your results to the world? Chris and i are thinking of not telling anyone but close friends and people who don;t know other people so they will not spread the word. My parents do not want to know and Chris does not want to tell anyone really...it is more me who will have troubles keeping it from anyone. :blush: however you will all know so don't fret!

Miss you Lulu! Hope you are having a great time!

I am officially the only one out of all of us online right now. :rofl:

Love you!!!!
lol i was going to say jaylene are you nocturnal 4:22am but theres time difference lol
i can't believe how ratty i've been last two days it sends bad vibes through the house as well so i've had a word with myself and going to be more relaxed tonight and i've planned an easy meal so i can rest more.

Elm: i'll get some patterns scanned for you they arent hard i could do them lol (i think)

Beltane: i've got a sneaky feeling it may be a boy, only as my friends/family keep saying boy and the nub thing, craig would like a boy, but i would like a girl, i was looking at a pic of rosie when she was about two with a little rain mac on dancing in a puddle with her tiny wellie boots and a little barbie umbrella, she had this mass of white blonde curls she was just adorable,

michelle: hope the headaches clear up for you, they're poo arent they:hugs:.

Laura: welcome back have you got a nice tan?

biscuit: my garden isnt very big and i grow most my veg in pots, a few beans up the fence and i have a plastic greenhouse for the toms and cucumbers, havent done much this year as i have a garden full of bricks from knocking walls down, my new kitchen should be in and finished in 4 weeks apparently, not holding my breath though lol, i keep saying to oh 19 weeks till baby comes lol... he goes a bit pale then
:hugs:Hello everyone, sounds like you've all been busy while I was away! Hope you're all feeling ok and just counting down the seconds until Thursday!

My sister had a 4D scan yesterday that confirmed that she is having a little girl - due on the 16th January :cloud9:
My morning sickness has eased again now and we've had a lovely time away I'm so gald that we made the effort to go somewhere even though it was just for a couple of days. We spent lots of time in the countryside and went ot the beach (the weather was quite sunny down south) and we stayed in an old hunting lodge on the moors so had lots of yummy food and snuggled up in the evenings in the bar playing board games.

BUT the best thing was that Matt felt Pip kick:wohoo::wohoo: Pip seems to move around an awful lot, I rarely go for more than a couple of hours without feeling him shuffling around in there. His kicks aren't hard enough to wake me up in the night, but Matt can definitiely feel a little thump when he puts his hand on my belly :cloud9:
Missed you all, speak to you soon :hug:
Welcome back Lulu!!

:wohoo: :yipee: :wohoo: I am so excited that Matt felt Pip!!!! That must have been a great moment for the both of you!

Boo is starting to move around a lot more too and like you Lulu, I do not go very long wiht out feeling him/her. I was laying in my bed yesterday afterwork and i felt a little kick from the outside and asked Chris to come upstiars to feel.....:dohh: he is so impatient though that he would rather wait for the bigger kicks than sit there quietly hoping to feel something. :shrug: whatever. :rofl:

hope everyone is feeling better!
ONLY 2 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love you!
Hi Girlies
i'm going to make a big gender poll.
does everyone want to be on it.?
i not sure if its poss yet as i've never done a poll post before lol.
just thought it would be fun
Hi Girlies
i'm going to make a big gender poll.
does everyone want to be on it.?
i not sure if its poss yet as i've never done a poll post before lol.
just thought it would be fun

sure! :hugs:
Hi Girlies
i'm going to make a big gender poll.
does everyone want to be on it.?
i not sure if its poss yet as i've never done a poll post before lol.
just thought it would be fun

Yes please :)

Just trying to do bump pics.. I don't think they're hugely different than last time, can't remember when that was - will have to search my journal.

I'm pm you my email add Helen - thank you :hugs: There's no rush as I'm on a cardigan at the moment.

Just waiting for DP to get back so we can go to my parents for tea.

Glad you ms is better Lulu and that you had a lovely holiday and that Matt felt Pip! How lovely.

:hugs: everyone xxx
i did a poll lol,
it took me hours to learn how to do it so could vote more than once lol..
this is sooooo exciting lol think i'm going to pop with anticipation hehe..
just hope i've got it right look a fool if i've stuffed it up lol
i did a poll lol,
it took me hours to learn how to do it so could vote more than once lol..
this is sooooo exciting lol think i'm going to pop with anticipation hehe..
just hope i've got it right look a fool if i've stuffed it up lol

Thank you!! Off to vote :)

:happydance: Oooh yes - i'll be on it xx

:hug: So how are you all my lovelies?

Biscuit - hope you are feeling better xx

Michelle - i'm really suffering with headaches at the mo - nothing gets rid of one when it arrives :hissy:

Elm and helen - soo jellous - i wish i could knit, but i can't. I'd love to beable to make pickle some lovely white cardys xx

Glad to see you back Lubee xx


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