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Hi ladies, I posted on the 2nd tri board about my docs appt. Well every thing went well, bp is normal and the baby is growing as he should. I got my results back from the blood work I hAD done regarding maternal serum screening for spin bifida and the results were normal. Only thing that concerns me is that my hcg levels came back twice as high as they should be at 5 months. The doc said this could cause placenta abruption, hypertension and some other things I cant recall. So I am being sent for a special doppler scan next week to check the intrauterine blood flow. I really dont know anything about this and could use some advice if anyone knows anything. Thanks ladies.
the poll is working i think not just pretty face me lol....

michelle sorry that you've had that result from your blood test, was it a routine blood test you had?, or was it the triple test one?, i didnt have it this time but i did with rosie as i wasnt given the choice. i've never heard of hcg being double but at least they are aware of it and give you special care and are going to give you a scan to look into it...
i'll bve sending all my love and bestest vibes for when you go for it, chin up and try not to worry, and try not to google too much as you won't get true answers...
omg anyone watching the programme on ch4 about breast feeding other peoples children ooooooo.... i just don't know what to make of it... the kids are like 5 yrs old oooooo
I'm watching it but haven't seen the whole thing, will watch it tomorrow if it's on demand.

Hope everything is ok Michelle, it's great that they've spotted it so they can keep an eye on you.

I think you're having a girl BabyD. I think everyone else is having a girl :) Maybe you could try a bit of crocheting and make a blanket - there are guides how to do it online (I keep forgetting how to do it!!). Maybe learning to knit would be good when you've got a huge bump and can't move round much? xxx
Hi Everyone.

Feeling much better today. My midwife appointment went really well, she was very nice. Heard he babies heart beat which was great. Could also hear the placenta, which was interesting. Less than 24 hours now until my scan, just one more sleep. :yipee::yipee::yipee:
OH and I have both been feeling like it might be a boy recently but in the past few days I have swung back to girly feelings. I really hope they can see which it is.

Going to view our potential new house in a couple of hours. I so hope it is everything I want it to be. We have already got new people set up to move in to our current place! If it's all good then I can really start nesting properly and getting stuff for the nursery. OH has agreed to a shopping trip tomorrow after the scan :happydance::happydance::happydance:.
Thanks for the great vibes and good wishes girls. I don't really know what the blood test was called Helen, but I opted out of an amnio so the doc asked me if I would do some blood work. (the name on the paper was maternal serum screening). I've never heard of hcg's doubling this far along either. I'll just keep praying that everything will be fine. The doc says he's a good size and he's kicking away so that's comforting.
Looking forward to hearing all about your scan tomorrow Biscuit...and your potential new house. How exciting! I hope everyone else is doing good as well....bring on some lil girls..seems like the boys are taking over lately.

not sure if this link works but was thinking of borrowing the pattern for this one, thought the fluff might hide any mistakes lol, this cardy is gorgeous as well for little girls i've told my mum if i have a girl i want a few of these made for me lol
Hey girls!!

good luck with everything Michelle! Keep us posted as I will be thinking of you.

OMG. We find out from you first tomorrow Biscuit!!! I cannot wait!!!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: Good luck with the house as well, I am sure if you keep positive everything will work out in your favor. :hugs:

I am super nervous for tomorrow but really excited to see boo and really excited to start bonding with my bump a little bit more.

On a side note: in the shower this morning I got to thinking about BnB and my January Girls and how lucky we are to have this sort of connection. We are quite close. I am closer to some of you and more open to you than I am some of my friends and I feel priveledged to have met each and everyone of you, even if I do not know what you look like or what your voice sounds like. For the most part I feel like we have forged relationships that will last past our pregnancy into weight loss, baby handling, toddler fits and beyond! I just want to thank you all for being there for me and being such a positive influence throughout this crazy journey. :cry: Not sure what I would do without you!!

Lots of love!
jaylene what you done to me lol, i work with all these men, and i'm say here saying i'm soooo lucky to have buddy friends online, while rubbing my face in my hands trying not cry they giving me funny frowns... your so sweet.

i feel dead lucky as well.. such a shame we cant have one big baby shower or one big birthday party for our lo's next jan 2010 hehe.

i'm really nervous about tomorrow hope my lo is growing properly etc... and he/she shows us their bits n bobs lol
i'll be online about 4pm uk time, and i'll be on 1st thing in the morning to check in on biscuit
oooo its so exciting.

hows the doula coming on Jaylene? does she goto scans with you as well?
i have just taken 4 tests and 3 of them say girl. lol.
Oh girls I'm so exctied about tomorrow - I hope everythig goes well for all of you and that all the babies are good and show off their bits nicely!

Hope the house viewing went well Biscuit?

Jaylene your message was so lovely and I think says what a lot of us feel. I've never used chat rooms before and when I first saw BnB was a bit dubious about going on, but you ladies are such an important part of my life and it's so wondeful having you all here to talk to in ways you can't always with family and friends at home. Love you all :hugs::hugs::hugs:
i have just taken 4 tests and 3 of them say girl. lol.

what tests are they i want to try now lol

Me too! Once I can see the screen properly again through all these tears :cry:

I've been swimming so I'm really tired so hoping I won't be kept awake worrying. Good luck tomorrow everyone - hope your scans all go really, really well and you get gorgeous scan photos :hugs: xxx

Awww you're all so lovely, it is great to have you all :hugs:

Helen that cardigan looks really warm for winter, it'll be lovely for a girl

Have you seen March 09 are competing with our stars by the way :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
i have just taken 4 tests and 3 of them say girl. lol.

what tests are they i want to try now lol


that is where i went....oh

and here....


:cry: so close but so far away......need rest......:dohh:

what time is your appointment again helen? When we all wake up tomorrow we will know the outcome of biscuits scan!! :happydance:
oooo off to try thosde predict sites,
mines 3pm 40 mins after elm....
i am sooooo excited, nervous, all in one lol
chinese gender says girl the other questionaire said 73% boy lol
confused bout the other as my lmp was april so is this when i concieved or is 14 days when your meant to ovulate would be may i think, if april a boy may a girl lol
roll on tomorrow when i can stop guessing lol

Hey lovelies x Jaylene i feel the same as you - you are all fab and i cannot wait to share all our news as our babies develop into amazing children xx :cry:

Almost Thursday!!!!! So excited for you all :happydance: :happydance:
The Chinese thing confused me because I don't know what time thing to put in so I've abandoned that one.

The Old Wives thing gave me 60% girl 40% boy.

And I haven't got a needle (scissors didn't work!!!)


eta. the obfocus thing says I'm having a girl too.

etaa. just did this and it took ages


at the end it said

"we would predict, if you become pregnant within the next 4 - 5 weeks, you would be 20% likely to conceive a girl and 80% likely to conceive a boy." :dohh: !!!

You have a 43% chance of having a boy.
And you have a 56% chance of having a girl.
Good morning everybody. I am just about to head off for my scan. The house we saw was no good. A bit dark and dirty and had the most awful wall paper everywhere and the bathroom was horrid. Made us realise that the place we are in is not so bad really. Going to look at another place on Friday but I have a feeling we may just end up staying where we are for another year.

Jaylene - you are absolutely right. It is so nice to have all of you to chat to. Especially as my mother and sisters are in Scotland and none of my friends have had babies yet. Jumping on the computer to check in on everyone is the first thing I do each morning over breakfast.

Anway, I'll be back with my news shortly. Maybe after a wee shopping trip.

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