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:hugs: oh helen, that sounds horrible - hope you're feeling really better soon. I hope your blood tests don't take too long to come back. Is your blood pressure ok?

Congratulations again BabyD xxx :pink: :pink: :pink: How lovely that you're going to have a little girl.

Glad your scan went well too LuluBee - except for the cervix scan - at least you're in a position where you're well informed about what should happen and they'll have a lot of difficult questions to answer if they don't tell you what you're expecting them to. Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow.

Totally Mommy - understand what you mean about the expense of weddings. Think me an DP are going to run away to get married and combine it with a holiday to reduce the cost. We were going to do it before Chicken's born but we've reached an agreement about double barrelled surnames which means I don't mind leaving it for ages. (Didn't want Chicken to not have my surname but he's going to have both our surnames then when we get married we'll both have that same surname too!).

It's Laura's scan next then it's us 11th people! Helen, biscuit and Jaylene - how are you feeling about the gender of your LO? I originally quite liked the idea of having a girl which is why Chicken gets called 'he' to get me used to the idea of having a boy to stop me being disappointed (if that makes sense) but now I'm sort of wanting him to be a boy but then I think about it and want a girl again. I just don't want to feel disappointed about the gender whatever it is as I'd feel so guilty about it! I'm sure by the scan day I'm going to be more worried if everything is alright and really won't mind the gender as long as he's ok.

Good Luck for tomorrow LuluBee :hugs: x

:hug: xxx
ELM my scan is same as helens 11th spet if you wanted to add that in there. ohhhh cant wait, ps its a girly xxx
Helen! Z was up before the sun even rose! He made himself breakfast, got dressed, brushed his teeth and combed his hair before I even got out of bed. He was so excited! How was Rosie's first day?

Congrats on your little miss BabyD!!!!!!
Hi Everyone,

Hope you're feeling better today Helen? And Jaylene, I get really bad acid heartburn I've found Gaviscon helps a bit (but not always) and lots of mints.

I've just come back from my hospital appointment and am pleased to say they are starting to take things a bit more seriously now and have booked me in for a scan in two weeks time so that they can monitor what's happening with the cervix. She said if it's shorter then we will look at having progesterone treatment and cervical sutures - but I'm worried about those because there's a risk of miscarriage with the operation - I guess they'll only be doing them if the risk of losing Pip is greater if we leave things as they are. Just want to get to 24 weeks and then any extra time after that will be a blessing for my little Pip.

Thanks for all your support I don't know what I'd do without you ladies :hugs:

feel better today thanks lulu had today off thoughn just to be on the safe side docs hadnt got my results back yet but i imagine its low iron.

beltane: rosie give me the big low down of all her friends when she came in was wondering when she was going to come up for air lol, she's gone up 2 grades in her class sets as well so think its given her a confidence boost

5 of us getting our scans on the same day how fab....

i had the weirdest dream last nite dreamt i was sat on our sofa turned around and i'd given birth to a baby boy (no pain it was great) so we decided to go show him to my old workmates where i worked and buy him a harley davidson, when we got there my boss asked me his name and i said bethany rose lol and from then on i'd had a girl, then my old boss kept hiding the car seat and i couldnt find it.... then i woke up,
i dont know anything about dreams but it was pretty weird
anybody else had any weird dreams.

also cos i've been resting alot the past few days baby has been kicking loads and loads this morning i had the laptop lay on my tummy with my knee up to support it and the baby was kicking the laptop i thought surely not this soon can i feel it from the out side so i put my hand there and it kicked my hand 3 times lol it def was kicks as well bought back memories of rosie lol you bet though when i get craig to put his hand there it won't perform lol i just want to lie down for the next 20 weeks just so i don't miss another kick lol
Hey ladies!

:happydance: Happy to hear that the doctors are finally taking you seriously Lulu! Keep us posted on everything. You are (as always) in my thoughts and prayers to keep both you and Pip safe and sound. Lots of comfy dust for him to stay inside as long as possible :dust: Thanks for the tip about acid reflux.....man it kills.

Helen - I KNOW!!! How exciting is it that we all have our scans on the same day? Big day for us. You will all know before me though, as you are something like 7 hours ahead of me. :( It will be ike 845 in England before you know my results....hehe. As for dreams, I had a really weird dream that I got into a car accident last night, it sort of shook me up big time. Other than thats nothing as crazy as yours. lol.

How is everyone else doing?
Lots of love,

Totally Mommy - understand what you mean about the expense of weddings. Think me an DP are going to run away to get married and combine it with a holiday to reduce the cost. We were going to do it before Chicken's born but we've reached an agreement about double barrelled surnames which means I don't mind leaving it for ages. (Didn't want Chicken to not have my surname but he's going to have both our surnames then when we get married we'll both have that same surname too!).

Our son has my OH's last name and this baby will have his name as well and hopefully I will at one point as well. *LOL* I just want a huge wedding even though I know not to many people would show up so a smaller one would be better for us but I don't know what we're going to do. My dad wants to walk me down the isle but it's not what I want. I like to see myself as my own person and I've always been that way and I don't like to see myself as property of my father's that he can just give away to someone. I chose who I wanted to be with and he had no choice in the matter. Ok now I'm just ranting. *LOL* I'll stop now :D
Why am I still getting morning sickness??????? :hissy:I've just had to abandon my trip to work as I've thrown up all down the front of my work clothes:sick:
yep me too had it paticular bad this morning thank god it was just bile lol illuminous yellow as well. i'm getting used to it, i've gone 4 days on atrot without it since i was 14 weeks.
gross innit

Why am I still getting morning sickness??????? :hissy:I've just had to abandon my trip to work as I've thrown up all down the front of my work clothes:sick:
Oh poor you - at least I had a couple of weeks off before it hit again. I've been getting used to it but today it was just horrid! And I had to walk home covered in sick :hissy: god knows what the people who saw me must have thought
Yay, only one more week until our scans on the 11th. Mine is at 8:45 in the morning and we are 9 hours ahead of the UK over here (in Australia) so it looks like I'm up first. May post my results before you lot even get out of bed!

We must be looking pretty even for boys and girls in the January group?

Tried to get OH interested in talking about baby names tonight but he kept getting distracted by the TV! I think he'll be more into it after the scan and we know what flavour we're expecting.

Had the craziest, hormone madness day on Monday after my appointment was cancelled at the last minute. I was crying like a crazy person most of the day, about anything and everything. OH asked me if I'd like a hot cup of Horlicks at one point and I just broke down because I couldn't figure out the answer. Was exhausted on Tuesday because of all this but have perked up again now. In fact have been really horny today. Being pregnant is so weird!
hey ladies!!!!

7 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yipee: :wohoo:

Lulu & Helen - I hope you girl feel better soon. I have not been dealing with morning sickness but I am definitely back on the exhaustion train. :( :hugs:

Biscuit - I think I have those crazy hormone days every second day :rofl: and I know OH is wishing I could just have a glass of wine to calm down. lol. But then....I am back up again the next and people think I defintiely have been drinking :laugh2: oh well....such is prego life!

I have still been getting some mad acid reflux but tums are my saving grace, they work instantaneously! YAY!

Have a good/better day!
love ya!!
Oh you poor people getting morning sickness still :hugs: xxx

I'm having acid reflux too. Haven't taken anything for it yet but will do if it keeps on as it can't be good for you. Chocolate is supposed to be alkaline so might give that a go :)
Other than that it's hormones, swollen ankles and tiredness for me. Nothing really bad which is good.

ONE WEEK TO GO!! :happydance: And I'm at the half way point tomorrow too (can't work that out as it's 20 weeks which means it's 5 months so if it's half way then pregnancy lasts 10 months?? hmmmmm... not even going to try to work that one out!!!).

My scan is at 2.20 pm so yours is way before mine biscuit. I'll be able to check how yours went when I wake up.

:hugs: everyone xxx
my appt is 3pm can't believe this time next week we'll know if we have sons or daughters on the way omg.....
:bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny: Yay! It's all so exciting I can't wait to find out - I'm going to jinx myself now, but I've guessed right with everyone so far! Can't wait to find out what you're all having :happydance::happydance:
lulu what did you say for me?
i thought of two names what do you think.
Lydia rose or Georgia rose. can't think of a boys can only think of Christopher.
just looked you said boy, craig would like a boy, rosie wants a girl cos she's anti boys at the moment. but with 14 yrs gap i hope she bond whatever it is as they get older and the gap isnt too big, i'll one going to uni and one in preschool lol
Did I say boy? Oh now I don't know looking at your picture I'm thinking you'll have a girl - but maybe that's because of the pink in those pretty dresses? And I'm having a boy and we've both got pretty horrid ms?

I love the name Rose for a middle name, if we were having a girl it would have been Isabelle Rose. My Mum's name's Lydia so I'm going to go with that, it's nice and unusual and becoming quite popular again now (if that make's sense??) I'm sure your two will bond, there'll be enough of an age difference for them to appreciate eachother rather than fight over things :hugs:

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