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Due towards end of January 2009

Oooh beautiful names helen, i'd vote for lydia rose xx
had another dream of having a baby boy last nite hmmmm i wonder what these dreams mean. probably cos i have no idea what i'm having and am doing my own head in guessing... 6 days to go lol

craig says i shouldnt use rose because of rosie but i can't think of another name to go lol

i think we should make 1 big gender poll thread but i'm not clever enough to do one lol

Hey ladies!!

Well only 6 days until we all know what we are having. :happydance: It is so exciting!!!!

My appointment is at 1:45 my time, so for;

Helen, Elm, Lulu, & Tasha - 8:45 PM your time
Beltane & Totally Mommy - 3:45 PM your time
Biscuit - I think :rofl: 5:45 AM on Friday Morning (Is this right?)

So sadly, it will be a long day of waiting for my results, but I will try to get on as soon as I can. :) Did you all like the time difference calculations? I hurt my head but it worked out....except for maybe Biscuit...lol....

Hope you all feel better soon and have a lovely weekend.
Love you to pieces!

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Lydia Rose is a beautiful name, I really, really like Georgia Rose too. Think Georgia is my favourite of the two, I think Georgia is nicer than Lydia on it's own and you wouldn't be saying 'Lydia Rose' all the time so going for Georgia.

One of my names gives Chicken the initials 'EWES'... that's not too bad is it? We could call him 'sheepy' or something.

Jaylene - what happened with your choosing Dylan / Dylana (sp?) your brain is so impressive, mine hurt just reading that!!!!

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

(I'm TWENTY WEEKS today by the way :rofl:) xxx
i'll take your word for the times jaylene lol, i'm all on keeping track of the time here not alone over the big pond lol....
Hi ladies. I'm due 19th of January and I'd like to thank those of you who have directed me here, thanks for the invite. I had my scan last week and found out I'm on team blue!!!
It's getting closer - will be staying up extra late to get your results Jaylene!
Welcome to the blue team Michelle100, nice to see you on here :hugs:

I'm just posting to let you all know that I'm off for a long weekend away with Matt, we get back on Tuesday. Hopefulyl the weather improves - we got stranded in flood yesterday and had to call the rac out :dohh: My morning sickness is getting worse, I'm too scared to eat anything this morning :hissy:

Anyway, hope you all have a lovely weekend and speak to you on Tuesday xxxxxxxxxx
have a good wknd hope the rain hold off for you lulubee.
hiya michelle welcome.
we're off to friends tonight for curry,
i've been baby shopping today, just stocking up on nappies and bottles and another steriliser as it was on offer, asda have great bargains at the moment by the way.
hope everyone has a good wknd.
Hi ladies. I'm due 19th of January and I'd like to thank those of you who have directed me here, thanks for the invite. I had my scan last week and found out I'm on team blue!!!

Welcome to being due on the 19th and team blue. *LOL* I'm also due the 19th with team blue

So Jaylene are you going to even out the blues and pinks for the 19th??? :D
Team Scores so far....

5 - Blue
3 - Pink
1 - Yellow
4 - yet to find out
and 2 who may be yet to find out or yellow!!!

I think Jaylene will be on team pink. And I think it'll just be me who joins team blue on Thursday.

Hope you have a lovely holiday LuluBee. I'm very jealous!! We're hoping to get away for the weekend at some point this year - just don't know when yet. It WILL happen!

Michelle100 - Welcome!!! :hugs: how's your pregnancy gone so far?

Went to Asda to get my Bounty bag (& tea) Helen. Saw all the baby stuff, they seem to have much nicer girl stuff than boys stuff. Managed to resist buying anything with Thursday being so close (did get a pair of Baby Gap sandals - £1.25, 2 t shirts - £1 each and a baby grow - £1 earlier though). Have you ever been to New Life in Cannock Helen? Don't think it's all that far away from you is it?

:hugs: xxxx
Sorry to hear you are still feeling so sicl Lulu bee, hopefully your holiday will take your mind off of it a little xx

Getting really excited for you all - Thursday isn't longaway atall! I reckon Jaylene will join team pink and elm will join blue.....

Love to you all xx

PS, Welcome mechelle 100 xx
i'm not too far from cannock i don't think, i've been to the carboot there,
been with family tonight they've all had a bet that i'm on team blue but i really have no idea, i won't be shocked either way, i cant remember what i said before but i think elm will be blue, jaylene pink, as well.
I think you're pink Helen! Everyone seems to be going for pink for Jaylene and blue for me (including me!), I think biscuit's going to be pink too.

I posted this a while ago Helen just in case anyone was in the area -


Sometimes you can get really good stuff from there other times there's hardly anything you want to buy there, definitely worth popping in if you're not too far away though.

:hugs: x
Hi Ladies.

Getting very excited about Thursday. I think Helen will be Pink, Elm Blue, Jaylene Pink and I am not going to make a prediction for myself.

Just to Clarify the time differences; In London Right now it is about 9am Sunday Morning, in Canada (Ottowa) it is about 4am Sunday Morning and in Australia it is 6pm Sunday Evening. So I guess we will be having our scans in this order - Biscuit, Jaylene, Helen + Elm. Can't wait for the results to start rolling in.
One more thing. How much movement have you guys been feeling? I know I have felt definite movements most days for a while now but they are not very strong and certainly not strong enough to wake me up at night like my ticker suggests. Should they be stronger by now? What are the rest of you feeling?
i don't get woke up with any movements either biscuit, and only really feel kicks when i lie on my back, maybe the odd one whe i sit down,
how many of us have done the nub thread thing?
they told me its obvious boy by my scan, but its all guesses at the end of the day, fun guessing though, i'm always mostly wrong though lol....

elm that shop looks great,i had some great bargains from charity shop, and when i had rosie, this is embarrasing i found rosies highchair in a skip lol, its was beautiful and big, she sat in it till she was over 2 yrs old lol... i love anything charity shop, i love recycling and very proud that my houshold rubbish for a week is less than a bin bag, and i grow as much food as i can, although my tomatoes havent ripened this year very well hmmmm.... i just cant wait to get out in the garden next summer when i'm not at work, put baby in the pram and get stuck into my garden, my mum is the most brilliant knitter as well she's retired now so she sells all on ebay, in between knitting for romania and prem baby unit down her road and all the charity events for the chuch knitting club, if anyone wants to see her work she's pauljenny33 on ebay... i don't need and booties, mitts, hat, bonnets (if girl) all in ones, jumpers, cardys lol, i'm so lucky... and i'm crocheting my blankets as well cos its the only thing i'm good at..
I have been feeling movemnt more often - sometimes when i/m sitting now, but not waking me up yet xx
Hi ladies,

WOW! Lots or all of you seem to think I am having a girl. :cry: I would be honored to have a little girl but also more so shocked! I had a dream last night that I found out I was having a boy, so maybe that is a sign or maybe the exact opposite will happen! Either way I am going to be happy, but as most of you know I would like to have a girl, but again would not be upset if it were a little prince. Momma's boy!! :rofl:

Welcome Michelle!!! We have th exact same due date!! :happydance:

I have been having some off and on moveent. I think I may have a lazy baby, which is nothing to complain about :rofl:, either that our a very nocturnal baby that moves when I cannot feel him/her. On Friday I hardly got any moement and was a little freaked out....for no reason :dohh:, went home and listened on my doppler and sure enough there was their little heartbeat!

I work today :( and helped with moving a friend into her new home yesterday, so all in all it has been a rather crappy weekend for relaxing.

Hope you have a good trip and are feeling less MS by tomorrow Lulu.

Love you all!
i keep dreaming about boys as well jaylene we'll ee if its a sign in 4days 4444444daaaayyyyyssssss lol
i beeen dead god today, i've made choc chip cookies, which craig ate the lot in half hour grrrrr i had two lol, i made date and walnut loaf x2 and i have chocolate fudge cake in now my speciality, as well as my roast beef and homemade yorkshire puddings which i don't know why but end up massive, i love having chef's for parents lol
hope everyones having a great sunday.

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